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Gray textures


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Has anyone tried to look into the source and noticed that most of the textures are colorless? might have something to do because of adding lighting and shadowing effects since they are supposed to be models now but not paint anymore?

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PlayfulPuppy said:

The bumpmaps are DOT3, so they're stored in RGB format. (They look like someone on an acid trip)

How is a DOT3 bumpmap different from a "normal" bumpmap?

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Linguica said:

How is a DOT3 bumpmap different from a "normal" bumpmap?

Very large difference. Standard bumpmapping (Emboss) uses the highlights and shadows from the original texture to create the bumpmap. Naturally, this looks like ass.

DOT3, on the other hand, uses a seperate heightmap which is drawn by an artist, or in the case of Doom 3, generated from the original high-polygon mesh. This heightmap is then converted into a normalmap (A normal is a direct perpandicular to a polygon [or in this case texel]... in other words, shows which direction a polygon/pixel is facing). Normals are made up of 3 values, X,Y and Z, and in the DOT3 bumpmap XYZ is substituted for RGB.

... in short... DOT3 looks prettier. :)

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in the DOT3 bumpmap XYZ is substituted for RGB.

Now that I think about it... that's fucking ingenious. O_o

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