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About old wads inside in slade


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I noticed I saw in old wads when I look inside them with slade I see custom textures have entries "pp_" and something called "_deutex_" 

What Is that and why have that inside wad?


Edited by doomkr

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PP_ markers are for patches. They're not strictly speaking necessary.


_DEUTEX_ is the "signature" left by the DeuTex program.


You may also find, sometimes, the TAGDESC or PLATFORM lumps; those are from the unofficial DoomEd.


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The doubled initials for patches, sprites, and flats (FF_, PP_, SS_) was a convention used back in the days because of limitations in the vanilla engine. It allowed to separate the mod-added data in neat little categories, allowing then programs like DeuSF or NWT to combine the PWAD with the IWAD, because that was often necessary (though for sprites there's a workaround involving DeHackEd, and for flats you can make do with just one F_END lump, and for patches, again, it's actually not needed since the vanilla engine doesn't actually use a namespace for them).

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