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doom 3 may be a one time play but. . .


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If you want multiplayer, go play Q3A - it's all the same anyway.

Oh and there IS a thread pretty much discussing this already, you can find it here.

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I dunno... I like to go through the game again and admire the artwork and pure aestheticness if it's good. :)

And judging by the fact that I'm a HUGE HR Giger fan... and love the 'dark future' of the Aliens movies, I think I'll be playing this game many, many times. :)

Hell, they even have warning labels on the consoles! Now THATS detail. :D

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dsm said:

If you want multiplayer, go play Q3A - it's all the same anyway.

Oh and there IS a thread pretty much discussing this already, you can find it here.

uh, no, i don't want jumping bullcrap like q3a's

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Doom 3 muliplayer should in my opinion be more about sneaking around corners and getting increasingly paranoid.

Oh yeah, and hiding in the beutifully rendered shadows.

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999cop said:
uh, no, i don't want jumping bullcrap like q3a's

Christ you suck sometimes.

Anyway, I challenge someone here to show me at least one id FPS that isn't worth finishing more then once. (not including Q3A as it doesn’t really have a single player).

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Ct_red_pants said:

Christ you suck sometimes.

Anyway, I challenge someone here to show me at least one id FPS that isn't worth finishing more then once. (not including Q3A as it doesn’t really have a single player).

I'd argue Quake.

The graphics were uninspriring, iteractivity was about as basic as you could get, and pumping 20 rounds into an enemy before he keels over wasn't my idea of fun.

Quake 2 was better because of its story-driven gameplay, but the whole "20 shots with a super shotgun" thing comes back in to play. It gets REALLY boring just unloading entire clips into an enemy... especially when they dont do so much as flinch.

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The only thing I didn't like about Quake was the last map and what you had to do to beat it. Still, getting there is fun, even now (although it pales in comparison to multiplayer, especially Team Fortress). As for the 20 shots per enemy problem, that only applies to Shamblers, and there aren't too many of them, even on hard difficulty. With a quad damage, it takes no more than two or three super shotgun shots up close.

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Yeah, well it really IS a matter of opinion... I mean, I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more if I didn't hate medieval themes.

Also, I didn't really see there being much difference between Quake and Doom (I wasn't incredibly technically literate back then), and so it just looked to me like Doom with ugly, brown textures and undetailed enemies.

I was also spoiled a bit by Duke3D's interactivity... damn that game rocked. :)

I fell in love with Quake 1 deathmatch, though... that was the game that got me into it. :)

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quake1 was fun although i dont like medieval themes at all. i played sp just one time (because of its damn theme) - after that i only played q1 mp.
i always wished there were more scfi levels in like those q1 episode starter levels.
i enjoyed sp quake2 much more and its mp (ctf) was brilliant.
but the most time i spent for sp was with doom and doom2. i can remember that we connected to some bbs mailboxes with a 9600 modem and dl lots of doom wads - we always had to be fast so to keep the phone bill low ;)
internet was extra-ordinary at those times...that was fun.

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Ct_red_pants said:

Christ you suck sometimes.

Anyway, I challenge someone here to show me at least one id FPS that isn't worth finishing more then once. (not including Q3A as it doesn’t really have a single player).

What's this about "challenging" people? Some sort of crusade? But oh well, you asked for it: All of them but the DOOMs, is my answer.

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What I meant was that Quake and Quake 2 are full of neat little ester eggs and secrets ect. But I guess I deserve any criticism I get. And If doom is the only id game you like, then chances are you wont like doom 3.

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PlayfulPuppy said:

I'd argue Quake.

The graphics were uninspriring, iteractivity was about as basic as you could get, and pumping 20 rounds into an enemy before he keels over wasn't my idea of fun.

Quake 2 was better because of its story-driven gameplay, but the whole "20 shots with a super shotgun" thing comes back in to play. It gets REALLY boring just unloading entire clips into an enemy... especially when they dont do so much as flinch.

Well, at some of these points you're like me:
I thought Quake 1 had too little interactivity for my tastes - like you, I regarded Quake 1 as a "Doom" game with shittier weapons, crappier graphics (the colour scheme at least), ugly boxy monsters and total shit music. When I played through the shareware, my disappointment was sound, because there seemed to be absolutely nothing new apart from the grenade launcher.

On the other hand I disagree with this:

It gets REALLY boring just unloading entire clips into an enemy... especially when they dont do so much as flinch

Actually some of the enemies in both quakes did a lot more than just FLINCH when you shot them - the grunts in Quake 1 would jerk backward when hit or drop to their knees, same with the processed humans in Q2 and a number other enemies in both games would react in a similar fashion.
I admit though, that in Quake, the monsters strangely enough felt like they were made of rock - maybe its because the weapons were so weak (the shotguns in particular), whereas Q2's enemies seemed "soft" in comparison.

Q2 was cool imho, because it had mission objectives, allowing me to better imagine that I was there in the game and better imagine the story line. And generally, the Q2 environment was LOADS more believable and immersive than anything released by id before it.

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ahhhh quake was so fukkin tite, the medievel style was innovative and dark, what was wrong with the music? you guys dont like dark stuff? and damn the replay value on that game was equivalent to doom and doom2...
quuake was imo the most complete game ID ever made

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doomedout said:

ahhhh quake was so fukkin tite, the medievel style was innovative and dark, what was wrong with the music? you guys dont like dark stuff? and damn the replay value on that game was equivalent to doom and doom2...
quuake was imo the most complete game ID ever made

I don't want to start another music argument - I've stated innumerable times why I don't like Quake's music - it's not because i's dark, it's because it's so incredible monotonious and tedious.

Quake the most complete id game? I must really laugh here, judging by the shitload of features the idders wanted to put in the game, but had to can. Not to mention the story line, which bear marks of id changing their minds about the story during development.

It may be the most complete Quake game, but certainly not THE most complete game. Doom is the One.

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Doom will liely have a more stealthy deathmatch than most iD games. If you want a real next-gen Doom Deathmatch, get Generations Arena.

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