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On 2/14/2020 at 12:15 PM, elend said:

Von daher ist mir das oft relativ schnuppe, ob es noch deutsche Seiten gibt. Für die eher oldschool Internetsurfer mit limitierten Englischkenntnissen ist das jedoch bestimmt ganz gut. Aber... gibt's so jemanden noch?

It's strange how much can change in just 15 years. Back in 2005 I was one such kid who had yet to learn English and had to rely on German websites to teach me stuff, like how to load WADs and DEH patches in the command line, because translators weren't sophisticated enough to tell me back then. Whereas today, kids seem to be learning English at a much quicker rate, and for those who don't, we have DeepL to take the work off them. It's odd to feel like an old man when you're only at the age of 25, but that's how things are these days I guess.


On 2/15/2020 at 3:30 AM, elend said:

Ich habe das Gefühl, dass Foren und vor allem das deutsche Internet in Sachen Nischenhobbies tot sind.

Regarding this, I remember browsing on a bunch of German gaming sites back in those days as well.  The most active of those was InDiablo.de, which is actually one of the very few niche German gaming forums that is still active to this day. So well, they're not all completely dead at least.

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6 hours ago, elend said:

 That is a neat translation actually.


Well then, have any plans for it? I would like to support it, but only if there's really some activity on it. Did you ever think about a "Doomer Meeting" in Germany? Depending on where it is, I'd be up for it (living again in Rhein-Main area soon).

As I am actually quite lazy, trans was done by deepl.com :-)
Atm I don't have plans for DoomGate. Maybe a minor rework ...I don't have too much time and knowledge and in combination with being lazy this is quite hindering...

And...by the way kingdoom.de is still there, too :-)

Edited by DoomGater

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On 7/25/2020 at 1:21 PM, elend said:

That is a neat translation actually.


Well then, have any plans for it? I would like to support it, but only if there's really some activity on it. Did you ever think about a "Doomer Meeting" in Germany? Depending on where it is, I'd be up for it (living again in Rhein-Main area soon).

Count me in

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