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Doom QUIZ in PL


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7 minutes ago, Jason said:

Well, there's two correct answers. In the fourth game, there are no zombiemen but there aren't any chaingunners (or "former commando") either. I would pick zombieman ONLY because the hell razers are LIKE chaingunners in the sense that they're the strongest zombie(?) but they're kinda demon so I wouldn't fully consider them a zombie. Either way I personally find this question's answers to be flawed.

EDIT: Wasn't fully sure on 2 I just gave my closest guess

Fixed and also added some new stuff :P

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Eh, have a question


Which of these statements is untrue:


A) Cyberdemons and spider masterminds share a walking sound effect

B) Ghost monsters can cross any barrier
C) Hell knight and baron sprites differ in more than colour

D) Every item that counts towards % of items collected has more than one frame of animation

E) Mancubus fireballs and imp fireballs are the same size

F) Pain elementals don't respawn in nightmare





B and D are untrue.

B: Ghost monsters can't cross monster block lines (I think they might also be unable to enter sectors whose ceiling is lower than its floor, but I can't remember)

D: The berserk pack (uniquely!) counts towards item% and only has one frame.


A, C, E and F are true.


A: The cyber and smm both use DSMETAL, but the cyber only plays it briefly before cutting it off with the DSHOOF.

C: Their walking sprites are named differently, using doom's built-in sprite flipping capability on different frames. Who knows why

E: Yep.

F: Neither PEs nor souls respawn in nightmare for some reason.


Edited by Grain of Salt

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Which one of these statements about Ultimate Doom levels is false?


 A) E1M8 has no shotgunners

 B) E2M2 has no zombiemen

 C) E3M2 has no imps

 D) E4M6 has no hell knights

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What is the one thing that is the same between the I'm Too Young To Die and Nightmare skill levels?


a) There is the lowest amount of monsters

b) The amount given for ammo and health pickups is doubled 

c) Monsters randomly respawn 

d) Cheat codes are disabled 

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Damaging floor deals its damage when:

A) The Doomguy (HUD) is looking at his left

B) The Doomguy (HUD) is looking at his right

C) The weapon bobbing is at its highest point

D) The weapon bobbing is at its lowest point

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I'll try to resist adding anything too obscure; not everyone's going to know Doom specific lingo such as a game tic.


How long does the Berserk powerup last?

a) the duration of the red tint

b) 120 seconds

c) the remainder of the map

d) permanent until the player dies


Which of the following monsters has the lowest pain chance (the chance to interrupt its current action when damaged)?

a) baron of hell

b) cyberdemon

c) spider mastermind

d) archvile


How many pellets does the super shotgun fire per shot

a) 14

b) 20

c) 25

d) 30


Which of the following weapons does the most damage per minute assuming continuous attacking and all attacks hit?

a) super shotgun

b) chaingun

c) chainsaw

d) berserk fist


If you have no armor and pick up a stack of 30 armor bonuses, how much damage reduction will apply the next time the player is damaged?

a) 0

b) 1/4

c) 1/3

d) 1/2

Edited by Crusader No Regret

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Which map did John Romero start at midnight and finish at 6am?

a) E1M1

b) E1M2

c) E4M2

d) E4M6


What is the limit on the number of lost souls on each map?

a) 7

b) 14

c) 21

d) 28


Which individual levels of Doom II were split into two separate levels for the Game Boy Advance port?

a) Levels 13 and 16

b) Levels 15 and 24

c) Levels 12 and 29

c) Levels 19 and 27



Answers are c,c,b


Edited by Horus

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Which release has the most shotgun guys?
a) Ultimate Doom

b) Doom 2
c) TNT

d) Plutonia




If you just tap the fire button, how many shots does the chaingun fire?

a) 1

b) 2
c) 3

d) 4





What level's main gimmick is watching a cyberdemon fight a spider mastermind?
a) MAP15: Industrial Zone

b) MAP20: Gotcha!

c) MAP27: Monster Condo
d) MAP28: The Spirit World



MAP20: Gotcha!


Doom 2 was translated and released in one non-English language. Which one?
a) Spanish

b) Italian

c) French

d) Portugese



What level does the arch-vile make his first appearance in Doom 2?

a) MAP08: Tricks and Traps

b) MAP09: The Pit
c) MAP11: Circle of Death

d) MAP14: The Inmost Dens



MAP11: Circle of Death


There is one level in Doom 2 with more than one spider mastermind on UV in it. Which one?

a) MAP06: The Crusher

b) MAP20: Gotcha!

c) MAP23: Barrels o' Fun

d) MAP28: The Spirit World



MAP28: The Spirit World


Which of the following maps has a different name on the automap?

a) MAP06: The Crusher

b) MAP11: Circle of Death

c) MAP14: The Inmost Dens

d) MAP29: The Living End



MAP11: Circle of Death


That oughta cover quite a few questions. Make sure to release all 500 questions to us when/if you finish!

Edited by 3saster

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Can the BFG 9000 kill multiple enemies per shot at any given distance?


A) Yes

B) No

C) Not entirely

D) You need to be closer.


How many rockets does it take to kill a Mancubus?


A) 1

B) 4

C) 3

D) 7


How much damage can the blue armor reduce compared to the green armor?


A) 40%

B) 35.7%

C) 50%

D) 25%


Which map in DOOM II do you obtain the Super Shotgun?


A) Map01

B) Map05

C) Map10

D) Map02


Which weapon is considered the most recent innovation by the UAC facility?


A) Chain gun

B) BFG 9000

C) Plasma Rifle

D) Super Shotgun


What term has DOOM coined in the multiplayer aspect?


A) Role-play

B) Capture the flag

C) Deathmatch

D) Co-op


Which is currently the most popular DOOM port?


A) Zdoom

B) Crispy doom

C) Chocolate doom

D) GZdoom


Which DOOM sequel was the first to give the monster designs a complete overhaul?


A) Doom 2016

B) Doom 3

C) Doom RPG

D) Doom 64



Edited by Musk
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9 minutes ago, Musk said:

How many rockets does it take to kill a Mancubus?


A) 1

B) 4

C) 3

D) 7

Either B or C thanks to Mancubuses' bullet sponge / flawed collision detection tech.

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1 hour ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

Either B or C thanks to Mancubuses' bullet sponge / flawed collision detection tech.

That has nothing to do with collision or anything, it just has to do with the variance in Doom's damage numbers. It's the same reason why you can't always kill an imp in 1 shotgun blast, or a cacodemon in 2 SSG shots. The SSG/Rocket launcher do about 200 damage/shot, with the about being the key word :P Any monster with 200/400/600/800, etc will be prone to this variance.

Edited by 3saster

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