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Zombieman alert sound in new Mercedes-Benz commercial


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yeah i realize its from a library of sounds that can be used by whomever, but i just got a kick out of the fact that it made me look up at my tv as soon as i heard it.  crazy how it alerted me immediately lol

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yeah. door sounds were common for low-budget movies too. and once i watched some drama or something like that, and heard flying soul cube sound. now, that was the most frightening movie i've ever seen. you know, hearing a soul cube in a dark room...

Edited by ketmar

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Yeah, I'm watching "The Dragon Prince" Season 3 (highly recommended btw) and there's this little pet. For this they also used those camel sounds, which sounds a bit weird sometimes. 

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It is actually pretty common. I have heard it in so many games and movies over the years it's not even funny. And yes, my mind immediately goes to the Zombieman every time.


Some other sounds heard regularly - Imp (Camel), Hell Knight (Panther)

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6 hours ago, ketmar said:

yeah. door sounds were common for low-budget movies too. and once i watched some drama or something like that, and heard flying soul cube sound. now, that was the most frightening movie i've ever seen. you know, hearing a soul cube in a dark room...


sci-fi movie = door sound

horror movie = cube sound


I know I've also heard the heretic player death sound in some movies

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I didn't click the link.  But, I already know what you're talking about. I've seen it on tv recently. 


On a similar note, those sound effects were used on Tim Allen "The Santa Clause" I always find it funny when I hear those sound effects!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually saw this commercial on TV when i was skimming through the channels and i thought i recognized that sound from Doom! I guess i was right after all. I swear that those damn stock sounds are everywhere!

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In black mesa (The half life remake), the gauss gun's animation for when you first get it uses the doom door sounds for it powering up.

I've always wondered how people still use these same stock sounds when there are so many more yet we keep hearing the ones used in doom everywhere

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The stock sounds are still present in many places to this day.

Wanna know what else used a sound used in Doom? The """"remastered"""" cry of Hydreigon in Pokémon X & Y (and subsequent entries in the pokémon series).

And it ruined a perfectly good sound that didn't even need to be replaced or """"remastered"""".

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