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Heretic 2 Contrast Adaptive Sharpening, OpenAL EAX, and more

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  • 2 weeks later...

On my monitor, the game is letterboxed with this mod, and the monitor's native resolution, 1920x1080, is missing from the Resolution list.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you install it properly?


This update has EAX Reverb enabled.

Extract to your Heretic 1.06 directory. Must be a CLEAN install! To start the game, do NOT go through the menu(or you will crash). Instead type "map ssdocks" or load a save game.

r_brightness controls the brightness with CaS on ONLY.
r_fov controls the FOV.

Contains OpenAL WndSnd.dll, Contrast Adaptive Sharpening, Widescreen and various fixes to run on Windows 10.

If you want music, you need to convert the cd audio music to wav files and structure the files/directory like this.

Includes some buffer overflow fixes, see // jmarshall tags.


Edited by bladerunner

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Heretic II install Game Options:


*Note: (You can play either or both "icecoldduke's Heretic 2 Graphics Mod "Heretic2Portals.exe" or the regular Heretic II Game "Heretic2.exe").


1) If you are planning on using "icecoldduke's "Heretic 2 Graphics mod" (Heretic 2 Contrast Adaptive Sharpening, OpenAL EAX) you can do a fresh install of Heretic II and then the two updates (Heretic II Enhancement Pack v1.06) & win2kserverfix) and then install the "Heretic 2 graphics mod" (Heretic2CAS_0.04.rar). Just extract into your Heretic directory.


To start the "Heretic 2 graphics mod" click on the (Heretic2Portals.exe).

*Note: It is the "Quake2.dll" that has the (framerate in-game capped at "2800" and "maxfps 30").  The "win2kserverfix" fixes that after you    type "set cl_maxfps 60" and "rate 5000" and then savecfg.  


*Note: Heretic II client settings:

How to set "cl_maxfps 60" in "Heretic2 Portals"

In order to "set cl_maxfps 60" and "set rate 7000" etc... and keep it at these settings you need to do the following:

Create a "user.cfg" in this directory:

H2 Portals/poruser/user.cfg and input those settings into the user.cfg so that it starts the game at those settings and keeps it that way.
set cl_maxfps 60
set rate 7000


* Note: The "Heretic2CaS" might crash at times if you go through the Menu. So save your game regularly. (This Mod is a work in progress) and the code is available in that link above if anyone wishes to improve the Mod.


(Heretic 2 Contrast Adaptive Sharpening, OpenAL EAX) (Heretic2Portals)




(Heretic II Enhancement Pack v1.06) & win2kserverfix) download link:


Also, you can add the Music files so it works with it without the CD-Rom.

(Heretic2Portals MUSIC: converted to wav format. (tracks 1-14) (380 MB)

The music.zip download link I provided has all the Heretic II music tracks converted as stated in the forum post and from photo provided by icecoldduke.


Heretic II Music files:

Download and put the "Music folder into the sound folder - "H2 Portals/portals/sound folder.

*Note: (create a sound folder if you do not have one).


Music.zip download link:


Or you can just download the "Heretic II pre-installed and updated" installation and extract the "H2" from the zip file and move it to C:/ drive (C:/H2) and then install the "Heretic 2 graphics mod - Heretic2Portals" into the "H2" folder. Once you have it all setup and set your key binds -  start the game and do the "Heretic II client settings" I have listed further below.

2) Heretic II pre-installed and updated (1.64 GB) zip


download link:



* Note: Remember you still need to install DirectX6 or better on computer to play Heretic II.
* Note: The Heretic II pre-installed and updated install is already updated with the (Heretic II Enhancement Pack v1.06) & win2kserverfix).


3) *Note: "Heretic2Portals" & "Heretic II pre-installed" client settings:

Start the game and let it play through the opening scene (Video) Do not touch keyboard until it finishes. (It will create a "Corvus config") Once you created a playing config you can go through the "Menu and adjust the keyboard keys to your liking.


*Note: The game might crash the very first time you start it... Restart game if it does. You should have a playing "Corvus.cfg" in the config folder (H2 Portals/portals/config) or (H2/base/config) depending on whether you are playing "Heretic2Portals" or "H2".


Heretic II client settings:

Bring down the console window (~) keyboard key.

type: set cl_maxfps 60 (and then press the enter key)
type: rate 5000     (and then press the enter key)
type: set cd_nocd 1 (and then press the enter key)
type: savecfg       (and then press the enter key)


4) Heretic II pre-installed and updated - Monitor Resolution tweaks (TV & Monitor) Only.


download link:


Edited by bladerunner

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*Note: First time setup of "Heretic2Portals" with your keyboard/mouse settings and then "go to Menu/game" and Select "easy, medium, or hard" and started the Coop game and watched the Opening Scene. It will create a "Corvus.cfg" and a "save game".

*Note: The game may crash the first time you do this, but after I got the game and settingss all setup I did not have any more problems with crashing...


*Note: Heretic II client settings:

How to set "cl_maxfps 60" in "Heretic2 Portals"

In order to "set cl_maxfps 60" and "set rate 7000" etc... and keep it at these settings you need to do the following:

Create a "user.cfg" in this directory:

H2 Portals/poruser/user.cfg and input those settings into the user.cfg so that it starts the game at those settings and keeps it that way.
set cl_maxfps 60
set rate 7000

Edited by bladerunner

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I got it to display right, but have another problem - I can only load from autosaves made on entering a level, not from manual saves made while playing through a level; trying to load a manual save crashes the game. What's up with that?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/29/2020 at 2:26 AM, JimFlasch said:

On my monitor, the game is letterboxed with this mod, and the monitor's native resolution, 1920x1080, is missing from the Resolution list.


Monitor Resolution tweaks (TV & Monitor).

download link:



Note: Most of the Monitor Resolution "quake2.dll" fixes require you have the HERETIC II CD-ROM in the drive except for the "win2kserverfix" and
"heretic2.v106-1280x1024-video.tweak" (final).

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/30/2020 at 9:02 PM, JimFlasch said:

OK, I got it to display right, but have another problem - I can only load from autosaves made on entering a level, not from manual saves made while playing through a level; trying to load a manual save crashes the game. What's up with that?


Yeah, I noticed it did that for me when I went back to a saved game I made a three months ago, but I had no problem going back to a saved game I made a few days ago.  I am not sure why that is having a problem. I can save games using the key "F5" to save games quickly or use "Menu/Game/save game".


I can load save games using the "F6" key or "Menu/Game/load game" to load a save game.


*Note: Saved games are in the H2 Portals/poruser/save folder.



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Save and load games by using the Tome of Power or through the function keys. Press Esc to open the Tome of Power. Choose Main and select
either Save Game or Load Game.


To Load a game, select the game file you wish to load using the mouse
or by highlighting it with the arrow keys. When you have the desired file
highlighted, press ENTER to load that game.


To Save a game in progress, select the game slot you wish to record
your game in (saving in a used slot will overwrite previously recorded game
information) using the mouse or by highlighting it with the arrow keys.
Enter a name for your saved game and press ENTER.


Press F6 at any time to quicksave your game into a special slot. Pressing
F7 will automatically load your last quicksaved game.


The quicksave slot may only hold one game at a time, so be sure that
you wish to write over it before you press the key. Once you do, the old
game information will be lost.

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Bladerunner: I know how to load and save games - the problem is that Heretic2Portals crashes when I try to load from a game saved manually (via F6 or the menu). I can only load savegames that were automatically made on entering a level.

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Sorry JimFlasch,


I have no idea why Heretic2Portals crashes. Heretic II - As far as bugs go, it's hard to say what is the fault of the game, the fan-patch, Mod or the OS. However, I had a recurring problem where loading save games would cause a crash. Always back up your saves multiple times. I've found that temporarily switching to software rendering would mitigate this issue. There were some crashes that happened randomly in-game, and some bugs where the game would get soft-locked into 'cutscene mode' necessitating a restart. Saving while Corvus is on a moving platform is not advisable. Despite some close calls here and there, I managed to make my way through the entire game with little fuss.


(This Mod is a work in progress) and the code is available if anyone wishes to improve the Mod.



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Oh, the only other reason I know of that saved games will not work is if you updated recently. Old save games made before the update will not be compatible and the game will crash.

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  • 3 months later...

Note: I already created the Heretic2Portals Coop pre-installed and updated "user.cfg" in the "H2 Portals/poruser/user.cfg" directory for everyone with these settings inputed into the user.cfg so that it starts the game at those settings and keeps it that way automatically and the IP Address is already inputed just go to Menu/Multiplayer/ and click on the Heretic2Portals Coop and join.
set rate 5000/7000
set cl_maxfps 60
set cl_yawspeed 300
set cd_nocd 1

I have been testing and hosting this as a "dedicated PortalsCoop Server" at "skill 3", rate 7000 for a while on my computer working out issues... and had no problems so I decided to finally provide a link to the Heretic2Portals Coop. The server has not crashed for me and saved games server sided  and Music work just fine.... 🙂

Heretic II and Heretic2Portals Coop pre-installed and updated: (1.44 GB) zipped.
Just extract the "H2 Portals" folder into your C:// drive or something.

*Note: Check out my "Heretic2 Portals Dedicated Coop Server with objectives"
Come join/play on my "Heretic2 Portals Dedicated Coop" Server and check out the "Heretic 2 Graphics Mod" "Heretic2 Portals" with (Heretic 2 Contrast Adaptive Sharpening, OpenAL EAX).
I already inputed my (IP Address/port) ( info into the addressbook to make it easy to join or you can type it in manually.
*Note: "Heretic2 Portals Dedicated Coop" Server is visible using Qstat.

download link:


Heretic II Game Options:
(You can play either or both "icecoldduke's Heretic 2 Graphics Mod "Heretic2Portals.exe" or the regular Heretic II Game "Heretic2.exe") on your computer.

"Heretic II and Heretic2 Portals" Mod is pre-installed with Music working in the "Heretic II Portals.
*Special Note: "Heretic II and Heretic2 Portals is already updated with "Heretic II Enhancement Pack v1.06 and "win2kserverfix".
*Special Note: "Heretic II" is updated with all the maps, textures, skins, models, etc...

"icecoldduke's "Heretic 2 Graphics mod" "Heretic2 Portals" with (Heretic 2 Contrast Adaptive Sharpening, OpenAL EAX)
* Note: How to play the "Heretic 2 graphics mod" click on the (Heretic2Portals.exe).
* Note: To play the regular "Heretic 2  game click on the (Heretic2.exe).
* Important Note: Remember you still need to install DirectX6 or better on computer to play Heretic II.
* Important Note: Allow Heretic II/"Heretic2 Portals" through the Windows firewall and restart computer to take effect to play Heretic II.
*Note: Your Portals playing config is kept in the "H2\portals\config" folder.
*Note: Just Unzip and move the "H2" folder to "C:\H2" or something.

Now you have the original Heretic II game fully updated with all the maps, textures, skins, etc... and installed on your computer.
*Note: I did not provide the "Mods THF/Emod, and Tmod" so this installation would not get too large, but you can always copy/paste those folders from your previous Heretic II installation yourself.  
*Note: Remember you still need to have DirectX6 or better installed on your computer to play Heretic II.
*Note: Remember Allow Heretic II through the Windows firewall and restart computer to take effect.
*Note: Player/clients need to just allow Heretic II through the Windows firewall and set "Heretic II" compatability settings to Windows XP service pack 2 /16bit and then restart computer to take effect to play.
(Open "Heretic II" folder and right click on Heretic II.exe/go to properties/click compatability mode and set the compatability mode to Windows XP service pack2, 16 bit color) and restart computer.
*Special Note: I am not sure if compatability mode needs to be set as well or just Heretic II. I did not need to do both...

*Special Note: The game might crash the very first time you start it... Restart game if it does. You should have a playing "Corvus.cfg" in the config folder (H2 Portals/portals/config) or (H2/base/config) depending on whether you are playing "Heretic2Portals" or "H2".
If none exist Goto Menu/click on save config. It will create a "Corvus.cfg".
*Note: - The first time setup "Heretic2Portals" with your keyboard/mouse settings,
*Note: - Go to Menu/game" and - Select "easy, medium, or hard" and started the Coop game and watched the Opening Scene. It will create a "Corvus.cfg" and a "save game". If none exist Goto Menu/click on save config. It will create a "Corvus.cfg". If the is no saved game exists just bring down the console window (~) key and type map ssdocks.   
*Note: The game might crash the very first time you do this too! But, Once you have it all setup it should be fine!!!
Note: To join/play on my Coop server you have to add my (IP Address/port) ( info into your addressbook or type it in manually.

hostname: "Heretic2 Portals Coop with objectives" (IP Address/port) ( info into your addressbook or type it in manually.
To connect to a server open the console with ~ and type: connect <ADDRESS>
*Note: I provided my "Heretic2 Portals Dedicated Coop config and Dedicated.bat for those whom might wish to view it...

Heretic II Portals Player Client settings:
How to set "cl_maxfps 60" and "rate" in "Heretic2 Portals"
In order to "set cl_maxfps 60" and "set rate 5000/7000" etc... and keep it at these settings each time you start the game you need to do the following:
Create a "user.cfg" in this directory below if none exist:
H2 Portals/poruser/user.cfg and input those settings into the user.cfg so that it starts the game at those settings and keeps it that way.
set rate 5000/7000
set cl_maxfps 60
set cl_yawspeed 300
set cd_nocd 1

Heretic II Player Client settings:
How to set "cl_maxfps 60" and "rate", etc.. in "Heretic2"
In order to "set cl_maxfps 60" and "set rate 5000/7000" etc... and keep it at these settings each time you start the game you need to do the following:
Create a "user.cfg" in this directory below if none exist:
set rate 5000/7000
set cl_maxfps 60
set cl_yawspeed 300
set cd_nocd 1

Monitor/TV Resolution tweaks folder:
Note:"Heretic2Portals does not require any Monitor Resolution fixes only "Heretic II".
Note: Most of the Monitor/TV Resolution "quake2.dll" fixes require you have the HERETIC II CD-ROM in the drive except for the "win2kserverfix" whixh is pre-installed.

Heretic Ii update files/ Monitor/TV Resolution tweaks: Can be found in the (H2) folder along with "Heretic II English to German, Spanish or Russian translation" (Menu, Gamemsg, and levelmsg translation) and the Mods (Tmod, Emod,THF and Oglequest-Single player addon).
*Special Note: Heretic is already updated with "Heretic II Enhancement Pack v1.06 and "win2kserverfix".

*Note: icecodeduke said before he left the project: As of now the only "dll" we are missing code for is quake2.dll.

Last I heard he was having success at making a new renderer for Doom 3. He has a few unfinished projects. I don't know for sure if he will ever come back to them or not.

icecodeduke really has a bad history about his unfinished projects so don't hold your breath...

So, If anyone is interested on working on "Heretic2 Portals" the source code is included in the zip. 🙂

*Join us at Raven Games forums on Facebook if you have any questions or to join a conversation.













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*Note: "Heretic II Portals Coop" is only for playing "Coop". Use the "Heretic II.exe" which is also included in the zip for playing "deathmatch amd blades" to play and join servers.

"Heretic 2 Contrast Adaptive Sharpening" looks and works just great with "Coop".

I have been testing and working on fixing it and hosting a "dedicated PortalsCoop Server" at "skill 3", rate 7000 for a while on my computer working out issues... and had no problems so I decided to finally to provide a link to the Heretic2 Portals Coop. The server has not crashed for me and saved games server sided and Music work just fine.... 🙂

*Note: I have a very fast Graphics Video card and computer. My only concern is that for other people rate 7000 might cause other people issues (stuttering) and if so then I just need to lower the server rate to 5000. Also, skill 3 is the highest so there are plenty of opponents and expect Clients/players to die more often... I could lower it to "skill 2".

Feedback... is what I need from people who join the server.

Note: Heretic2Portals Coop is visible now on "Qstat" as  "Heretic II Portals Coop" (Portals Game).

Edited by bladerunner

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"Heretic II Portals DM + Coop" is now working with Portals:

We finally have a working Heretic II Portals "DM + Coop" Portals Servers. Deathmatch Maps and textures look as good as they do in Coop.  

*Note: How to play the "Heretic 2 graphics Mod" click on the (Heretic2Portals.exe) go to Multiplayer/Addressbook and click on a server you wish to join. There is a "Heretic II Portals Deathmatch" server and a "Heretic II Portals Coop" server, as well as the regular Heretic2.exe "DM Midnight <3Bot> Madness" server, etc...

*Note: Use the "Heretic II.exe" which is also included in the zip for playing regular "deathmatch amd blades" servers.

"Heretic 2 Contrast Adaptive Sharpening" looks and works just great for "DM and Coop".

I have been testing it and finally got it working for hosting and playing on a "Dedicated PortalsCoop Server" and "Dedicated Portals-DM Server". The server has not crashed for me and saved games "Coop" server with Music work fine.

Originally, I made (pak) files of the maps and textures, etc... for Portals instead of leaving those file folders in the base folder. That worked well... The map loaded fine from the pak, etc... except  some of the textures file names were either too long or something and the pak would not accept some of them and some were missing from some maps. So to make a long story short I dropped the idea of using pak files for now.   

*Note: I have fixed and updated all the Heretic II base files. Apparently in my previous upload of "H2 Portals" zipped there were a few missing files (textures, models, maps, skins. etc... Sadly, it required me to redo this all over again. I used a "PathSync application" to analyze both game directories and fix the differences between both of the Heretic II game directories to insure there is nothing else missing in the process.

I apologize for the inconvenience this creates. If you want a working Heretic II "Portals" Game it is going to require everyone to download the "Portals.zip again and re-install it to fix those issues. At least you get a working Portals "Deathmatch & Coop" when you do download this time.

====== Heretic II Addressbook Server IPs ======
set adr0 "" //Heretic II Portals Coop
set adr1 "" //Heretic II Portals Deathmatch
set adr2 "" //Lands of Parthoris
set adr3 "" //MyDedServer DM
set adr4 "" //Ye Olde Vanilla
set adr5 "" //DM Midnight <3Bot> Madness

"Heretic2Portals download link:


Feedback... is what I need from people whom join the server.



















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"Heretic2Portals" download link:  (2.31 GB) zipped


Game crashed: Oh why is this happening to me... Smile!!!

Apparently, the Original Portals Game does not like me very much... It defaults to 30fps, etc... I want cl_maxfps 60", etc... we had an argument... and the Portals game kicked me out.

So, as I mentioned before. The first time you start the game it might crash. But, the second time you start the game it should be fine. I believe its the creation of a "config.cfg user.cfg and playing config issue.

When you start the "Original Portals installation" the game creates a "Corvus.cfg, and a default "config.cfg and user.cfg".

The default "Corvus.cfg, Config.cfg and User.cfg" created from the original install of the game is the problem.

"H2 Portals\portals\config" and "poruser": Is where we keep the "Portal Game Settings"

Portal Game Settings:
"H2 Portals\portals\config" and "poruser"

Your "Corvus.cfg" playing config goes into "H2 Portals\portals\config" folder: If you have a working Heretic II/Base/Config/Corvus.cfg from a previous "Heretic II" game installation you could copy it here and then start the game and first load your config and save it so it stays in the game.

If you have a working Heretic II/User/config.cfg and user.cfg" from a previous Heretic II game istallation you could copy it into the "H2 "Portals\poruser" folder and replace them as well.

*Special Note: What to do if the above solution does not work:

First backup these two folders:

"H2 Portals\portals\config: Is where your playing config "Corvus.cfg" is kept.
"H2 -Portals\portals\config\Corvus.cfg"

"H2 Portals\portals\config" and "poruser": Is where we keep the "Portal Game Settings"

The games default "config.cfg and user.cfg" can be found in the H2 "Portals\poruser"

Delete the default config.cfg
Delete the default user/cfg

*Note: this is where we keep the game settings so you are going to have to input/ add these yourself later:

set rate 5000
set cl_maxfps 60
set cl_yawspeed 300
set cd_nocd 1

and restart the game and create a new default "Corvus.cfg, Config.cfg and User.cfg"...



Edited by bladerunner

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Damn! I am fustrated now and sadly recommend people not to use Portals until this gets fixed


Actually it was a Windows 10 update that restarted my computer while I was away from it...

Edited by bladerunner

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having issues with major lag with the games movement games, like I can press and release a button before Corvus moves. Has anyone else had this issue? I haven't played Her2 in a long time, but I don't remember it being like this. The rest of the controls are fine, it's just movement that I have problems with.

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