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TNT Map09 Pacifist

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My TAS shows the difficulties of the map really well: the amount of hitscan, the demon in the tight corridor and the usage of barrels and infighting are done in such ways that it's basically impossible to replicate in real time. At many places I struggled to get to the next place in the map even with the tools and time I had in my hands. Of course, the TAS is not perfect, I can't really tell, but around 5-6 minutes would be really good. I experimented with skill 1 (ITYTD), and I can safely say that it's possible to beat the map that way, but it's really hard even at that difficulty. If I'm really bored, then I might do some attempts at that.


Oh, and don't even get me started on Nightmare pacifist...

Edited by JonaG

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15 hours ago, JonaG said:

Oh, and don't even get me started on Nightmare pacifist...

Nightmare should be more easy because it gives you more ammo. Grey face.

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If you figure some strategy for the tunnel section, it'd be doable. Barely, but doable. As it is, quite unlikely though.

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