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Poll: Symmetrical maps for deathmatch or not?


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They tend to be boring, but if one is just having fun and playing an assortment of maps a symmetrical and most likely circular map once in a while can be somewhat relaxing. I remember udm1 had one that wasn't bad... most multi-level WADs have one at least (well, doom2 has map07.) But play too many of those (or too much time in one) and it gets repetitive.

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One of my dm maps i made is kinda symmetrical, but the weapon placements are not. It plays well, i enjoy it. If done correctly small symmetrical dm maps are fine.

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deathz0r said:


That's the outdoor version, but I prefer map02. It is very simple but it's fun if not overplayed, particularly once the stairs are activated.

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myk said:

That's the outdoor version, but I prefer map02. It is very simple but it's fun if not overplayed, particularly once the stairs are activated.

heh, i originally made it as a tutorial to show how to do reverse stair building, but i got the idea to make it into a dm map somewhere along the way.

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DOOM Anomaly said:

Im okay with It, I mean some of my fave DM maps are somewhat Symmetrical, like Deadsimple.

doom2 or dwango5's?

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Torn said:

and no plasmagun...

The Plasma Rifle isn't as bad as the BFG, I like Plasma Rifle duels, mainly cause I'm actually the best with it, being I like study how long everything it does, and the speed of the projectiles ect... But it can be used cheaply sumtimes.

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DOOM Anomaly said:

The Plasma Rifle isn't as bad as the BFG, I like Plasma Rifle duels, mainly cause I'm actually the best with it, being I like study how long everything it does, and the speed of the projectiles ect... But it can be used cheaply sumtimes.

i hate people who whore the plasma rifle, especially if they camp with it.

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deathz0r said:

i hate people who whore the plasma rifle, especially if they camp with it.

I dont camp at all with any gun under any situation, but on some maps (Dwango5 Map15,17 to be more exact) I mostly use the plasma rifle, cause well, Im good with it, but I know map 15 of Dwango5 well enough that I dont Need to use it, but I do anyways.

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well, there are some levels where it's fine to plasma whore, but in others... d5m1 is a good example of why it sucks (when the server has jumping enabled).

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deathz0r said:

well, there are some levels where it's fine to plasma whore, but in others... d5m1 is a good example of why it sucks (when the server has jumping enabled).

Yeah, I hate that. I really only use most for protech myself like on map01 in doom2...
I hate plasma spammers...

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hmmm id actually say yes to this - that or quite symetrical - especially when itcomes to capture the flag games - i dont like it when the two bases are very different

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Small maps can get away with being symetrical since pace is important there - if you want fast gameplay you don't want to have overly complex layouts that take a lot of time to learn. With a two-sided symetrical layout you save 50% learning time and with a 4-side symmetry you save 75%.

However, if you want to involve some tactical elements and not just reaction speed into the gameplay, a slightly larger map with an asymetric layout is preferred.

I've done both - ultra-fast small symetrical stuff (one has three-sided symmetry actually, quite unusual) in Overload and more tactical non-symetrical in Darkening Episode 2.

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Entryway contains both elements of symmetries and varieties, which is what I love about it the most.

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it has a bit of symmetry, althrough I agree its vague. But this shape is reasonably symmetrical:


where the lower wight would be the room where you start, the far left in the middle is the room with the lowering platforms and so on. But in my book it won't qualify as a symmetrical map at all.

edit: need to learn how to spell symmetrical.

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