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I_SignalHander: Exiting on signal: signal 11 (PrBoom-plus)

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There was an old thread with the same problem that you are experiencing. Il will post the link to that thread at the end of this post.

To sum the contents of the thread up:

The solution was: check if some of your textures are in PNG format and not in Doom format, if they are you have to change them to Doom format (I can't tell you how to do that but it is stated that Slade can easily do that, so a simple search can solve this problem)

Other useful actions to do:

Check if you have used some flats as wall textures or vice versa. PrBoom does not support such a thing.

Check if you have a boss shooter but no target for the shooter.

Use the map analysis tool (default key F4 in Doom builder 2 and GZDoom builder) to find some mistakes.


Here you can read the thread from where my answer come from


Edited by Simomarchi

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