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Do you prefer Doom 3 or Quake 4?

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I remember being more entertained with Q4. I felt there was more variety in the levels/enviroments.


That being said, with both games I kinda had to force myself to finish them.

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Doom 3, of course. I haven't played Quake 4 yet. I've got to get it.


This thread must be in Doom 3's sub-forum, though.

Edited by Gerardo194

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21 minutes ago, Graf Zahl said:

Quake 4 is better, but that's merely relative. I didn't like either.


Same here.

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Quake IV, easily. It's sort of to Doom 3 what Doom II was to the original three episodes of Doom. It sped things up, added a couple of features and played a bit more with the engine capabilities to produce something more action-packed.


It's a closer competition between Doom 3: BFG Edition and Quake IV, and I don't dislike the original version of Doom 3 either.

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1 hour ago, Graf Zahl said:

Quake 4 is better, but that's merely relative. I didn't like either.


DOOM3 starts out immersive enough, but soon it feels repetitive. Especially if you have played Quake4 before.


I did not finish Quake4. It was quite fun to play but I lost interest when, same as in Half Life, the maps  devolved into long stretches of canyon fights. It seems that the map developers ran out of ideas.

Edited by Kappes Buur

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Hard to choose but I think I enjoyed Quake 4 more. I haven't gone back to either of them since they were first released when I played through that first time.


I want to replay Quake 4, just to re-experience being torpedoed in the drop pod and having it go through all that stuff. That was hilarious.

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Things have already been said about both their single player so allow me to speak my opinions about the multiplayer in both of them.


Vanilla Doom 3's multiplayer is pretty mediocre but mods like Last Man Standing and the sort make it a lot better, and I played a bit of Quake 4's multiplayer early in my high school years and it kind of felt like an HD Quake III Arena, I really liked it.

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I like both - I prefer Doom 3 because I like the universe more. Q4 singleplayer would be a lot better with faster movement. IIRC in SP you couldn't strafe jump nearly as quickly as you could in MP.

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I just remember playing through Quake 4 for the first time with a friend, and when we got to the Stroggification part, he just screamed out "UGH, SICK... THAT'S SO AWESOME!". I haven't played Q4 in a very long time, but I remember really enjoying it. Definitely a more action-oriented game with some very cool setpieces, arenas, and environments, and arguably far better use of the engine (though I'd say less effective use of the lighting). I also preferred the guns in Q4 far more than the Doom 3 guns. Hmm... I guess I have to go with Q4, in retrospect. I'm sure I'm looking at it through rose tinted glasses, though.

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Q4 for multiplayer, but i really like Doom 3's aesthetic overall. The dark and hellish ambients look really good, and Quake 4 is Quake 2's younger brother and i don't like how Q2 looks. I really want a continuation to Quake 1... It would look awesome on a newer engine. Shoutout to Arcane Dimensions for being awesome

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I like them both but if I had to chose I would prefer Doom 3. It's more refined and complete. Quake 4 feels more incomplete with the half-assed introducion of vehicles.

Also I don't like how Quake 4 completely ignores the great level design of it's predecessor Quake 2.

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I really liked Quake 4 singleplayer (especially when the story told you why you were even able to run "fast" at some point)


Doom 3 was honestly only nice because of the graphics (back then..)

Edited by eviltechno

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I like both, but Quake 4 has more satisfying gunplay and enemies. I like how a lot of the reimagined Quake 2 enemies that were hitscanners were changed to fire fast Nailgun projectiles, which could be avoided with good movement. I replayed Quake 4 around a year ago and had more fun than I remembered playing on release.

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Hard call. Quake 4 obviously had better gun play, but felt....cheaper? Like a direct-to-dvd sequel, where as Doom 3 came out with a bang. 


I don't know, there were things that always looked like they were put together in a more refined way in Doom 3. All the environments looked stunning (still do), with very little looking like it was low quality for the time. Quake 4, on the other hand, had backdrops that looked insanely low res, some open environments that looked far too barren, and things that looked more like they were made by a (very good) modding team. A big case in point is when the marine carrier is landing on Stroggos; that whole scene didn't feel nearly as well executed as it could have.


In short; Doom 3 looked just as I figured the devs meant for it to. Quake 4 had a lot of "this was the closest we could get" going on. 


Past the visual execution, I also felt like the plot was somehow worse and far more B-grade next to Doom 3. Yes, I know, Doom 3's plot is hardly AAA material, but its delivery, again, felt more on point. Quake 4, on the other hand, was as I said; very direct-to-dvd in its writing and acting. The result was a plot that exactly one intense moment in the entire game (you all know which one), where as Doom 3 carried its tension all the way through.


Quake 4's action, while an improvement, was also not -that- much better, and the fact that they went with an overly cinematic hollywood-esque soundtrack instead of the rocking Sonic Mayhem stuff really hurt it. Even Doom 3's theme song was far more aggressive and adrenaline inducing, and that was a slower paced game in general.... 


If this all sounds like I hated Quake 4, I didn't. It was enjoyable... for what it was. Doom 3, however, left a better impression over all.  

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