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Skybox problem in Heretic


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I don't know why but my replaced skybox have a weird yellowish line on top and I converted skybox texture to doom gfx format heretic colour

chocolate-heretic 2019-12-16 16-30-42-04.png

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In that case I'm a bit at a loss.  It looks similar to the tutti-frutti error that can display in vanilla if the tiling point of the sky becomes visible.  Heretic skies should tile at a point that's normally hidden behind the level's walls.


A look at the WAD in question might be enlightening.



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Something might have gone wrong with the conversion...?  The sky patches in HERETIC.WAD list as 52.26Kb in my copy of SLADE, not 53.26.  Maybe try re-inserting and re-converting the sky and see if it might've been a one-time error.


If that doesn't change anything, check if you redefined SKY1 in the TEXTURE1 listing in any way?  And whether the problem happens across all ports or only some?

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I cannot see anything wrong with your sky image, but then I have not made a map for Heretic in quite some time, so who knows ...


So, I made a very simple map with GZDBBF


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and ran it with the original sky


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and then with your sky image


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and no line across the sky.


Then as a final test I ran Heretic with the new sky


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The only negative would be that the stars do not tile very well.


I should mention that I ran the maps with GZDoom hardware mode.

Edited by Kappes Buur

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Me I use chocolate-heretic... hmmm what weird in gzdoom work you.

I tested it in zdoom too and skybox looks fine too :/

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Is the new sky image in a separate pwad, or in the heretic iwad?


If it is in a pwad, try using -merge to load it instead of -file.

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Yeah my skybox is 256x200 but in game looks with that shitty yellow line, the 256x128 is default sky you see there

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Yeah, you should not have duplicates of SKY1 in the texture list, to make sure that the correct one is loaded. (It will load the first one with the matching name in the texture list.)


Also the sky texture should be 256x128, just like the original sky texture definitions in Heretic.

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I'll take a crack at it ...


As is,

LANCELOT.WAD displays in chocolate-heretic with the familiar line


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and in GZDOOM like this


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and in LZDOOM like this


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obviously there is something wrong with the sky image, so I loaded the pwad into Slade3 and low and behold the TEXTURE1 editor shows this


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whereupon I corrected the sizing, image size and offsets, to this


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After this correction

chocolate-heretic still shows the line across the sky but in both, GZDOOM and LZDOOM, the sky shows correctly. Therefore, my conclusion is that there is something very wrong with the programming of chocolate-heretic. So, for now, use either GZDOOM or LZDOOM for your heretic pwad.



I also checked BLASPHEMER with chocolate-heretic with the same result, a line across the sky.


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Since I have no interest in ever using chocolate-heretic for my gameplay, I leave it up to somebody else to report this as a bug report.

Edited by Kappes Buur

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Let's not give up just yet!


I wasn't sure if a weird Chocolate bug was at play, but no, the behavior Chocolate exhibits is accurate emulation of a vanilla bug so bug-reporting it to the Chocolate devs would be a waste of your and their time.  It is the tutti-frutti effect like I initially suspected, but it's a weird way of triggering it.  The Blasphemer screenshot is typical to how it usually appears in Heretic, i.e. it's normally hidden behind the walls and only shows if a sky ceiling is lowered.  The line shouldn't be appearing so high and visibly in the sky without something else being wrong.


What is going on appears to be a SLADE bug.  Remember I said the texture lump size seemed weird.  A sky patch for Heretic should be 53512 bytes.  I rolled back to an older version of SLADE I had kept around ( and re-inserted the texture and it seems to work.  Current version of SLADE is corrupting the sky patches somehow, in a way that ZDoom ports are just shrugging off but that matters to vanilla/chocolate apparently.  Your problem sky patch was 54536 bytes, larger than it should be.


The fact that the sizing/offsets in the texture definitions were wrong surely didn't help, but weren't the root cause of the problem it would appear.  Typically if you're inserting a new sky (unless you're doing one of those four-patch 360-degree skies) you only need to insert a replacement patch and not change the existing texture definition.  You also had some other corruption in your texture definitions that could have caused you problems down the line, I'm not sure why, but I attempted to clean those up as well.


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  On 12/18/2019 at 3:13 PM, ETTiNGRiNDER said:

What is going on appears to be a SLADE bug.  Remember I said the texture lump size seemed weird.  A sky patch for Heretic should be 53512 bytes.  I rolled back to an older version of SLADE I had kept around ( and re-inserted the texture and it seems to work.  Current version of SLADE is corrupting the sky patches somehow, in a way that ZDoom ports are just shrugging off but that matters to vanilla/chocolate apparently.



Interesting. I guess I have the explanation, and the culprit is, obviously, @Linguica. :p


I'm kidding, but first, take a look at this topic:


So here's what's happening: vanilla Doom has a weird column renderer that doesn't handle spans longer than 128 gracefully. To solve this problem, when images are taller than 128, they're split into spans of 128. Heretic has skies that are taller than 128, but to render them, it uses a weird hack: the texture is still defined as being only 128-texel-tall, however instead of calling the regular ColumnRenderer function when drawing skies, it integrates some tweaked code that basically duplicates the normal column renderer but draws up to 200 texels in each span instead of looking at span dimensions.


The result is that the yellow line you get is actually caused by the definition for the new span of 72 texels starting at offset 128. Look carefully at the screenshots with the yellow line: it's actually two lines, one on top of a bright orange (corresponding to color 128 in the Heretic palette) and another just below of a dark brown (corresponding to color 72). The Heretic column renderer just continues on beyond the "official" length of the spans and reads as pixel colors the metadata for the second span in the column.


ZDoom-based ports don't suffer from this issue because they draw the skies normally instead of hacking around. (In fact there's code to fix the texture size, so ZDoom hacks around the hack.) It's plausible that the texture is defined to be only 128-tall in Heretic so that it doesn't cause problems when used on a wall as a regular texture instead of as a sky texture.


And SLADE was released in January 2017, while support for the vanilla-compatible tall patches was added in February 2017, which is why is the last version that can create vanilla Heretic skies.

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  On 12/18/2019 at 4:28 PM, Gez said:


Interesting. I guess I have the explanation, and the culprit is, obviously, @Linguica. :p


I'm kidding, but first, take a look at this topic:


So here's what's happening: vanilla Doom has a weird column renderer that doesn't handle spans longer than 128 gracefully. To solve this problem, when images are taller than 128, they're split into spans of 128. Heretic has skies that are taller than 128, but to render them, it uses a weird hack: the texture is still defined as being only 128-texel-tall, however instead of calling the regular ColumnRenderer function when drawing skies, it integrates some tweaked code that basically duplicates the normal column renderer but draws up to 200 texels in each span instead of looking at span dimensions.


The result is that the yellow line you get is actually caused by the definition for the new span of 72 texels starting at offset 128. Look carefully at the screenshots with the yellow line: it's actually two lines, one on top of a bright orange (corresponding to color 128 in the Heretic palette) and another just below of a dark brown (corresponding to color 72). The Heretic column renderer just continues on beyond the "official" length of the spans and reads as pixel colors the metadata for the second span in the column.


ZDoom-based ports don't suffer from this issue because they draw the skies normally instead of hacking around. (In fact there's code to fix the texture size, so ZDoom hacks around the hack.) It's plausible that the texture is defined to be only 128-tall in Heretic so that it doesn't cause problems when used on a wall as a regular texture instead of as a sky texture.


And SLADE was released in January 2017, while support for the vanilla-compatible tall patches was added in February 2017, which is why is the last version that can create vanilla Heretic skies.


God, really thanks a lot, in nutshell was fault by slade versión right? Btw I included you on credits

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  On 12/18/2019 at 4:28 PM, Gez said:

The result is that the yellow line you get is actually caused by the definition for the new span of 72 texels starting at offset 128. Look carefully at the screenshots with the yellow line: it's actually two lines, one on top of a bright orange (corresponding to color 128 in the Heretic palette) and another just below of a dark brown (corresponding to color 72). The Heretic column renderer just continues on beyond the "official" length of the spans and reads as pixel colors the metadata for the second span in the column.


Huh, so it's not quite the same thing as the classic tutti-frutti I take it?

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It's the same basic explanation: garbage caused by reading as texels what isn't actually texel data.

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  • 4 years later...


I just ran into this same problem and this thread is a life-saver. I have Slade so I'll try adding it again with that tomorrow and report what I find. Thank you!


EDIT: no issues with GZdoom or Zdoom, or DSDA, only with Crispy-Heretic, which this shot was taken in.

Edited by Egregor

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