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Bloom - Doom/Blood crossover

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Huh, a very interesting concept. As someone that has recently played both Blood and Doom this greatly interests me. I'll see about playing and recording the demo sometime this week.

Gave it a go and had some fun. Play through playlist bellow.


Currently not all playthroughs are uploaded but will in the next couple of days.

Edited by mewbusi

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Wow, I adore the little Uncle Sam inspired promo pick and the screenshots are so cool, never seen another mod that looks quite like it. Definitely gonna be blasting through this one!

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Thanks for your words guys, we are pretty excited with the BlooMs welcome! We hope that all Doomers and Bloodites enjoy the Demo!

We couldn´t ask more, especially since today John Romero himself liked BlooM! This made our day :)


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1 hour ago, NightFright said:

Blood and Doom? Instant attention.


1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

Wow, I adore the little Uncle Sam inspired promo pick and the screenshots are so cool, never seen another mod that looks quite like it. Definitely gonna be blasting through this one!

Thanks guys!

3 hours ago, mewbusi said:

Huh, a very interesting concept. As someone that has recently played both Blood and Doom this greatly interests me. I'll see about playing and recording the demo sometime this week.

Sounds uber cool, thanks!

Edited by Drugod

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This is simply awesome. From what I've seen so far there's a lot of work been put into this and I can't wait to try this.

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Damn wow that looks amazing. Everything about it looks great especially the trailer. The mashups seems very Blood-related (e.x: the Blood side in the mod seems overwhelming) but it looks dark and creepy. Gonna edit this post later with a short gameplay video of Bloom soon, can’t wait to play it!

Edit: First impressions-- Just played demo v1.666 for about 25 minutes. I have a lot to say about it and unfortunately it's mostly negative. Video is uploading and I'm typing a quick review all out now...


THE REVIEW OF THE DEMO: Well I can say that this certainly looks great and it's taking advantage of GZDoom's features. But that's about it. For me, I didn't have a good time playing it for numerous reasons. This is one of the many compromises you have to make when picking what the major focus is of your project and in this case, it was looks. Now there's nothing wrong with making your levels and your mod look fantastic like what was done here, what really matters is the gameplay, and you should also be particular aware of that because we play Doom. Doom doesn't look great, but we focus on the gameplay because we enjoy it. Anyway, I'll get into the specifics now.


One, the usage and application of non-euclidean geometry, and the levels themselves. When you are careful with how you do things, it can look amazing and otherworldly while conveying a sense of unease and the supernatural. I really like what the feel of the first two maps are. They are very atmospheric. But the problem is, it was applied badly. Most of the visuals don't seem non-euclidean, but rather glitchy and unintentional, for example, see the photo below (I should add that the right side where the blue room of MAP01 should be looks completely fine and that's what non-euclidean geometry should be like):



Another very important thing that ties into my first point and that could also ruin the map: decoration! These hanging lanterns during the first transitioning from Doom 2 MAP01 to Blood's funeral home with the graveyard is the perfect example of what I absolutely detest and hate with a passion. As soon as I hit the very tip of my forehead on one, I got stopped completely dead in my tracks and that just annoyed the hell out of me. Decorations like that I do not understand why collision is so important to have and it does not make sense. Collision for big decorations like Doom's big trees and barrels make sense because there's so few of them put in a level, and they're extremely big. Obviously you're not getting through a tech pillar, but seriously? Hitting the tip of my head on a lantern, hanging from chains would bring me to a dead stop? Maybe if it was right in my way, but the way it was put into the map frustrated me. It felt like I should've grazed it but instead I felt like I ran into a tree when there was nothing in my way until I looked up to see the sliver of lantern above me.


Knowing this, you probably knew what went through my head as soon as I saw these areas:



This was hell on earth. The depiction of this hell on earth is beautiful, but it was hell on earth to navigate through in the worst way possible. It wouldn't be so bad if it was more obvious which things you can walk through and which things you couldn't, but there was items I needed to grab. I got stuck in nearly every tree and gravestone and I think almost the terrain itself trying to get ammo, health or just plainly navigate through to see where I need to go. I think I died in the second level trying to jump to check something out but I fell into an non-euclidean pit and instantly died. But the bad parts of the decorations don't end there:



Almost all of them are shootable, meaning you can't shoot through them. The leaves and bushes are literally bulletproof. And projectiles can't go through them. Granted the first picture I hit the fence, I tried shooting through its holes and my shots were blocked 90% of the time in the arena and it was really awkward too especially since even the enemies had trouble navigating to me. If you really wanted the trees to be solid, at the very most, the actual radius of the collision should only focus on the trunk. And lastly, the autoaim. -NOAUTOAIM was neglected and you have no idea how much pain I felt when I blasted a corpse in front of me instead of hitting a zombie or an imp and died because of it. Autoaim focuses hanging bodies and sometimes the dead corpses below which was miserable when you enter the Doom 2 MAP01 area with the plasma rifle near the exit. Also, my chainsaw kept locking on to the decorations away from the enemies. Not cool:



Now I want to focus on these little areas of the funeral home:



Why on earth did you give me jumping boots if I can't jump up there to those two spots begin with? This is a problem completely opposite of my other complaint, with decorations blocking when they shouldn't, and now ways are blocked when they shouldn't?


Third, this is LOUD. Like, Left 4 Dead 2 levels of loud. Look into SNDINFO more and tune the volumes of certain sounds and limit how many should be playing at once, for example the candle burning sounds. But that's my only complaint. The ambient was done great but sometimes it's just overwhelming.


Now for the minor parts. The flow of the level feels like it heavily emphasizes backtracking. While this isn't a bad thing for me personally, I noticed that the two levels focus and require backtracking a lot and it could get boring if I know I will have to backtrack back and forth multiple times throughout whether it's getting keys or hitting switches. It could also be a psychological thing because doors and other passages that weren't locked in either of the two games are locked now in some way, so it probably has nothing to do with it. It's probably more of a "but I was able to get here for free!" thing before. As for the English, obviously it isn't perfect but it is understandable. A tiny thing I discovered was that sometimes the HUD isn't scaled correctly when I messed with it after recording the video. The STBAR is way too big if you tell GZDoom to automatically scale it to screen width by default, and if you tell it to do the same for the minimal HUD, it's flat out non-existent.


And that's it for now. Honestly, I can't wait to see it grow and be developed over time. I'll continue playing some more in the future, but unfortunately I enjoyed it less than I thought I would because of those issues, (although recently I've come to slowly dislike GZDoom as a port for playing Doom but that's a whole nother subject, meh). But seriously, perfect atmosphere and stuff going on here. Keep working on it!



Edited by UndeadRyker

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Alright, I finished the first map of this TC and... there's quite a lot to criticize about it :/

(Note that the video is a bit rushed and it is completely not intended for general viewing due to my skills and the quality of the vid (I mean, look at the annoying borders). I may update the link later.)


  • The mugshot part of the HUD looks too big and so I have to scaled the HUD down. The rest of the HUD looks quite okay, however.
  • Why do fist and chainsaw sprites not smoothed out?
  • Some enemies behave quite weird. For instance, the Fire Pinky Demon? at 3:00 just straight up teleported right in front of me in one of my test runs + the zombies in the beginning of the map.
  • Grammar errors/typos.
  • Too much blood, really. I don't like the amount of blood to be cranked up to the level of gore mods'. At least let me modify them.
  • The burning enemies' sprites felt a bit lazy. Why do the fish also share the burning human sprites with the rest of the humanoid enemies? (4:46)
  • This isn't really a criticize point, but please make the gun akimbo powerup usable to Doomguy.
  • Intermission pic should be improved.
  • Where does the evil plant thing come from? I don't recall having seen them in Blood nor Doom 2. (3:35)
  • Some enemies' dying sprites look a bit glitched (the sargeant at the exit)
  • I like the references. They are pretty cute.
  • The mod, as a whole, is pretty atmospheric.

Current TLDR is: The mod has great potential, but still very much pink on the inside. Just take my words and keep going :) I believe this mod will *boom* someday and will get the attentions of mod reviewers like Icaruslives.


Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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18 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Where does the evil plant thing come from? I don't recall having seen them in Blood nor Doom 2. (3:35)

Its from the mission pack (Postmortem episode)


18 minutes ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Too much blood, really. I don't like the amount of blood to be cranked up to the level of gore mods'.

Agreed, gore needs to be toned down.

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Alright, I wrote a review based on the demo, video's done processing and I share many of the sentiments of what was written above. I'm actually fine with the amount of gore however, but gore neither makes it or breaks it for me.

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10 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

This looks utterly interesting :P I'll post a gameplay clip when I've got a chance.


10 hours ago, Murdoch said:

This looks absurd, ridiculous, and stupidly over the top.


*bookmarks for download*


6 hours ago, elend said:

This is simply awesome. From what I've seen so far there's a lot of work been put into this and I can't wait to try this.


6 hours ago, Jello said:

Absolutely love the new Cacodemon and Pain Elemental. That's some good sprite crossover.


Thanks guys!!! 

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4 hours ago, UndeadRyker said:

Damn wow that looks amazing. Everything about it looks great especially the trailer. The mashups seems very Blood-related (e.x: the Blood side in the mod seems overwhelming) but it looks dark and creepy. Gonna edit this post later with a short gameplay video of Bloom soon, can’t wait to play it!

Edit: First impressions-- Just played demo v1.666 for about 25 minutes. I have a lot to say about it and unfortunately it's mostly negative. Video is uploading and I'm typing a quick review all out now...


THE REVIEW OF THE DEMO: Well I can say that this certainly looks great and it's taking advantage of GZDoom's features. But that's about it. For me, I didn't have a good time playing it for numerous reasons. This is one of the many compromises you have to make when picking what the major focus is of your project and in this case, it was looks. Now there's nothing wrong with making your levels and your mod look fantastic like what was done here, what really matters is the gameplay, and you should also be particular aware of that because we play Doom. Doom doesn't look great, but we focus on the gameplay because we enjoy it. Anyway, I'll get into the specifics now.


One, the usage and application of non-euclidean geometry, and the levels themselves. When you are careful with how you do things, it can look amazing and otherworldly while conveying a sense of unease and the supernatural. I really like what the feel of the first two maps are. They are very atmospheric. But the problem is, it was applied badly. Most of the visuals don't seem non-euclidean, but rather glitchy and unintentional, for example, see the photo below (I should add that the right side where the blue room of MAP01 should be looks completely fine and that's what non-euclidean geometry should be like):



Another very important thing that ties into my first point and that could also ruin the map: decoration! These hanging lanterns during the first transitioning from Doom 2 MAP01 to Blood's funeral home with the graveyard is the perfect example of what I absolutely detest and hate with a passion. As soon as I hit the very tip of my forehead on one, I got stopped completely dead in my tracks and that just annoyed the hell out of me. Decorations like that I do not understand why collision is so important to have and it does not make sense. Collision for big decorations like Doom's big trees and barrels make sense because there's so few of them put in a level, and they're extremely big. Obviously you're not getting through a tech pillar, but seriously? Hitting the tip of my head on a lantern, hanging from chains would bring me to a dead stop? Maybe if it was right in my way, but the way it was put into the map frustrated me. It felt like I should've grazed it but instead I felt like I ran into a tree when there was nothing in my way until I looked up to see the sliver of lantern above me.


Knowing this, you probably knew what went through my head as soon as I saw these areas:



This was hell on earth. The depiction of this hell on earth is beautiful, but it was hell on earth to navigate through in the worst way possible. It wouldn't be so bad if it was more obvious which things you can walk through and which things you couldn't, but there was items I needed to grab. I got stuck in nearly every tree and gravestone and I think almost the terrain itself trying to get ammo, health or just plainly navigate through to see where I need to go. I think I died in the second level trying to jump to check something out but I fell into an non-euclidean pit and instantly died. But the bad parts of the decorations don't end there:



Almost all of them are shootable, meaning you can't shoot through them. The leaves and bushes are literally bulletproof. And projectiles can't go through them. Granted the first picture I hit the fence, I tried shooting through its holes and my shots were blocked 90% of the time in the arena and it was really awkward too especially since even the enemies had trouble navigating to me. If you really wanted the trees to be solid, at the very most, the actual radius of the collision should only focus on the trunk. And lastly, the autoaim. -NOAUTOAIM was neglected and you have no idea how much pain I felt when I blasted a corpse in front of me instead of hitting a zombie or an imp and died because of it. Autoaim focuses hanging bodies and sometimes the dead corpses below which was miserable when you enter the Doom 2 MAP01 area with the plasma rifle near the exit. Also, my chainsaw kept locking on to the decorations away from the enemies. Not cool:



Now I want to focus on these little areas of the funeral home:



Why on earth did you give me jumping boots if I can't jump up there to those two spots begin with? This is a problem completely opposite of my other complaint, with decorations blocking when they shouldn't, and now ways are blocked when they shouldn't?


Third, this is LOUD. Like, Left 4 Dead 2 levels of loud. Look into SNDINFO more and tune the volumes of certain sounds and limit how many should be playing at once, for example the candle burning sounds. But that's my only complaint. The ambient was done great but sometimes it's just overwhelming.


Now for the minor parts. The flow of the level feels like it heavily emphasizes backtracking. While this isn't a bad thing for me personally, I noticed that the two levels focus and require backtracking a lot and it could get boring if I know I will have to backtrack back and forth multiple times throughout whether it's getting keys or hitting switches. It could also be a psychological thing because doors and other passages that weren't locked in either of the two games are locked now in some way, so it probably has nothing to do with it. It's probably more of a "but I was able to get here for free!" thing before. As for the English, obviously it isn't perfect but it is understandable. A tiny thing I discovered was that sometimes the HUD isn't scaled correctly when I messed with it after recording the video. The STBAR is way too big if you tell GZDoom to automatically scale it to screen width by default, and if you tell it to do the same for the minimal HUD, it's flat out non-existent.


And that's it for now. Honestly, I can't wait to see it grow and be developed over time. I'll continue playing some more in the future, but unfortunately I enjoyed it less than I thought I would because of those issues, (although recently I've come to slowly dislike GZDoom as a port for playing Doom but that's a whole nother subject, meh). But seriously, perfect atmosphere and stuff going on here. Keep working on it!



Thanks for your kind words, we appreciate your review and it will be take in count 

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3 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Alright, I finished the first map of this TC and... there's quite a lot to criticize about it :/

(Note that the video is a bit rushed and it is completely not intended for general viewing due to my skills and the quality of the vid (I mean, look at the annoying borders). I may update the link later.)


  Reveal hidden contents
  • The mugshot part of the HUD looks too big and so I have to scaled the HUD down. The rest of the HUD looks quite okay, however.
  • Why do fist and chainsaw sprites not smoothed out?
  • Some enemies behave quite weird. For instance, the Fire Pinky Demon? at 3:00 just straight up teleported right in front of me in one of my test runs + the zombies in the beginning of the map.
  • Grammar errors/typos.
  • Too much blood, really. I don't like the amount of blood to be cranked up to the level of gore mods'. At least let me modify them.
  • The burning enemies' sprites felt a bit lazy. Why do the fish also share the burning human sprites with the rest of the humanoid enemies? (4:46)
  • This isn't really a criticize point, but please make the gun akimbo powerup usable to Doomguy.
  • Intermission pic should be improved.
  • Where does the evil plant thing come from? I don't recall having seen them in Blood nor Doom 2. (3:35)
  • Some enemies' dying sprites look a bit glitched (the sargeant at the exit)
  • I like the references. They are pretty cute.
  • The mod, as a whole, is pretty atmospheric.

Current TLDR is: The mod has great potential, but still very much pink on the inside. Just take my words and keep going :) I believe this mod will *boom* someday and will get the attentions of mod reviewers like Icaruslives.


Thank you very much!! Very appreciated your video and review, we will try to fix all the issues you have found, thanks to this we can keep improving, thanks

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7 minutes ago, Drugod said:

Thank you very much!! Very appreciated your video and review, we will try to fix all the issues you have found, thanks to this we can keep improving, thanks

And thanks for being cool, @Drugod and your Bloom team! I am anticipated for the next release!

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35 minutes ago, Toilet_Wine_Connoisseur said:

Played the first 3 levels so far and have loved every second of it.

That´s great, man! We are glad that you like it! :)

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