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Hugo loves Prometheus confirmed :)

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Klik exactly on 11:30 to get a context...



... personally very satesfied i watch this interwiev. Remember the hologram globe from the heaven "space ship" place...look exactly like the Juggernaut control pannel (...if u can call it that).I loooove that Huge takes inspiration from that.When it comes to movie those are the most mysterious ones.


As i mentioned meny times the planet/city where the (sub)engineers are killed by David heavely reminds of the night Sentinel mountains/snow planet witch i think its just awwwesome...u can just smell the mystery in that place.

I hope the lore goes deeeeper then we think it is. I want to know how hell/demons became in the first place...and like maybe... why are there hundreds of Sentinel corpses on the artwork of Colosseum.I bet the "heaven" guys are the worst and f**k up everything. Someone once had theory that "Heaven" decided to destroy earth (open hell portal) because Samuel f**k up how to use the Crucible (agrent energy). Sound very much like the Engineer(guys that travel worlds and seed life/destroyd it).


...if the voice from trailer is the same as the one in the very begining of Doom 2016( as it was confirmed by Hugo)...as much as he was "unleas hell mister Doom slayer" its hard to not notice that he sounds scared this time in the trailer. Cant wait to find out...or hes the hood guy or the "heaven" guy.




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Yeah I have a feeling this will go down the route of the trope where gods are just creatures who are very advanced and might have made us and other things.

no cosmic level supreme beings here. Fine by me

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I just worry this lore makes things sound a bit "too alien", like i know Doom was never accurate with its portrayals of Hell but i feel like there has to be a line drawn for when comparisons between demons and aliens can stop.


Mostly because Doom maybe be science-fiction on one half, but on the other it's also fantasy with religious related references, supernatural, magic, even a little bit of horror that sits next to the action etc.


The fact that they're introducing Heaven to Doom means there's a lot they can do with it, specially since Hell in the originals felt like you could do a lot with it.

I feel like rings with eyes (a noticeable potrayal of angles, ophanim) could be an enemy.


For what i know, if Doom games are connected, then Hell just has different planes/layers of existence that represent its different looks and the dimension as a whole existed before time.

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