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'ATI released leak'


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Go here for the full story.

Xian> ATI leaked it
Xian> oh we will. We are hoping our rep gets fired.
Xian> John sent them a flame mail yesterday basically saying "This has hurt our relationship"
Xian> haha, no
Xian> not really
Xian> they sent us a development laptop with a full build of Unreal Warfare on it
Xian> yep
Xian> Well, we deleted it
Xian> that's a whole can of worms we don't want to get into
Xian> yeah, well, ATI has clearly violated our NDA
Xian> we thought about that.
Xian> but, no
Xian> ATI is on our shitlist right now
Xian> we are not dealing with them until further notice
Xian> no, it's not public chiQ
Xian> We know ATI leaked it. We watermark all releases
Xian> Squiggle: ATI has a relaxed policy about pre-release software. Remeber, they gave us a laptop that had Unreal Warfare loaded on it 3 months ago
Xian> They don't seem to care about strict enforcement of NDA's
Xian> on a positive note, people seem to *REALLY LIKE* the leaked shit

This is an excerpt from an IRC-chat log. It is yet unconfirmed that this is the real Xian (Christian Antkow, designer).

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Sorry guys, i just read that thread...
As Disorder posted a link too, i thought that it would be ok...
(it were just screenies, no warez)
Sorry again !

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jws said:

Sorry guys, i just read that thread...
As Disorder posted a link too, i thought that it would be ok...
(it were just screenies, no warez)
Sorry again !

Damn, you were SO close to get your ass banned, but I forgive you because you were smart enough to remove the link again.

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john carmack`s response

No, this was not leaked on purpose.

Yes, we are upset about it, and it will have some impact on how we deal with some companies in the future, but nothing drastic is going to change in terms of what support is going to be available.

Making any judgements from a snapshot intended for a non-interactive demo is ill advised.

from slash dot

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it will have some impact on how we deal with some companies in the future

Further confirmation about the ATI leak?!

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I guess this means that iD is going to completely remove Radeon support from Doom 3.

This is just a conspiracy against Canadians. I think that iD decided to frame ATI because the Canadian economy is growing faster than the American one at the moment.

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Imagine if Activison had leaked it...iD wouyld have to find a new publisher then :p

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AndrewB said:

I guess this means that iD is going to completely remove Radeon support from Doom 3.

The Carmack said:

nothing drastic is going to change in terms of what support is going to be available.

Wow, my first chance to insult AndrewB for not reading the whole thing, and I waste it.

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dsm said:

Shut up!

Hey dsm, your nerves are on fire! I bet it was a busy night hunting all over the forums for those nasty leakage posts.

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myk said:

Hey dsm, your nerves are on fire! I bet it was a busy night hunting all over the forums for those nasty leakage posts.

It DID take up quite a bit of my time, PLUS I have a lot of school work to do these days, so yeah, I think my nerves are a bit edgy.

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Katarhyne said:

To borrow a line from Flathead (props, yo)


To borrow another badly-butchered action-flick quote: I speak two languages... English, and badly-typed English.

Yeah. You win.

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SYSTEMatic said:

I heard it was an ID employee who released it on Kazaa. I could see why ATi would release it though.

This HAS to be a lie - I can't see why ANY of the id employees would shoot themselves in the foot like that.

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dsm said:

This HAS to be a lie - I can't see why ANY of the id employees would shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Maybe bad aim? ;)

"Okies, just gonna upload the new build to sourcesafe."
"Dude, that's Kazaa."

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dsm said:

This HAS to be a lie - I can't see why ANY of the id employees would shoot themselves in the foot like that.

Maybe the guy left Kazaa on by accident. :)

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PlayfulPuppy said:

Maybe bad aim? ;)

"Okies, just gonna upload the new build to sourcesafe."
"Dude, that's Kazaa."

ROFL !!!

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PlayfulPuppy said:

Maybe bad aim? ;)

"Okies, just gonna upload the new build to sourcesafe."
"Dude, that's Kazaa."

Mercenary4Hire said:

Disgruntled employee at ... well, anywhere? iD, ATi, whatever?

<conspiracy mode> Could be nVidia framing ATi ... *shifty eyes* </CM>

SYSTEMatic said:

Maybe the guy left Kazaa on by accident. :)

rotflmao too. that is too funny.

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