nekostuffing Posted November 16, 2019 (edited) i creaded a grenade launcher thet uses custom grenades in brutal doom fashion but it seams im having truble with the normal grenade toss function at first i can use grenades normaly and use the grenade launcher without issuses but once i run out of grenades i can no longer use the grenade toss only the grenade launcher, im not sure what i did wrong. This is the grenade launcher code ACTOR BTGrenadeLauncher : BlackTemplarWeapon { SpawnID 1120 Weapon.SelectionOrder 8500 Weapon.AmmoGive2 6 Weapon.AmmoType1 "GrenadeAmmoLoaded" Weapon.AmmoType2 "GrenadeLauncherAmmo" Weapon.SlotNumber 7 Inventory.PickupSound "weapons/GrenadeLauncher/pickup" Inventory.PickupMessage "$GOT GRENADELAUNCHER" Inventory.ForbiddenTo BloodAngel States { Spawn: GBTN A -1 Stop Ready: TNT1 A 2 A_PlaySound("weapons/GrenadeLauncher/pickup") GRLS ABC 1 ReadyLoop: GRLG A 1 A_WeaponReady(WRF_ALLOWRELOAD | WRF_ALLOWZOOM) Goto ReadyLoop Deselect: GRLS CBA 1 TNT1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0 A_Lower TNT1 A 1 Wait Fire: TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeAmmoLoaded",1,1) Goto Reload TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("RedFlareSpawn",-5,0,0,0) TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound ("weapons/GrenadeLauncher/fire") TNT1 A 0 A_AlertMonsters GRLF A 2 BRIGHT A_FireCustomMissile("BdGrenadeMissile", 0, 1, 13, 9) TNT1 A 0 A_Takeinventory("GrenadeAmmoLoaded",1) GRLF BCD 2 BRIGHT GRLF E 2 A_SetPitch(-6.0 + pitch) GRLG A 2 A_SetPitch(2.0 + pitch) TNT1 A 0 TNT1 A 0 A_Refire Goto ReadyLoop Reload: GRLG A 1 A_WeaponReady GRLG A 6 TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeAmmoLoaded", 0,"ReadyLoop") TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeLauncherAmmo",1, "ReloadAnimate") Goto ReadyLoop ReloadAnimate: TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/GrenadeLauncher/reload") GRLR ABCDE 3 TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItemEx("EmptyRocketChamber", 17, 2, 35, 0, random(3,6), 4) GRLR FGHI 3 GRLR JK 3 ReloadAmmo: //This continuously subtracts from stock and adds to the amount in the weapon until we either run out of stock or fill the weapon. TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeAmmoLoaded", 0,"ReadyLoop") TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeLauncherAmmo",1, 1) Goto ReadyLoop TNT1 A 0 A_Giveinventory("GrenadeAmmoLoaded", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_Takeinventory("GrenadeLauncherAmmo", 1) Goto ReloadAmmo } } the grenade toss code (Wich comes with the player class code) ACTOR BlackTemplarWeapon : DoomWeapon { //$Category Weapons Game Doom Weapon.AmmoUse1 0 Weapon.AmmoUse2 0 Weapon.AmmoGive1 0 Weapon.AmmoGive2 0 +WEAPON.NOAUTOAIM +FORCEXYBILLBOARD +WEAPON.NOALERT States { Ready: ReadyLoop: Deselect: Fire: Flash: Spawn: TNT1 A 0 A_Print("??? Weapon reached unimplemented state ???") Stop Select: TNT1 A 0 A_WeaponOffset(0.0, 32.0) TNT1 A 0 A_Raise(60) Wait AltFire: //Actually kick TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/melee/kick") TNT1 A 0 SetPlayerProperty(0, 1, PROP_FROZEN) //If the player has been punching, end the combo here TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("PSeq1", 2) TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("PSeq2", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_jumpifinventory("PowerStrength",1,"BerserkerKick") STKI ABCDEF 1 TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("KickAttack", 0, 0, 0, -7) STKI G 4 STKI HIJK 2 TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256, "FinishKick") BerserkerKick: BTKI ABCDEFG 1 TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("SuperKickAttack", 0, 0, 0, -7) BTKI H 3 BTKI IGFEDCBA 1 FinishKick: TNT1 A 0 SetPlayerProperty(0,0, PROP_FROZEN) TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("KickHasHit", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256, "ReadyLoop") Zoom: //Actually grenade TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeAmmo", 1, 1) Goto NoGrenade BRTH ABCD 1 TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/grenade/pin") BRTH EEFG 1 TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySound("weapons/grenade/toss") BRTH HI 1 TNT1 A 0 A_TakeInventory("GrenadeAmmo", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("BdGrenade", random(-2,2), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) BRTH JKLM 1 TNT1 A 1 TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256, "Ready") NoGrenade: TNT1 A 0 A_Print("No Grenades Left") TNT1 A 0 A_Jump(256, "ReadyLoop") } } and the grenade ammo //Grenades aren't really a weapon, but they're added on to all weapons by default /** This weapon is given to the player on start and acts as a placeholder to allow grenades to appear in the GZDoom alt hud. It's bumped to an absurd SelectionOrder so that it doesn't get selected automatically. */ ACTOR BdGrenades : BdLiteWeapon { Weapon.SelectionOrder 99999999 Weapon.AmmoType GrenadeAmmo States { Ready: ReadyLoop: Fire: Flash: TNT1 A 1 A_WeaponReady Wait Deselect: TNT1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 0 A_Lower TNT1 A 1 Wait } } /** Small ammo for grenades */ ACTOR GrenadeAmmo : Ammo { //$Category Ammunition Game Doom SpawnID 11 Inventory.PickupMessage "You got a grenade!" Inventory.PickupSound "weapons/rifle/clip" Inventory.Amount 1 Inventory.MaxAmount 6 Ammo.BackpackAmount 5 Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 20 Inventory.Icon "GRNDA" Scale 0.8 States { Spawn: PGRN AB 10 Loop } } /** Large ammo for grenades */ ACTOR GrenadeBox : GrenadeAmmo { Game Doom SpawnID 139 Inventory.PickupMessage "Picked up a box of grenades." Inventory.PickupSound "weapons/rifle/clip" Inventory.Amount 3 States { Spawn: PGRN CD 10 Loop } } /** Represents ammo loaded into the GrenadeLauncher */ ACTOR GrenadeAmmoLoaded : Ammo { Inventory.Amount 20 Inventory.MaxAmount 20 Ammo.BackpackAmount 5 Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 40 Inventory.Icon "GRNDA" } ACTOR GrenadeLauncherAmmo : Ammo { Inventory.Amount 6 Inventory.MaxAmount 30 Ammo.BackpackAmount 5 Ammo.BackpackMaxAmount 40 Inventory.Icon "GRNDA" States { Spawn: PGRN A -1 Stop } } also the grenade projectiles /** Inventory class used to count up the time until a grenade explodes */ Actor GrenadeTime : Inventory { inventory.maxamount 6 } /** Grenades aren't really implemented as weapons, but they can be used with the Zoom function on weapons. They're projectiles that bounce and are affected by gravity. */ ACTOR BdGrenade { Radius 4 Height 4 Projectile Speed 30 Damage 0 Gravity 0.7 Scale 0.2 +MISSILE -NOGRAVITY -BLOODSPLATTER -EXTREMEDEATH +EXPLODEONWATER +SKYEXPLODE +DOOMBOUNCE BounceFactor 0.5 WallBounceFactor 0.25 Health 5 SeeSound "weapons/grenade/bounce" DeathSound "none" Obituary "%o ate %k grenade." States { Spawn: GRND ABCDEFGH 2 TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("GrenadeTime", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeTime", 3, "Explode") Loop Death: TNT1 A 0 GRND H 16 TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("GrenadeTime", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeTime", 3, "Explode") Loop Explode: TNT1 A 0 A_NoBlocking TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItem("FragGrenadeExplosion") Stop } } Actor GrenadeMissleTime : Inventory { +ACTIVATEIMPACT inventory.maxamount 3 } ACTOR BdGrenadeMissile { Radius 4 Height 4 Projectile Speed 30 Damage 0 Gravity 0.7 Scale 0.9 +MISSILE -NOGRAVITY -BLOODSPLATTER -EXTREMEDEATH +EXPLODEONWATER +SKYEXPLODE +DOOMBOUNCE BounceFactor 0.5 WallBounceFactor 0.25 Health 5 SeeSound "weapons/grenade/bounce" DeathSound "none" Obituary "%o ate %k grenade." States { Spawn: Spawn: TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(waterlevel > 1, "SpawnUnderwater") TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("GrenadeMissleTime", 1) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeMissleTime", 3, "Explode") TNT1 A 0 A_CheckFloor("Death") GBPJ AAABBBCCCDDD 1 A_CustomMissile ("SmokeTrail", 2, 0, random (70, 110), 2, random (0, 360)) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeMissleTime", 3, "Explode") TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("GrenadeMissleTime", 1) GBPJ EEEFFFGGGHHH 1 A_CustomMissile ("SmokeTrail", 2, 0, random (70, 110), 2, random (0, 360)) TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeMissleTime", 3, "Explode") Loop Death: TNT1 A 0 TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("GrenadeMissleTime", 3, "Explode") GBPJ AAAA 3 A_CustomMissile ("SmokeTrail", 2, 0, random (70, 110), 2, random (0, 360)) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("GrenadeMissleTime", 1) Loop Explode: TNT1 A 0 A_NoBlocking TNT1 A 0 A_SpawnItem("FragGrenadeExplosion") Stop } } Edited November 17, 2019 by nekostuffing forgot to add something 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
nekostuffing Posted November 17, 2019 (edited) i solved it guys sorry bout this Edited November 17, 2019 by nekostuffing gramar 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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