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It's funny (in my opinion) how the demo has been leaked isn't it.
Just as funny as when the UT2003 927 build was accidentely leaked.

Anyway the leaked demo has the software development tools included. Now these have been leaked why don't ID support the leaked tools.

Why? What's my reasoning for this?

Well mods and the modding community will massively help sales (half-life anyone?), but it take months for any mods/maps to appear after a game comes out.

Look at UT2003, its gonna take ages for any mods to come out and most people are still trying to learn the basics, the only new maps availabele from the community are old revamped levels.

If ID support the tools now, by the time the game comes out people would have learnt the editor and will have maps/mods availabele.

I know alot of things will change as the build the game, but the basics for mapping and modelling will not radically change.

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GazzaQ said:

to help with sales, as mods would be availabel when the game comes out giving more bang for ye bucks

People don't buy the game for mods.

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Indeed. Listen to GazzaQ, he knows what he's talking about. Id may not realize it, but leaking this was the best thing they could ever have done.

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Thankyou very much to the above.

UT2003 has been out for a couple of weeks, but it will take me at least a month or two to even get a reasonable map out there in the cummunity.

Now I have the editor working I can start creating some levels and when the game comes out it should only take a few days to get it finaziled.

This will help sales as when you have finished to very short single player it will add some longevity to the game without having to wait months for mods/levels.

P.S if my levels are any good send me some of the profits ID.. Thanx Q

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