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Would it be worth playing through doom 3?

spineapple tea

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Depends, do you like repetitive corridors and ambushes? If so, then do give it a shot.


Never finished it either, got way too bored. But i think the best way to decide is booting it up and playing for 10-30 minutes and then decide if you really want to continue.

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58 minutes ago, Raccoon_I_Guess said:

Confession: I never beat doom 3. Never got around to it. So is it worth going through?


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Just now, -TDRR- said:

Depends, do you like repetitive corridors and ambushes? If so, then do give it a shot.


Never finished it either, got way too bored. But i think the best way to decide is booting it up and playing for 10-30 minutes and then decide if you really want to continue.

10-30 minutes can barely get you past the tutorial. From UAC Administration and on is the real game.

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Is it worth to play it? is Doom 3 a bad game? is Doom 3 repetitive? is Doom 3 level desing bad?


Isn't the prior 10 years of this subforum made itself clear about those topics several times already?



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I'd say go for it. As much as i liked Doom 3 back in the day i have to confess that i rarely play it anymore. However i do think that it's good to try it at least once, whether it's the original version or the BFG edition. If you hate having to switch from a flashlight to a weapon in the dark all the time than play the BFG edition (i know about the flashlight mods). The BFG edition also runs well on modern OS's. If you don't mind the flashlight thing or don't want it on all the time than give the original version a shot.


If you play on modern consoles the BFG edition is basically the only way to go (relabeled Doom 3 now i believe) or if you still have an OG Xbox you can play the original Doom 3 although it is slightly different (wider hallway's, ect.).


Either way don't expect it to be classic Doom nor Doom 2016. If you go in a fresh set of expectations (aka not thinking that it'll be fast paced classic Doom) than i believe that you'll be fine.

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It depends, I'd say play it and see if you like what you're playing. opinions seem to be mixed on this one, some like it, some don't, some find it average.

Edited by tempdecal.wad

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For a run through it, yes absolutely, same for RoE.


The real question comes to the aspect of replayability, it's one of those games where, if you've played them once, you've pretty much seen everything there is to them.

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Yes it is. It's a good game in its own right ,it isn't DOOM in the classic sense but it's DOOM non the less. I went through the BFG edition for the first time back in August and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

I can't say the same for ROE ,They added an element into that chapter that I found very very gimmicky. The Lost Mission was pretty cool though - short and sweet.

Give it a go , even if you only ever go through it once.

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On 10/13/2019 at 10:17 PM, Raccoon_I_Guess said:

Confession: I never beat doom 3. Never got around to it. So is it worth going through?

IMHO, it is worthwhile. But you should get used to it first. Maybe playing the lowest difficulty level because demons won't have any pity on you in higher levels...

As we both know, Classic Doom is run, fire, open, find keys and exit level. Doom 3 isn´t that way too much. You have to listen to audio logs to get passcodes to get through doors or unlocking cabinets for ammo.

Once you get used to it, you can play it on Marine or Veteran difficulty.


I play Doom 3 this way now: Veteran Difficulty, run and gun... Ignoring the PDA's, lockers, story behind levels and so on. Actually Doom 3 is full of ammo and there's no need to use the lockers.


In order to open Martian buddy lockers, use this code: 0508. I think this is the code.


I can make sure Doom 2016 with NO weapon mods, runes, praetor coins and other stuff from the game, is more stressful and difficult than Doom 3 and it's worth playing it this way too, it feels more Doom like Classic Doom and Doom 3 were...


EDIT: if you play Doom3 too much for hours, like me... you will have nightmares about the spiders.

Ahhh, good memories! Having nightmares about Doom, Wolf and Quake.

Playing it using headphones, but not too loud please. Take care of you ears! Not that Doom 3 contains loud sound effects but taking care of your ears is important.

Edited by Gerardo194

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If you have the time to spare, what have you got to lose? It's a short game, sure, but pretty well worth it.


@Gerardo194: Very insightful information.

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if you can accept the slower pacing, and want to get into the atmosphere and single player experience then its worth it. 


if you think that doom is only one thing and any variation is not good then no.


i was so excited for doom 3 when it was released that i basically drank all the koolaid and really enjoyed it. but its def a product of its time. 

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Three. Not One, not two: too low. Not four, not five: too high. Three is the number, is not one, obviously is not two, and saying four is too much. Stay with the three because that's the will of things.



PD: This means Doom 3 is the best doom, as any other doom it's only a shadow of the perfection.

Edited by Doommarine_maxi

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On 10/16/2019 at 4:37 PM, Doommarine_maxi said:

Three. Not One, not two: too low. Not four, not five: too high. Three is the number, is not one, obviously is not two, and saying four is too much. Stay with the three because that's the will of things.

Okay Evander Holyfield.



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Yeah Doom 3 is awesome, really unique atmosphere through and through with a pretty cool villain to boot.  2004 was a great year for gaming.



If you do play it, play the original and not the BFG edition.  BFG edition ruins the atmosphere with the new flashlight and gives you way too much ammo.  Veteran difficulty is the way it's meant to be played.

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