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What do you think about Doom 3?

Serafettin6 B

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OG DooM 3 is really really dark and it's annoying to switch from your flashlight to your gun. Thank god DooM 3 BFG edition made it so you can use your gun and your flashlight

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On 11/20/2019 at 3:56 PM, BBQgiraffe said:

I quite enjoy the spooky atmosphere but I'm not a fan of the slow paced combat and movement

same here


On 11/20/2019 at 5:02 AM, Boomslang said:

really like the swapping flashlight mechanic

yes, it has a certain heretic vibe to it :)


On 11/19/2019 at 10:29 PM, Skootroot said:

OG DooM 3 is really really dark and it's annoying to switch from your flashlight to your gun. Thank god DooM 3 BFG edition made it so you can use your gun and your flashlight

there are flashlight mods for doom 3 that are incredibly easy to install that adds a flashlight to most weapons, it was the first thing I did after playing it for 5 minutes for the first time when it was released


On 11/19/2019 at 9:11 PM, jeroa said:

good for a couple a runs, no replay value

I do not know what kind of mods and maps it has... if there are no 3rd party maps then yes, no replay value otherwise I would say no, tons of replay value


On 11/19/2019 at 8:10 PM, Gerardo194 said:

Best Doom game after Doom 1

Well... I would say, best Doom game after Doom 2 (and its siblings).. however Doom ethernal does seem to have potential to change that and Doom 2016 could perhaps with the right changes, be a decent game also


I would still like a modern version of heretic, hexen and strife and even better if modern versions of Doom, Hexen, Heretic, Strife, Wolfenstein, Fallout?, rage?, Quake and ? could all be siblings like the old 90s games are



to sum up... if they make a perfect engine with perfect gameplay and then just focus on tons of games and content for a while for that engine


Edited by CBM

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Just now, jamondemarnatural said:

I like the BFG Edition more.. sorry ;P

They are pretty cool.


I guess that any doom game that runs on the original doom engine can be more or less considered to simple be classic doom and in that case I will argue that classic doom is still number one in my book, then doom 3, then the others

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22 minutes ago, CBM said:

They are pretty cool.


I guess that any doom game that runs on the original doom engine can be more or less considered to simple be classic doom and in that case I will argue that classic doom is still number one in my book, then doom 3, then the others

Yeah, but only talking about the Doom 3 here, it liked some changes like the ligthings and the real flashligth. Only thing that bothers me it's the ammo but oh well. I can at least use more the plasma gun that Vainilla Doom 3.

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9 hours ago, CBM said:

Well... I would say, best Doom game after Doom 2 (and its siblings)..

Well... I think your opinion must be for the thread's owner rather than me, my friend... I already said what I said...

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On 11/22/2019 at 6:24 PM, Gerardo194 said:

Well... I think your opinion must be for the thread's owner rather than me, my friend... I already said what I said...

Yes, sorrry I meant no harm or disrespect

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Of all the Doom games, it has hands down the best...

  •  Atmosphere
  •  Monster introductions
  •  Portrayal of a creepy, isolated, post-Hell-invasion UAC facility 

...And hands down the worst...

  •  Shotgun
  •  Pacing*

* It's a pretty long game and the level design doesn't really have enough tricks up its sleeve to compensate



Either you enjoy the slower pace and hyper-linear level design, or you don't. For me, those two things match the entire vibe of the game perfectly. Big fan. 



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Something that disappoints me about Doom 3 is how a lot of enemies feel samey and this is because i thought some designs were cool.

Specially the Resurrection of Evil's Bruiser.


Also, i just remembered they had this creepy "flesh tunnel" effect with teleportation.




I forgot what the context was because it's been a while since i played it.

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I might as well quote my old comment:

On 8/19/2018 at 11:52 AM, sluggard said:

Yes I like it, I think my only real complaint about Doom 3 is how it gets too repetitive middle of the game, the levels feel too similar to each other, bit of environment and gameplay variety could have helped, I think the visuals still hold up very well today, eventhough the models look dated by today's standards.

Edited by sluggard

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It is a very good game ... atmospheric and action-packed.

It copies a lot of ideas from half life1 and system-shock, but it is DOOM so it can definitely do that...I liked the attention to detail the level design was also good

I think it is in a way the last real doom game we can get. id today is very different from id back then! The Last game that carries traces of the original id DNA must be DOOM 3...i am still excited about the new releases but not in the same way...Doom 2016 exposed the concepts and gameplay elements we will likely find in eternal... DOOM 3 was pure & undiluted the last original DOOM to me at least ... 



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  • 4 weeks later...

Replayed it recently. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The atmosphere is excellent and it feels like PSX or N64 Doom brought to true 3D, at least for me. One thing I didn't care for is the seemingly constant surprise jumping Imps. Gets old after the third time.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did a play through on Switch after having previously beat it on PC and I didn't notice any differences in level design. Mind, it's a relatively long game and I don't have a photographic memory, but I didn't notice anything too different, except that I was playing on lighter difficulty to make up for using a controller.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played it again recently, the game has a really nice look to it but we just see the same few environments over and over again (garage, computer lab, maintenence area ad nauseum).


to raise a diszenting voice, the game actually felt faster in some ways than classic doom, the biggest reason being that tougher enemies (cacodemon+) don't suck up nearly as much damage from low tier weapons. however it has some pace-killing things that IMO have absolutely no place in doom, like sprint stamina (yuck) or having to listen to audio logs to get locker codes. maybe I should just stop being a bitch and skip the lockers XD.


Also, the gore sucks. Demon corpses disappear in seconds and zombies gib instantly if their body is hit by anything, then those gibs also fade away. Lame AF

Edited by xdarkmasterx

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Doom 3 is a great game. I really enjoyed it. Not so keen on the BFG version but it's a way for non PC gamers to play the game, plus you get Doom & Doom II as well.

RoE was also good.

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I just finished the game today.

I liked it, though there are some frustrating parts near the end and the final boss is a letdown.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been possibly THE biggest fan of Doom 3 (the original, not the BFG crap) for as long as I can remember, and would still recommend the original to this day. I am a huge fan of the atmospheric horror in the game, and id Tech 4 is a GREAT and UNDERRATED engine. Everything about original Doom 3 needs more love.


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