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Bionicle: Heroes (DS) Weapons Mod V1

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Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vfFQFuRAO0cCd6ZHTdgL_U8Ufx77ncOb


A simple weapon replacement mod. Weapons are based on the guns found in Bionicle: Heroes for (DS version).

When you pick up a mask you get a gun based on that mask's element. There is too much lore to explain about the Bionicle universe.

Mod is in a WAD format.



1: Chainsaw replaced with a mysterious mask, Pistol replaced with a Zamor Launcher

2: Shotgun replaced by Onua's Scattershot

3: SuperShotgun replaced by Kopaka's Ice Bolter

4: Chaingun replaced by Tahu's Fire Blaster

5: Rocket launcher replaced by Pohatu's Stone Launcher

6: Plasma rifle replaced by Gali's Water Cannon

7: BFG replaced by Lewa's Lightning Gun


Ideas planned:

-Alt-fire modes that activate mask powers.

-Custom mini-campaign through Mata Nui (Island where the Bionicle are from)

-Improve Lightning gun and Water cannon

-Change Berserker pack so it actually does something.

-Reformat as a PK3









Edited by Theshyguy489

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