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Timedemo for Doom (Benchmarking Test)


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pull down the console with the ~ key

type: timedemo activate_demo1.demo

the game will run by itself and report the avg. fps when finished

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gatewatcher said:

Are you talking about Doom? If so, why is it here?

We're talking about the leaked alpha. Haven't you heard it?

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Mercenary4Hire said:

. And why is the demo file 160MB? :P

- M4H

It's not a damn demo, it's an Alpha - huge difference. Get it right.

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dsm said:

It's not a damn demo, it's an Alpha - huge difference. Get it right.

No. He's talking about a demo in the game.


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Shaviro said:

No. He's talking about a demo in the game.


Da ... just because it says "Newbie" under my name doesn't mean I'm totally clueless.

/me notices the abscence of his other thread ... I would have gladly deleted it but it seems that I can't do it myself. Thanks. :)

- M4H

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Mercenary4Hire said:

Da[/b] ... just because it says "Newbie" under my name doesn't mean I'm totally clueless.

Firstly, are you Russian? Secondly, maybe you aren't totally clueless, but a lot of newbies ARE. I haven't tried the Alpha (don't want to either - I'm not an impatient bastard, I can wait for the full release), so I had no idea there was this demo stuff in it.

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Timedemo does quite obviously NOT give the average fps rate. At least not the rendering time, possibly the frame total through the CPU though.

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dsm said:

Firstly, are you Russian? Secondly, maybe you aren't totally clueless, but a lot of newbies ARE. I haven't tried the Alpha (don't want to either - I'm not an impatient bastard, I can wait for the full release), so I had no idea there was this demo stuff in it.

1) Nein.
2) Understandibly so ... I crossed the invisible line myself asking for the door code, so I'm still clueless. Just not totally. :P

Besides, if I'd downloaded a 160MB "alpha" of D3, I'd probably be playing the World's Biggest Trojan/BackDoor EXE. :D

Fredrik said:

Timedemo does quite obviously NOT give the average fps rate. At least not the rendering time, possibly the frame total through the CPU though.

Timedemo plays back a captured demo (recorded at a set framerate) as fast as possible. (In Q3A they were recorded at the 60fps timebase, IIRC.) It checks how long it took to render the entire demo, and then does frames in demo / time = average FPS - which is a pretty poor indicator of gameplay. The true gameplay factor is minimum FPS - if you hit single digits every time a monster gets up close and ugly, you're not going to enjoy the game very much.

But in 6 months when D3 hits retail, I'm expecting double or triple framerates. Remember, this is an unoptimized alpha so avoid making n00bish assumptions that it's going to stay at this performance level.

Edit - Mie speleng r teh güddr now.

- M4H

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