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So Doom 7.0.0 (August 26, 2023) - quadruple resolution, so polished fork of Crispy Doom

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It took me a minute to figure out why you called it "So Doom", but once I got it... that's clever, and funny. :)


Congrats to your new port!

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So Doom 5.6.4 has been released.

So Doom-specific changes:

  • The values of message-producing settings (detail, messages, always run etc.) are now colorized: low (off) values in red, high (on) values in green.
  • Sodom-style S has been added to the main menu background as port signature.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • Automap marker coordinate for flipped levels has been fixed.








Edited by Zodomaniac

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So Doom 5.6.5 has been released.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • The main menu logo has been edited, and its position changed to the left upper corner.
  • Brightness of the SoDOOMy menu logo has been reduced, thanks to @Julia Nechaevskaya for the help with file conversion.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • Switching to the fist after typing a cheat expecting two parameters has been fixed. This affects IDMUSx1 and IDCLEVx1, thanks to @maxmanium for pointing this out.




Edited by Zodomaniac

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Doom 5.6.6 has been released.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • New cheat for getting specific ammo (TAx) and shorter one for getting specific weapon (TWx) have been introduced.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • DOOM.WAD v0.99-v1.2 are now supported along with v1.2 demos, merged from Chocolate Doom, contributed by SmileTheory.
  • Automap panning in flippedlevels mode has been fixed, thanks to JNechaevsky for reporting.
  • Self-repeating states in P_LatestSafeState() are now handled.
  • Max-sized background buffer is now allocated for the bezel. This fixes a crash when the game is started with crispy->hires == 0 and scaledviewwidth != SCREENWIDTH and then crispy->hires is switched to 1.
  • Early exit from the tally screen after ExM8 is now forced, which enables demos to progress to the end of game sequence.
  • TNTWEAP2 now removes the pistol.
Edited by Zodomaniac
Updated the download due to hotfix of disappeared SoDOOMy menu name

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This seems like an interesting fork so far, but I want to point out something regarding support for Doom 0.99-1.2.


Those versions are still a bit experimental, and most importantly, a bit incomplete. I'm not sure about pre-1. 2 but at least in the case of 1.2 itself, it's missing some unique quirks specific to this version, which probably cause desyncs. I've seen @SmileTheory only recently added the 199% max health quirk, but, unless I missed the line, the uncapped armor is still missing (it can go above 200 in those versions). Those 2 quirks are probably enough to cause a desync in vanilla if the player has 200% health and armor in a demo played back in Doom 1.2. Odd that they weren't added back then, since a part of the code for 1.2 was taken from PrBoom which appears to support this version very well, including those 2 quirks, and more. It might be worth checking out if enemies such as Barons and Cacos can commit suicide after a barrel explodes in their face too (barrels must survive one attack for that to be possible however, because they need to remember their attacker).


But, I'm glad you added support for those versions in your fork as support for older versions of Doom are something I'm interested in too, especially pre-1.666/1.2 :) . Support for other console IWADs would also be cool (So Doom being a fork of Crispy, support for Xbox Doom & Doom 2 is probably already a thing though).

Edited by seed

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@seed All the changes regarding pre-1.2 support have been pulled to So Doom and Crispy from Chocolate Doom, so I recommend to post your concerns on them in Choco issue tracker.

Edited by Zodomaniac

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On 10/29/2019 at 10:30 PM, seed said:

So Doom being a fork of Crispy, support for Xbox Doom & Doom 2 is probably already a thing though

That's true, they are supported.

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48 minutes ago, Zodomaniac said:

@seed All the changes regarding pre-1.2 support have been pulled to So Doom and Crispy from Chocolate Doom


Precisely why I brought this up, I guess you missed my point.


I was just saying that it isn't quite complete. Yet. So certain aspects might not work, but it's work-in-progress so they'll be added soon enough.

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On 10/31/2019 at 8:53 PM, Zodomaniac said:

Hopefully :) @SmileTheory, welcome to the discussion :)


I'm only now noticing this.


He probably won't show up on DW again anytime soon :( , "Last Online: October 19th".


E: If he does, however, I'm pointing him to this article.

E2: Apparently @drfrag brought this up into the discussion on github. It was already there, but its implementation differs from that of the 199% max health and I completely missed the lines. Oops.

Edited by seed

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15 minutes ago, Zodomaniac said:

@seed could you point me to it, please?


Just scroll down here.


So, it was already there apparently, as I said in the edit above. @SmileTheory linked to the code responsible for it as well.

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So Doom 5.6.7 has been released on Nov 4, 2019.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • INTERCEPTS overflow option has been implemented in drfrag666's way for better performance.
  • TNTWEAPx (TWx) cheats now display the hint.
  • Changed the hint displayed on typing the TAx cheat.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom

  • Disallowing the vertical mouse movement now disables controlling the menus with the mouse, thanks to bryc for requesting this.
  • TNTWEAP0 now removes the berserk strength, all weapons and ammo except for pistol and 50 bullets.
  • Status bar face expression staying across level changes has been removed, thanks to JNechaevsky for pointing this out.



Edited by Zodomaniac
The link didn't highlight

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Doom 5.6.8 has been released on Nov 13, 2019.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • 'So Doomy HUD' with the status bar face above the ammo widget and translucent background for netgames has been introduced. Thanks a lot to @fabian for all the hints!
  • Main menu port logo has been brought to the front of 'M_DOOM' picture, to avoid shading of the former when the latter is large like in Memento Mori.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • IDCLEV is now allowed during demo playback and warps to the requested map (starting a new demo).
  • The revenant sync bug (with homing or non-homing missiles) with New Game demos has hopefully been fixed.
  • If a new game is started (current level is reloaded/next level is loaded on pressing the respective key) during demo recording, a new demo is started. Thanks to @Looper for the feature request.
  • No statdump output is generated now for ExM8, and updating the Archvile fire's floorz and ceilingz values has been reverted, which fixes demo desyncs that @fraggle discovered. Thanks for that!
  • 'Intermediate Crispy HUD' without the status bar but with the face and its background in place has been introduced. Thanks to @UndeadRyker for the request!
  • Fuzz effect animation remaining static in one case has been fixed, this happened if the number of pixels to apply the fuzz effect to was an integer multiple of FUZZTABLE. Thanks to @Julia Nechaevskaya for the suggestion!






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  • 3 weeks later...

So Doom 5.6.9 has been released on Nov 30, 2019.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • 50% weapon bobbing option removed from Crispy Doom has been brought back.
  • 'Horizontal' weapon attack alignment option removed from Crispy Doom has been brought back.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • Shadowed menu and text drawing has been removed, as it is bugged in wipe screens.
  • The par time for MAP33 is now determined correctly (inherited from Chocolate Doom).
  • Subsequent calls to A_BrainAwake() to reset the braintargeton variable are now allowed. This fixes demo sync for maps with more than one brain, e.g. PL2.
  • OSX: Freedoom single player IWADs have been added to launcher (inherited from Chocolate Doom).
  • The smooth chainsaw idle animation has been brought back.
  • Player viewheight in NOMOMENTUM mode has been fixed on Zodomaniac's report.
  • Weapon bobbing has been reworked and made adjustable.


Edited by Zodomaniac
Fixed download link

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  • 2 months later...

So Doom 5.6.10 has been released on February 06, 2020 to bring the fixes that came with Crispy Doom 5.6.4 release and features implemented after it.




So Doom-specific changes:


  • 'Pixel Aspect Ratio' Rendering menu item has been introduced.
  • 'Thing interpolation' (i.e. interpolation of monster animations for uncapped framerate) can be disabled now in Visual menu. This feature was requested by PolarDawn.
  • (Regression) To tackle the issues with widescreen rendering, the logo in SoDOOMy menu background is now drawn as a 320x200 patch.


Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:


  • Widescreen rendering has been implemented.
  • Time in demo timer widget is printed in centiseconds instead of tics. Thanks to Looper and ZeroMaster010 for the suggestion.
  • Loading 16 bit RIFF wavs in .wads has been enabled, contributed by SmileTheory.
  • -lumpdump command line parameter has been added that dumps raw content of a lump into a file.
  • Toggling full screen using Enter on num. keyboard is now possible (inherited from Chocolate Doom).
  • leveltime is now shown in the demo timer widget during recording instead of the accumulated demo time, thanks to Looper from Doomworld forums for the input.
  • Windows binaries being 32-bit has been clarified, thanks to RetroDoomKid for the remark.
  • Demo timer widget is now reset when restarting a demo during recording.
  • gamemap is now set to startmap when restarting a demo during recording.
  • Blood splats and projectile puffs are now drawn as small squares in the Automap.
  • Missing prototype for calloc in r_data.c causing memory corruption on 64bit in Windows/MSVC builds has been fixed, thanks to zx64 for spotting this.
  • Crash when the flag for the berserk pack sprite patch memory zone is changed has been fixed, thanks to IsBebs for the bug report and Zodomaniac, JNechaevsky and turol for helping with the analysis.
  • Zombie player crash on SELFDEAD has been fixed, thanks to tpoppins for the report and turol for the analysis.
  • "doomstat.h" is now included instead of <doomstat.h> in doom/r_swirl.c, fixing compilation with MSVC2017, and packed attribute for structs when compiling with MSVC has been fixed. Thanks to drfrag666 for reporting and confirming the fix.
  • Level/demo restart key description has been adjusted to become self-explanatory.
  • Static demo file name suffix counter has been added. This avoids checks for an increasing number of file names being available by just remembering the latest given suffix number. Thanks to Looper for the suggestion.
  • Demos are now restarted from the map they were started, thanks to Looper for the input.

The soundfont is not bundled with the port anymore to make release process more convenient, and nobody cares anyway.





Edited by Zodomaniac
Added missing entries and credits to the changelog

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So Doom 5.6.11 has been released on February 13, 2020 to include the HUD fixes for widescreen rendering and fulfil some community requests.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • Thing (monster, fireball etc.) interpolation is now disabled by setting 'Camera movement' option for Uncapped framerate (i.e. so that interpolation applies to camera movement only) as JNechaevsky requested.
  • Screen Size slider in the Options menu has been adjusted for So Doomy HUD.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • Horizontal position of Crispy HUD widgets has been fixed, thanks to ice44 for the bug report.
  • IDDT cheat is now reset when re-starting map during demo recording, thanks to Looper for the suggestion.




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  • 2 weeks later...

So Doom 5.7 has been released on February 26, 2020 to accompany Crispy Doom 5.7 and include some fixes for widescreen rendering that followed it.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • The ugly 'So Noob' adaptation for widescreen monitors that did not support aspect ratios wider than 16:9 has been replaced with the proper one, supporting aspect ratios up to 24:9.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • Widescreen resizing of the framebuffer is not performed anymore in case of disabled aspect ratio correction, as Zodomaniac proved it made no sense.
  • The obtrusive MAP/WAD automap text widget is not drawn anymore in widescreen mode, thanks to plumsinus.
  • Horizontal coordinates of automap markers in widescreen mode have been fixed, thanks unerxai from Doomworld forums.
  • Fix for GUS emulation in presence of midiproc.exe has been pulled from Chocolate Doom, whereto it was contributed by JNechaevsky.



Edited by Zodomaniac

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Doom 5.7.1 has been released on March 05, 2020 to feature post-Crispy 5.7.1 bug fixes and Compact HUD, as well as resolve So Doom-specific issues.




So Doom-specific changes:


  • Widescreen setting is now restored after cycling aspect ratio correction through 'none' due to the change in Crispy code.
  • SoDOOMy menu item has been introduced for coloring revealed secrets in automap, inspired by the discussion with oprypin.


Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:


  • Wrong alignment of HUD widgets when launching map from command line on Windows has been fixed, spotted by Zodomaniac.
  • `crispy-doom` is now explicitly written to extended savegame header instead of `PACKAGE_TARNAME` to preserve savegame header compatibility across forks that might have different package names.
  • 'Oof' sounds have been removed from Crispness menu as pistol firing sound played upon any (including futile) attempt to manipulate the Crispness menu item is much louder and oofs can barely be heard.
  • "Wide" and "Compact" HUDs are now available for widescreen mode, where "wide" and "compact" refer to the alignment of status bar and HUD widgets.
  • Respective Crispness menu item has been renamed to "Report Revealed Secrets". This should improve the discoverability of this feature, thanks to oprypin for the discussion. 
  • Screen resolution is now not changed during a wipe as it was causing crashes reported and investigated by Zodomaniac and JNechaevsky.


color secrets.png


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So Doom 5.7.2 has been released on March 07, 2020 to feature the additional Cockpit HUD as Compact HUD had been modified in Crispy and fix a bug in Uncapped Framerate setting.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • Fixed uncapped framerate options broken after recent Crispy merge.
  • The previous centered implementation of Compact HUD has been brought back under the name Cockpit HUD.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • Compact HUD was reworked in Crispy to align widgets to screen edges.




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So Doom 5.7.3 has been released on March 13, 2020 to bring new cheat codes and pull bug fixes from Chocolate and Crispy Doom, and re-released on March 14, 2020 to fulfil an improvement request.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • Visual menu item for displaying So Doom logo in the main menu and Options menu has been implemented, requested by YeOldeFellerNoob from Doomworld forums.
  • Minor wording unification for SoDoomy menu item: Color->Colorize revealed secrets (in the automap), same as Colorize HUD elements.
  • Options menu is now also adorned with So Doom logo.
  • New cheat codes: TP (toggle powerup) = IDBEHOLD, HP for health powerup (HPS for maximum health in all IWADs and HPM for maximum health and armor in Doom II IWADs), SFPS = SHOWFPS and SNAIL = NOMOMENTUM have been introduced, powerup ones also play the respective sound when completely entered.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • Fix for segmentation fault when running on rgb565 screen has been pulled from Chocolate Doom, contributed by Wells Lu.
  • Previous colorization of "percent" status bar widgets is now remembered. This applies to the health and armor widgets and forces them to update not only if their value changes, but also if their colorization changes, e.g. when entering the IDDQD cheat. Thanks to unerxai for the attention to the details!





Edited by Zodomaniac

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Can there be an option in the future where we can turn off the SO DOOM logo? I like the logo design a lot and it does look cool, but it just ruins the title screen when it pops up.

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4 hours ago, YeOldeFellerNoob said:

Can there be an option in the future where we can turn off the SO DOOM logo? I like the logo design a lot and it does look cool, but it just ruins the title screen when it pops up.

Implemented this and re-released 5.7.3, the download link is the same, enjoy!

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So Doom 5.7.4 has been released on March 18, 2020 to merge Crispy Doom's SPECHITS limit removal and make reporting and colorizing revealed secrets independent.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • 'Report Revealed Secrets' and 'Colorize Revealed Secrets' SoDOOMy menu items are now independent, e.g. one can have revealed secrets colorized in the automap without getting notified of them aloud (see screenshot: secret sector border has just been crossed and it turned green, but there is no message or sound).

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • SPECHITS limit, the last persisting static limit, has been removed.


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