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A few of mine:

1. Target the hitscanners in an area before projectile enemies.
2. Use the BFG at point blank range (touching them) for maximum damage, alternatively face an area full of low-tier enemies and fire near the closest wall with the monsters in sight so you nuke them all.
3. Spam rockets at Archviles for the fastest kills (takes four).
4. Abuse using a door to block projectiles / hold enemies back while sneaking in shotgun blasts as it's halfway open.
5. Use Pinky demons as meat shields, and redirect them to your enemies, and/or especially if they're in high up places they can't reach so it disables the monster from being a threat in an area.
6. Berserk and/or chainsaw whenever you can against Pinky demons unless you know there's lots of ammo, it'll save you several shells and countless bullets for later.

On 10/6/2019 at 3:44 PM, Z0k said:

>>> Things obstacles as those marble pillars with skulls, floor lamps, solid corpses (the ones you cant get trough) or trees are the bane of monsters that use projectile attacks, the only monster that jump this rule is the cyberdemon due the rocket splash. Dont use this tactic agaisnt hitscanner monsters (pistol zombies, shotgunners, chaingunners) neither with archviles.


you cant believe how many times i cheesed monsters such as arachnotrons, hell knights etc by just stading behind a tree and  SSG shooting trough it. its even better when they are near.

That's a ZDoom-ism. Though amusingly I've recently discovered that SNES Doom has solid decorations!

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I don't know if i'm going bonkers, but apparently hiding behind a wall moments before a Pain Elemental spits a Lost Soul, makes it not come out at all. Doesn't seem to work at all in ZDoom though, so do this only in stuff that's not a ZDoom derivative or K8Vavoom. Alternatively, if you have the chance, hug the Pain Elemental and it won't do anything.


When chainsawing a Pinky, it's usually smart to backpedal while doing so, to avoid getting harmed. Make sure you do this if you are using the -fast parameter, because they will get the bite on you most of the time if you don't!


Revenants can be tricked by running into melee range and backing out before he hits you. Repeat as many times as needed.


Strafing in circles (Not circle strafing) is helpful when facing a crowd of Pinkies that have you surrounded, it's not a perfect strat but a lot of the time it will save you some health. Using the SSG for these situations will be helpful too, or the Plasma Rifle if that's available.


EDIT: I forgot this one! Never, NEVER, NEVER grab an invisibility sphere unless you are in a room chock full of hitscanners, because it's not going to be fun running straight into your enemies' projectiles.

Edited by -TDRR-

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On 10/4/2019 at 10:27 AM, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Green armours fill only to 100% and provides only 33% damage reduction whereas that mega armour still retains its 50% damage reduction.

Woah really? I just assumed a mega armor switched to 33% protection when it got below 100%. Well you learn something new every day

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So, since the thread was split, I'm just gonna repost this here.


If you want to succeed in some of the harder maps this community has produced, learning how to fully utilise both the BFG and Rocket Launcher are essential. I know that the BFG has legendary status even among casual Doom players, but most people don't know how the BFG actually works, meaning they don't get the maximum potential out of the weapon. A really good map to practice BFG is Map28 of Speed of Doom. It's also a very good skill to have being able to reliably 2-shot Cyberdemons with the BFG.


Many players will also tell you that the rocket launcher is a bad option in close quarters and against lost souls / pain elementals. But with some practice, the rocket launcher can become a valuable asset in tight spaces as well as open spaces, as long as you're careful. Of course, in close spaces the plasma gun is usually a preferable option, but you won't always have the luxury of carrying one around.


Many modern map makers will also ensure that you never enter a "trap" unprepared, there will usually be some resources just before the ambush. Make sure you have the right gun ready before triggering the ambush. You just got 200 cells and there's a suspicious looking switch? Whip out the plasma gun before flipping it. In general, I would recommend having the plasma gun ready for telegraphed ambushes (unless it's obvious you'll need something else, like BFG or rocket launcher), because it has high, consistent damage output. You don't want to be cornered while reloading your super shotgun and realising you need a bigger gun to deal with the onslaught. Switching weapons in doom is slow!

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On 10/7/2019 at 1:26 AM, TheNoob_Gamer said:

That is a bad advice and shells aren't always abundant.


  Hide contents

I know this is sarcasm, but whatever.



I still find it the most common and easiest strategy on most official commercial original vanila doom games, the shells are practically impossible to ever run out. That is not count mods that are, of course, depend on each one.

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If you are in a chaotic situation, assume that your location leaves a trail where 'lasers' are pointing, for example:


If you are in a room, where you face "impossible amount of projectiles to dodge" coming at you, try to move as slow as possible. It will leave your left or right side safe, as long as there is no wall blocking you. While doing this, try to eye a good opening when to switch to the other side of the projectile spam. If you survive crossing this 'laser beam', you are once again safe as long as you move to one direction with very slow movement. Very slow movement means that you just barely dodge the projectiles coming at you, as they can only chip tiny amount of your safe zone this way.


However if you have a LOT of room, you can actually swipe with the 'laser' very fast, thus making the side to side change very easy as the laser is extremely discontinuous.

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Arachnotrons are a perfect example for this. If you've only got limited space to maneuver, say in a narrow-ish corridor for example, you don't want to use it all up right away by running from one side to the other. Instead, slowly inching from one side to the other allows you to stay out of harms way without having to "cross the stream".

Learning how to switch directions to effectively cross in bullet hell-like scenarios is useful too, though.

Edited by Archvile Hunter

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Since my post was sent to the derailed thread I'll just copy it here again minus a small part.


You will not get better just by reading advice, the game needs lots of practice after all.


What monsters to focus first depends on the fight but at least for cramped fights I suggest focusing low hp monsters first just to make space, having space is a higher priority than anything else, but this always depends on the fight, barons are usually the lowest priority as you should never be hit by them in most situations.


A good skill to have is to be able to run at the same speed of rev rockets by tapping the keys, I usually see players running wildly in fights when and running into bad situations when you dont need to run faster than rev balls, and if there arent revs in a fight then you barely need to move.


If there is a homing missile coming from the front and there is a wall behind you, the correct way to make it hit the wall is to move to a side to make the ball turn and then move to the other side to make it hit the wall. This comes from seeing streamerd try to make balls hitting the wall by trying to dodge at the last moment and they either get hit or the ball just does a circle, also if are against groups of mancubus and there arent revs you can move at a very low speed (less than walking speed so dont even touch shift, just tap) and dodge every ball without having to pay attention.


Another important thing to know is monster herding techniques, how about this situation; you are in a hallway and there is a wall of monsters coming, leaving no space to run past, but if you hug one side of the hallway while running backwards this makes the monsters at the opposite side move towards the center, leaving space to run past, this is just one example but knowing how to manipulate the monster movement is useful for almost any challenging map (and going down is nowhere close to challenging)


Know what you have to pay attention to, in a situation when there are cybers infighting you must pay attention to where the cybers are shooting to not run into rockets, you can just autopilot a movement pattern that dodges anything that goes thrown your way so all the attention can be focused on the infighting cybers, same if there are viles, pay attention to not hit viles that are attacking something else.


These tips come mostly from errors I see streamers make and many times rng is blamed for deaths in situations that I described before (specially deaths against infighting cybs)

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What Looper describes is called "bullet herding" in shmups like DoDonPachi.


The idea is to move as little as possible (just tapping sideways relative to the general direction projectiles are coming from), while still moving just enough to still evade. When you're close to running out of room to the side, you take a large step to the side, which will create a gap in the stream of projectiles, that you can slip through unharmed, or at least with minimal damage.


What archvile hunter said is a good example. You can build yourself a practice map with a few trons to get the hang of it.


Actually, building practice maps is good in and of itself. I built myself one out of boredom, it's useful if you wanna practise 2-shots on cyberdemons:

It's an ugly map, but for pratice purposes it will serve just fine.

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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3 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Actually, building practice maps is good in and of itself.

I remember there's a map in TimeofDeath wad or something (totally can't remember the name) where you need to fight like 50 Cyberdemons with 100 cell given to you each time. I actually think that's also a pretty good practice map for Cyberdemons.


An interesting thing is that, practicing and using the strategy in a real run are 2 levels IMO. When you can trust yourself and use these advanced strats in a, let's say, 40 minutes run, you're growing to another level. If you can only do it like 50% of the time, you probably question yourself and go for a safer strategy or something like that.

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1 minute ago, GarrettChan said:

I remember there's a map in TimeofDeath wad or something (totally can't remember the name) where you need to fight like 50 Cyberdemons with 100 cell given to you each time. I actually think that's also a pretty good practice map for Cyberdemons.

Many ToD maps are good to practise against cybers. The practice map I linked earlier puts you in different situations, so I think it's fine to use for smaller workouts. (I think the map I made has like 8 or so cybies, and also a zerk, if you wanna punch a few)


3 minutes ago, GarrettChan said:

An interesting thing is that, practicing and using the strategy in a real run are 2 levels IMO

Heh, tell me about it. The thing is that in a (speed)run where it "matters", there may be nerves involved and therefore fuckups can happen. Getting one's nerves under control is a different kind of exercise, though. I'd say that really comes with time for the most part.

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8 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Actually, building practice maps is good in and of itself. I built myself one out of boredom, it's useful if you wanna practise 2-shots on cyberdemons:

It's an ugly map, but for pratice purposes it will serve just fine.

I liked that one. -fast demo I did earlier in the year -- a good form of practice if you want to get timing down even tighter.

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3 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Heh, tell me about it. The thing is that in a (speed)run where it "matters", there may be nerves involved and therefore fuckups can happen. Getting one's nerves under control is a different kind of exercise, though. I'd say that really comes with time for the most part.

I feel my thoughts are kind of weird in the topic, but I don't want to delete it, so there it is.


I hope you don't mind I use other games as an example and bore the heck out of you, and the thing here is somewhat relevant and somewhat irrelevant at the same time. 


Well, to be honest, it's a very complicated problem in speedruns. One thing is how much time lost you can afford in your real life... Real example for me recently is that the last 2 fights of Pokemon Yellow, your opponents can crit you and nothing you can do about it. Those happens 15.8% and 12.7% of the time. If you are ahead of your PB like 1 minutes, do you take your time to save (save is allowed, basically a 7 sec lost, but if you died, you can still get back to where you were) to seize your PB, or you just go all in to get the maximum outcome out of your run? (The run length is 2 hour 5 minutes; BTW, I'm a coward and I took the save ;P)


Then back to Doom, for a several minute map, I think I can afford to do any crazy strategies about it because the potential lost is minor, but if you're talking a map like, for example CChest Map29... that's another story. However, there are so many instances I questioned my own plan because of unexpected situations (eg: taken too much damage from the last part etc.) and I actually screwed up because I want to be conservative. That's why I need to train myself like 99% of the time I can do something and trust myself, which is the second level I was talking about.

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Not really a secret or obscure hints, but they're pretty useful. 

1.The berserk pack damage boost lasts for the whole level, not just until the red screen fades.

2. The chainsaw isn't just a gimmick. It can effectively dispatch pinkys and cacodemons. (It's also pretty effective against mancubus and revenants too, but they may get a hit in.)   

Edited by Scüm-head
Spelling mistakes

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28 minutes ago, Scüm-head said:

2. The chainsaw isn't just a gimmick. It can effectively dispatch pinkys and cacodemons. (It's also pretty effective against mancubus and revenants too, but they may get a hit in.)   

It should be noted that in non-ZDoom based ports and the original game that the hitbox of the Fatso and Arachnotron was different and thus trying to use the chainsaw or Berserking them is very difficult if not impossible.

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2 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

It should be noted that in non-ZDoom based ports and the original game that the hitbox of the Fatso and Arachnotron was different and thus trying to use the chainsaw or Berserking them is very difficult if not impossible.

Very difficult, in case of trons, yes. But definitely possible. It just requires some "meta-game-ish" knowledge to land a hit.

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2 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

It should be noted that in non-ZDoom based ports and the original game that the hitbox of the Fatso and Arachnotron was different and thus trying to use the chainsaw or Berserking them is very difficult if not impossible.


For some reason I feel like the reach of chainsaw is vastly longer in Doom 2 than is it in just Doom 1, I don't know why. I've launched them both in chocolate doom.

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3 hours ago, Ancalagon said:

also if are against groups of mancubus and there arent revs you can move at a very low speed (less than walking speed so dont even touch shift, just tap) and dodge every ball without having to pay attention.

Interesting. Dodging a firing squad of Mancs is something I've always had trouble with. Does it matter which direction you move in? I find it easier to avoid their fireballs while moving to the right if there's a bunch of other stuff happening and I need to move quick.

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@Lila Feuer It's actually left-right-left for a single Manc. The situation I meant was more along the lines of having 10 in a line in front of you and how to avoid the incoming bullet hell.

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7 minutes ago, Spectre01 said:

Interesting. Dodging a firing squad of Mancs is something I've always had trouble with. Does it matter which direction you move in? I find it easier to avoid their fireballs while moving to the right if there's a bunch of other stuff happening and I need to move quick.


Try going into GZDB and setting up a test map that is nothing but you and a row of mancubi. What happens is basically the 'angled' projectiles, which are four out of the six total, aren't actually heading towards you. So if the mancubi are far away (at ~mid-range should do), and regular enough in position, it approximates a straight-line firing squad, which gets you back to slow movement. Considering the angles of the third volley are the 'closest' to intercepting you, you want to move very little so as to not accidentally run into one of those. 


Irregular groups closer up are among the most dangerous projectile-monster configurations, however, assuming they also aren't blocking one another's shots. 

Edited by rdwpa

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10 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

@Spectre01 IIRC the dodge technique is right-left-right.

If you dodge right at first, which isn't ideal but might happen incidentally, the second dodging motion should be either to the right again, or a very small amount to the left (better to think of it as 'return to the middle' than a big leftward motion).

Edited by rdwpa

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1 hour ago, Spectre01 said:

Interesting. Dodging a firing squad of Mancs is something I've always had trouble with. Does it matter which direction you move in? I find it easier to avoid their fireballs while moving to the right if there's a bunch of other stuff happening and I need to move quick.

The direction doesn't matter, but it's more effective against mancs that are at a long distance, which is usually the case for slaughtermaps. Here is a quick demostration video that should cover both directions in a masterpiece of a map I made, this is around the minimum distance you need from the mancs.


Edit: Attached the wad to the post.



Edited by Ancalagon

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@ancalagon I just made a map as well to try this and I just got completely blown to bits. But judging from your video I wasn't moving slow enough. I'll try again

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