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How could the forces of hell psychologically torment doomguy?


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I'd argue he's already too far gone. Going by the theory that Doom 1 > Doom 2 > Doom 64 > Doom 2016 is the chronological order of events, even before Daisy was killed Doom guy had a knack for righteous violence. He may not want to fire against unarmed civilians but he sure looks happy when he bags a new gun to kill demons with. Then in Doom 64's story it implies he was possibly being treated for some form of PTSD in between the events of Doom 2 and 64. He cackles maniacally as he descends into hell in map08(I think? Forgot the exact number), and then just decides to stay there instead of coming back to our dimension. Jump foward a few decades, centuries or whatever, and he's now basically the terminator, and then the predator in Doom Eternal. I don't think he can be tormented on a psychological level anymore.

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So many people talking as if "torment" is some kind of one-dimensional scale with "no torment" at one end and "maximum torment" at another, and once someone's inoculated to the latter, which is totally a specific and static thing, nothing bad can happen to them anymore.


21 hours ago, BBQgiraffe said:

the man literally rips demons in half with his bare hands for fun, I don't think there is much you can do :/


Make him unable to literally rip demons in half with his bare hands for fun? Sounds like a logical way to upset him. Just drop a ceiling on him or something. And then maybe have the demons NOT attack him, so that he has to tolerate them just being there, all demonic and stuff. I don't know, just think out of the box!

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18 hours ago, Scypek2 said:

Make him unable to literally rip demons in half with his bare hands for fun? Sounds like a logical way to upset him. Just drop a ceiling on him or something. And then maybe have the demons NOT attack him, so that he has to tolerate them just being there, all demonic and stuff. I don't know, just think out of the box!


I might be wrong but isn't that literally what the demons did in Doom 2016?

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He is already insane. People have this idea that hell would just kill. They want to eternally torment things, doomguy sure isn't stopping them from doing it successfully. He is their favorite target. 

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18 hours ago, SiFi270 said:

Show him his ancestor as a child, hanging from a noose, face unnaturally pale. Maybe have three more of them for good measure. And then force him to escape by destroying all four corpses.

Oooh, deep cut!

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22 hours ago, Mortrixs19 said:

Lock him in a room where are the walls are made of FIREBLU


I like fire blue,and would also like to know how to upload the sounds to one of my maps with the texture.

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There is a perfect timeline out there someplace in the multiverse, and in it, Rebecca Black started a Deathmetal band called Black Friday.

Edited by reflex17

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Lay a bunch of guns around but make them all constantly jam. Dude'll be ripping his hair out in about ten minutes.

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41 minutes ago, Rampy470 said:

Lay a bunch of guns around but make them all constantly jam. Dude'll be ripping his hair out in about ten minutes.

Ok, now that's taking things too far.

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