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So Doom 7.0.0 (August 26, 2023) - quadruple resolution, so polished fork of Crispy Doom

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The port doesn't crash anymore even if the limit is vastly exceeded. For smaller amounts of limit exceeding the overflow is still properly emulated. 

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23 minutes ago, Danfun64 said:

What does that mean again? I'm not a coder, after all.

If I get it right it means that if overflow happens, it still triggers map events like end of level, but the limit ever increases when hit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Doom 5.7.5 has been released on April 02, 2020 to merge the newly-introduced widescreen mode status bar and other improvements and bug fixes from Crispy Doom.




Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • Status bar and reduced screen sizes are now available in widescreen mode, requested by sovietmewtwo and TeamSoldierNub2 along with many Doomworld members and debugged with the help from cnrm and Zodomaniac.
  • Once the last screen size has been exceeded you loop over to the empty HUD.
  • When calculating weapon bobbing, the check is now performed for player being not in attacking state instead of checking for A_WeaponReady() because weapon states could have been modified by DeHackEd. This fixes jerky weapon bobbing reported by kitchen-ace for some weapons in mods like Vanilla Smooth Weapons and DOOM 4 Vanilla.



Edited by Zodomaniac

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  • 3 weeks later...

So Doom 5.8.0 has been released on April 18, 2020 to merge improvements and bug fixes from Crispy Doom and fix demo timer position in Cockpit HUD.




So Doom-specific changes:

  • In case of widescreen rendering with Cockpit HUD the demo timer is now drawn within the narrow screen as well as other widgets.

Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

  • NERVE.WAD support for Vanilla DOOM 2 has been introduced, requested by hkight.
  • Compilation with Code::Blocks and TDM-GCC 5.1 (missing includes) has been fixed by drfrag666.
  • SKY3 texture is now used for MAP04-MAP08 in NRftL, thanks to JNechaevsky for contributing the fix.
  • When calculating weapon bobbing, the check is now performed for attack key/button being held down (thanks to unRyker for helping to choose the criterion) instead of checking for for player being not in attacking state. This fixes wrong weapon alignment in some cases.



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  • 2 years later...

So Doom 5.9.2 has been released on July 28, 2022 to apply the fix for the critical security issue from Chocolate Doom, merge other Crispy Doom features and improvements and put all the widgets within the narrow screen size in Cockpit HUD.


So Doom-specific changes:

  • Pixel aspect ratio option value determined purely by screen size is now called 'stretched'.
  • All the HUD widgets (kills/items/secret etc.) are now within the narrow screen size in Cockpit HUD.
  • Updated the SDL2 library to 2.0.22, and SDL2_mixer and SDL2_net to latest versions.


Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:


New features and improvements


  • MASTERLEVELS.wad is now automatically loaded alongside DOOM2.wad just like NERVE.wad was for the BFG Edition DOOM2.wad IWAD before. However, this will now work for any DOOM2.wad IWAD as well (thanks @buvk for reporting a bug in the initial implementation).
  • Support has been added for automatically loading all the 20 separate Master Levels PWADs and arranging them as if they came from the single MASTERLEVELS.wad PWAD.
  • Alternative text entries have been added to the skill menu. Thus, the entries are still there and rendered consistently even if the Nightmare! skill graphics lump is missing when playing with a v1.2 or earlier IWAD (thanks @zx64).
  • The unconditional "fixing" of reversed stereo channels in OPL music playback has been reverted. People got so much used to the flipped channels that the correct channel order has been regarded as a bug (thanks @drivetheory).
  • Two separate finale texts for the Master Levels have been introduced, depending on whether you have found and finished the secret MAP21 or not. The actual texts have been taken from @MadDeCoDeR's Classic-RBDOOM-3-BFG project with some minor wording fixes applied (thanks @icecreamoverlord).
  • Optional Automap lines smoothing has been added with a toggle in the Crispness menu (by @zx64).
  • Doors locked with a key now flash on the Automap, if extended map colours are enabled (by @kitchen-ace).
  • Extended map colours have been adjusted to be closer to Vanilla's (by @kitchen-ace).
  • A "use" button timer has been added and can be enabled in the "Demos" Crispness menu section, apparently useful for practicing speed-running (thanks Looper).
  • A check for segs referencing non-existent linedefs has been ported over from PrBoom+ (thanks @tpoppins).
  • Demo joins are now tracked (by @kraflab).
  • Support for the "Dropped Item" DEHACKED field has been added, which allows to specify the Thing Id to be spawned after the Thing dies. It's a generalization of the same behavior that is hardcoded for MT_WOLFSS, MT_POSSESSED, MT_SHOTGUY and MT_CHAINGUY in Vanilla Doom (by @Ferk).
  • More generalizations de-hardcoding some Vanilla Doom behavior have been added (by @Ferk).
  • The following DEHACKED fields for Things have been added:
  1. Melee threshold: Distance to switch from missile to melee attack.
  2. Max target range: Maximum distance to start shooting (0 for unlimited).
  3. Min missile chance: Minimum chance for firing a missile.
  4. Missile chance multiplier: This de-hardcodes the double missile chance that vanilla Cyberdemon, Spider Mastermind, Revent and Lost Souls have. The value is FRACUNIT based (65536 = normal firing chance), also note that the lower the value, the higher the chance.
  • A -levelstat option has been added (by @kraflab).
  • Support for the "new" Nerve PWAD has been improved: If the Nerve PWAD is explicitly loaded and contains a TITLEPIC lump, use it - else use the INTERPIC lump. Consequently, if the Nerve PWAD gets auto-loaded and contains TITLEPIC and an INTERPIC lumps, rename them (thanks @buvk).
  • Graphic patch lumps in widescreen format are now properly centered - but still squashed to Vanilla aspect ratio (thanks @buvk).
  • A -pistolstart command line option has been added (by @mikeday0, thanks @Asais10).
  • The tally screen is now shown after finishing Chex Quest E1M5 (thanks kokrean).
  • Apparently random crashes have been fixed that occured when the (truncated) file name of a loaded demo happens to match the name of an already available lump. Now this lump name collision is detected and the offending demo lump renamed to DEMO1, which is most certainly always the name of a demo lump (thanks galileo31dos01 and plums).


Bug fixes


  • HUD texts are now printed up to the right screen edge again (thanks Grizzly).
  • The DSSECRET fallback sound is now checked for availability. This fixes a crash when playing with a v1.2 or earlier IWAD (thanks @zx64).
  • The HUD widget coordinate re-calculation has been moved from thinker to drawer functions. This should fix the racing condition that caused the wide status bar widget alignment being drawn to the automap status bar with the brick border (thanks @kitchen-ace).
  • The IDCLEV cheat has been fixed for the Master Levels (thanks @buvk).
  • Thing coordinates in the rotated automap have been fixed when the "extended automap colors" feature is disabled (thanks @icecreamoverlord).
  • A segmentation fault has been fixed when changing episodes during the intermission screen (thanks @icecreamoverlord).
  • The "go to next level" cheat key for the Master Levels has been fixed.
  • Endianness issues when loading extended nodes have been fixed (thanks Michael Bäuerle).
  • The IDDT cheat is now reset when restarting a map during demo recording, but not each time the Automap is opened (thanks galileo31dos01).
  • Missing server-side num_players validation (CVE-2020-14983) and missing client-side ticdup validation have been fixed (found by Michał Dardas from LogicalTrust, fixes inherited from Chocolate Doom).
  • Automap panning by keyboard and mouse is now accumulated (thanks @kitchen-ace).
  • Invalid texture/flat animation sequences are now skipped instead of erroring out (thanks @kitchen-ace).
  • The Automap shaking for one frame after changing the view angle has been fixed (thanks @JNechaevsky).
  • The top-right HU widgets have been moved one char to the left to allow for display of multi-thousand FPS (thanks @JNechaevsky).
  • Building without Python has been fixed again (inherited from Chocolate Doom, by @vilhelmgray, thanks Michael Bäuerle).
  • An old bug has been fixed which was caused by SDL2_Mixer opening a different number of audio channels than requested (inherited from Chocolate Doom, thanks Edward850).
  • Auto-loading of the Sigil PWAD has been fixed on file systems with case-sensitive file names (thanks @kitchen-ace and @kbterkelsen).
  • The Sigil PWAD is now only pre-loaded if the gameversion is The Ultimate Doom. This fixes a glitched texture file when Chex Quest is loaded as the IWAD (by @kitchen-ace, thanks Mr.Unsmiley)
  • Check if the map name graphics lumps are actually from the Masterlevels PWAD before renaming them. This fixes an issue with unofficial Masterlevels compilations which do not contain these lumps (thanks @Dark-Jaguar).
  • A string buffer size calculation bug has been fixed in the -levelstat implementation (thanks Eric Claus).





Edited by SoDOOManiac

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So Doom 5.9.2 hotfix has been applied on July 31, 2022 to fix text lines of graphic detail and messages on/off drawn despite graphic menu patches present e.g. in REKKRSL.wad with REKBONUS.wad.

Here's REK_SODOOMY.zip addition to REKBONUS.wad changing CRISPNESS graphical lump to SODOOMY.


5.9.2 and before:



5.9.2 hotfix (no text lines + addition of colorized detail and messages settings So Doom-style in REK_SODOOMY.WAD):



Edited by SoDOOManiac
Fixed the font size for detail and messages settings

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1 hour ago, Heck Yeah said:

The monster death state is a bit weird in this port unlike Crispy. So can you please fix it ?

Thank you, with which monster and in which WAD does that occur?

I've recently updated the Crispy codebase of So Doom to 5.9.2.

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Here the death state of imp is not like Crispy Doom. It happens with all monsters, they die weirdly. Its not related to maps, I guess, its a small issue about this port.


If you play this map in Crispy, the imp's death state and dead corpse will be different.


Can you please fix this ?


Also, one more question, does this port completely remove Spechits, Reject overflow just like it removes Intercepts overflow when the setting is set to no in SoDoomy menu ?


Edited by Heck Yeah

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1 hour ago, Heck Yeah said:

Also, one more question, does this port completely remove Spechits, Reject overflow just like it removes Intercepts overflow when the setting is set to no in SoDoomy menu ?


So Doom 5.7.4, March 18, 2020:


Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

SPECHITS limit, the last persisting static limit, has been removed.



I will ask Fabian about Reject overflow.


As for the death states, I will look into the difference with Crispy.


The menu item in So Doom reads Intercepts overflow EVASION, so if it's set to On, then the INTERCEPTS limit is removed.

Edited by SoDOOManiac
Intercepts overflow EVASION

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4 minutes ago, SoDOOManiac said:


So Doom 5.7.4, March 18, 2020:


Changes pulled from Crispy Doom:

SPECHITS limit, the last persisting static limit, has been removed.



I will ask Fabian about Reject overflow.


As for the death states, I will look into the difference with Crispy.

Ok. Thank you. Also, can you insert smart kill count in this port. For ex. If an archvile resurrects an enemy, he shouldn't be counted towards the kill count, monsters spawned by the Icon of Sin shouldn't be counted towards the kill count.


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9 minutes ago, Heck Yeah said:

Ok. Thank you. Also, can you insert smart kill count in this port. For ex. If an archvile resurrects an enemy, he shouldn't be counted towards the kill count, monsters spawned by the Icon of Sin shouldn't be counted towards the kill count.


This feature has been inherited from Crispy Doom, the resurrected monsters count in the separate extra kills counter, so that e.g. if there are 99 monsters in a level, all were killed including 4 that have been resurrected and killed again, then the kill count in the level stats is 103/99+4 (103 are total kills, 99 is spawned monster count and +4 are extra kills), and the kill percentage on level exit will be 103/99=104%.

Edited by SoDOOManiac

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1 minute ago, SoDOOManiac said:

This feature has been inherited from Crispy Doom, the resurrected monsters count in the separate extra monsters counter, so that e.g. if there are 99 monsters in a level, all were killed including 4 that have been resurrected and killed again, then the kill count in the level stats is 103/99+4.

Ok. Thank you.🙏

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Was trying to download the latest version (5.9.2 Hotfix) but Windows Defender freaks out. It detects a Trojan
(edit: checked on the previous version and it does the same)

Edited by Drywtler

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24 minutes ago, Drywtler said:

Was trying to download the latest version (5.9.2 Hotfix) but Windows Defender freaks out. It detects a Trojan
(edit: checked on the previous version and it does the same)


I have Windows 10 with Windows Defender, I built the binaries on my Windows 7 machine and Win 10 defender says nothing.


Some version of Crispy Doom showed similar false positive in Defender.

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3 minutes ago, SoDOOManiac said:

I have Windows 10 with Windows Defender, I built the binaries on my Windows 7 machine and Win 10 defender says nothing.


Some version of Crispy Doom showed similar false positive in Defender.

Alrighty then!

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7 hours ago, Heck Yeah said:

Here the death state of imp is not like Crispy Doom. It happens with all monsters, they die weirdly. Its not related to maps, I guess, its a small issue about this port.

So Doom has the same mirrored death animation option as Crispy.

Here's that particular frame of imp's death animation.

death state.png

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10 hours ago, SoDOOManiac said:

So Doom has the same mirrored death animation option as Crispy.

Here's that particular frame of imp's death animation.

death state.png

Ok. Thank you. What about Reject Overflow ?

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On 8/4/2022 at 5:45 AM, Heck Yeah said:

Ok. Thank you. What about Reject Overflow ?

I wrote Fabian, but he's on vacation and we'll have to wait until he returns :)

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On 8/5/2022 at 12:30 PM, SoDOOManiac said:

I wrote Fabian, but he's on vacation and we'll have to wait until he returns :)

Alright sure :)


If you know PrBoom plus port, in Advanced HUD settings there is an option of 'Smart Totals'. When enabled to 'Yes', monsters spawned by IOS and those resurrected by archviles, neither count as kill count nor they appear in extra kill count. So can you please optionally add this feature in this port ?

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22 minutes ago, Heck Yeah said:

Alright sure :)


If you know PrBoom plus port, in Advanced HUD settings there is an option of 'Smart Totals'. When enabled to 'Yes', monsters spawned by IOS and those resurrected by archviles, neither count as kill count nor they appear in extra kill count. So can you please optionally add this feature in this port ?

I will look into it :)

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2 hours ago, Heck Yeah said:

Dear sir, I asked that is this port fixes Reject overflow ?

It emulates some of it for compatibility with demos. So basically "yes".

May I ask why you are interested in this? This is a technical and obscure feature that in most cases does not affect the gameplay in any way.

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17 hours ago, Heck Yeah said:

Dear sir, I asked that is this port fixes Reject overflow ?


I hoped that you would at least read the article that I linked to. REJECT is not a limit that you can remove. It's part of the map data that gets read from a WAD file. All you can do is emulate what happens if this data lump is shorter than expected. Then some data would point past the memory region allocated for that lump. Yes, ports like Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom, PrBoom+ and Woof! (and thus their respective forks) feature this emulation. 

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57 minutes ago, fabian said:


I hoped that you would at least read the article that I linked to. REJECT is not a limit that you can remove. It's part of the map data that gets read from a WAD file. All you can do is emulate what happens if this data lump is shorter than expected. Then some data would point past the memory region allocated for that lump. Yes, ports like Chocolate Doom, Crispy Doom, PrBoom+ and Woof! (and thus their respective forks) feature this emulation. 

Understood. Read the article btw

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16 hours ago, rfomin said:

It emulates some of it for compatibility with demos. So basically "yes".

May I ask why you are interested in this? This is a technical and obscure feature that in most cases does not affect the gameplay in any way.

I thought that this overflow can trash a gameplay... ok..understood.

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