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The worst DOOM levels ever?

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I'm going to make a joke WAD that is made entirely out of bad levels from Doom, Doom 2, and Final Doom, but make them even worse. I want to know what maps should I add and how I can make them worse.


EDIT: I have picked out 6 maps to start working on.


TNT Habitat

DOOM 2 Barrels o fun

DOOM 2 Chasm

DOOM 2 Dead Simple

Plutonia Hunted

DOOM Nirvana


Once these are done I will look for more.


EDIT: Development is slow right now. I have little motivation for this project and its hard to playtest these maps. Once these 6 maps are done I might just end it there.


EDIT: After posting the WAD it was removed by a moderator. You guys were right, it was a bad idea. Forget I ever tried.

Edited by Theshyguy489

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I dare you to make Barrels O's Fun even worse than it already is.


I fucking DARE you.

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Hate to be a turd monster: But I just don't have enough years left on this planet to waste on Joke Mods.......................(there're already a zillion HORRIBLE ones out there).

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1 hour ago, seed said:

No map from Doom or Doom 2 is that objectively bad to take inspiration from for a joke wad.


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1 hour ago, JudgeDeadd said:

Not sure if it can be called "bad" but The Chasm is sure infamous for its razor-thin ledges.


Which is what actually makes it one of the best maps in the IWADs.


It's just you and those ledges, no RNG, nothing, the player vs the game.

Edited by seed

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55 minutes ago, Ajora said:

There are zero bad levels in The Ultimate Doom and Doom 2.

You've been drinking the giggle juice again, clown.

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There are certainly levels you could rip on for fun. The Chasm (Doom II) and Hunted (Plutonia) come to mind. You could just make an Archvile maze of super thin lines. Then, half way through the maze, you throw in the teleport death trap from the beginning of Last Call (TNT), and all the wrong teleports send you directly to a room full of barrels, PE's and a Berserker (Barrels O' Fun). Top it off with an Icon of Sin battle at the end, but... but... the IoS room is shaped like a hand, and full of Lost Souls (Slough of Despair). You'd have a great map, legendary. Do it.  

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There are a select few maps in Doom2 that I don't like very much, but if I could change any one level it would be Nirvana. I don't dislike any part of it on its own, I think it's mainly too small though, especially for being relatively late in the game. The puzzles end up feeling sort of like half-ideas and if any time constraints were removed, the level could have benefit from being 2 or 3 times larger imo.




Edited by reflex17

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3 hours ago, Rampy470 said:

I dare you to make Barrels O's Fun even worse than it already is.


I fucking DARE you.

You can’t change something as perfect as Barrels O’ Fun. That’s like telling someone to go draw a silly moustache on the Mona Lisa.

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3 hours ago, Eurisko said:

Slough of Despair.
It can just fuck off. 


I actually like that map and was making a map that's somewhat inspired by it called Slough Death. The map is in the shape of a dragon-ish skull. haha.



Edited by Doom_Dude

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The majority of plutonia's maps. The whole megawad feels like having your skin flayed out and played like a violin. 


The jungle theme is nice though. 

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1 hour ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:



to be fair, the level design in doom 2016 is the worst part about it, but the general gameplay is good


just way way way too many locked down arenas, and levels being just too linear

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Playing through the Master Levels with the DWMegawad Club, I've just found TEETH.WAD's "Bad Dream" is the worst thing that could have ever been oficiallized by ID. 
In regular Doom 2, probably Nirvana or The Chasm, The Courtyard and Citadel are also really low entries.

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2 hours ago, kaleb. said:

to be fair, the level design in doom 2016 is the worst part about it, but the general gameplay is good


just way way way too many locked down arenas, and levels being just too linear


I was mostly being facetious. I do wish 2016 had a bit more non-linearity and little less lockdown arenas, but, I always thought the level design got a worse rap than it deserved.

Edited by RonnieJamesDiner

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1 hour ago, DJVCardMaster said:

In regular Doom 2, probably Nirvana or The Chasm, The Courtyard and Citadel are also really low entries.

I like The Citadel. Something about an abstract demonic castle in the middle of the city just clicks for me. It also has that sense of scale and intimidating atmosphere to back it up. I will not defend grabbing the blue key, however. Then again, I like most of the E2/urban maps in Doom 2.

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1 hour ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:


I was mostly being facetious. I do wish 2016 had a bit more linearity and little less lockdown arenas, but, I always thought the level design got a worse rap than it deserved.

i mean i dont think its awful or anything. just not what i wanted from a new doom game.....

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After playing through all of Plutonia my new least favorite is Bunker (MAP26). So bland in comparison to the rest of the later half.


Also obligatory votes against E2M9, Doom II MAP21, and Evilution MAP27

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