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Hellforge Speedmapping Sessions - Halloween Edition

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Discord is currently having a nervous breakdown so I'm delaying the start of HSS 2 until it's been fixed. The session will happen at some point today regardless but we'll wait a bit before launching. Update in an hour if nothing has changed

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2 minutes ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

Discord is currently having a nervous breakdown so I'm delaying the start of HSS 2 until it's been fixed. The session will happen at some point today regardless but we'll wait a bit before launching. Update in an hour if nothing has changed


Was going to asking about this...

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Alright, themes will be chosen in 30 minutes with the sessions starting in 45. Discord hasn't updated it's status so no point waiting around not knowing anything. I'll still stream making my map and hopefully discord will be working come submission time so I can play them

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so are we only allowed to use Pack 4 from Gothic's? Surprised about the delay, thought I would be late as I just got home from work.


Figured it out nvm



Edited by CaptainMitchell

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10 minutes ago, CaptainMitchell said:

so are we only allowed to use Pack 4 from Gothic's? Surprised about the delay, thought I would be late as I just got home from work.


Yeah, pack 4. Delays due to discord 4headedness

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Hey folks!


The themes this month are: Lighting 255-0 and Ruins/medieval


The 24 hour window begins now..

Edited by Liberation

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I made a thing.



Title: The Plutonia Oculist

Build time: 1 hour

Theme: Light 255-0

New music: Yes, from kirby 3 stage 1

Description: This map is ugly, there's no excuses. Well, at least the start is cool. I hope this will be accepted!


Ah yes, complevel 2 is the name of the game. Uses PATCHED2 textures too.

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Title: Forgotten Darkness

Build time: 2 hours plus 30-ish minutes of testing & making sure all teleporters are working properly

Theme: Light 255-0

Format: Boom compatible

Music: Forgotten Passage from Maplestory


Uses texture pack 2





Edited by Philnemba

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Fun and panicky as always. Was sorry I couldn't stick around for the whole stream (real life can be annoyingly intrusive, sometimes). Congrats to everyone, though! Gotta go back and finish watching all the playthroughs. That rocket jump/platforming maze from hell itself was incredibly amusing to witness.

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had a lot of fun this time! keen to see what next session will bring!
as usual, I wasted way too much time with dynlights but if it ain't cute it ain't a map

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I always enjoy participating in Hellforged Speed Maps! Even being sick as a dog, i'm glad I was able to make something a bit more complicated than my last months submission Doodlebeans. I am very happy with the way Drudia turned out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

As it happens @PhilnembaI was just waiting for any bug reports to come from the Hellforge discord, I've received none so far, so here we go


Download removed, see below post.


Sorry for the delay, had a few RL things going on. But anyway iDgames upload will be in couple of days.


Big thanks to all involved again.

Edited by Liberation

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  • 1 month later...

Been a bit of a hiatus due to the Mapwich happening but there will be a speed mapping session the weekend of the 15th. Same rules/timing etc, themes will be posted in the coming days. Regular sessions will resume from here

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Hey folks, the Hellforge speed mapping returns today, 21:30 GMT. All maps need to be submitted within the 24 hour window and the normal time limit (2 hours) is in place.

The themes and texture pack are:


1. Melee weapons only

2. All 3 keys to exit

3. 500 line limit

4. 10 Sectors

5. Archvile jumps progression or rad suit progression

6. 3 Monsters types


1. Gothic

2. Hell

3. Temple

4. Ruins

5. Space station

6. Tech base




As per the norm, 1 theme will be picked from each list prior to the start.

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Title: Escape From Planet Rennacstih

Build time: Little over 2+ hours & 15 minutes of testing

Theme: 3 Monsters & Gothic 

Format: Boom compatible

Music: The Yawning World by @Jimmy


Ya'll may or may not hate this.



Edited by Philnemba
Update fix version below

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Man there are some seriously fun maps from this session. The perfect blend of ridiculously good quality for 2 hours and stupidly hilarious gimmicks. Awesome work


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  • 4 weeks later...

Speedmapping session this weekend! Same time slot as always.

Theme lists and texture pack to be confirmed over the next few days. Discord link in the op. Let's see if we can top HSS3 for sheer ridiculousness. 


Once HSS3 is compiled I'll update the op with links to each of the completed sets so far. Definitely worth a play. 

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Themes for tomorrow

1. Melee weapons only

2. All 3 keys to exit

3. 500 line limit

4. 10 Sectors

5. Archvile jumps progression or rad suit progression

6. 90 degree corners only


1. Castle

2. Hell

3. Temple

4. Ruins

5. Space station

6. Tech base

Texture pack is patchtex again. I'll post a link to reduce confusion tomorrow

Edited by Bridgeburner56

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