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Acerola Doom - A DeHackEd Rebalance Mod


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This is just another flavor of your good old Doom. It's Acerola Doom. It's not a sourceport though.

Download (Boom compatible, I haven't tested this in vanilla)

When I was first making this I just wanted to do some buffs to some enemies and weapons, but the more I worked on the thing, the more I realized I needed to rebalance stuff for it to work nicely. After working a good few days on it I think I finally reached something interesting that I'm satisfied with. The results will feel kinda weird at first, but I believe some people will like the stuff I changed.

Here is a list of changes:




+ Punches faster.
+ Punches when the arm is fully extended.


+ Gets buffed by the Berserk Pack!


+ Perfectly accurate.
+ Shoots faster.
+ You start with 80 bullets.
+ Clips give 16 bullets; Box of ammo gives 80.


+ Shoots faster.

Super Shotgun

= No Changes whatsoever.


+ Shoots faster.
+ 480 bullets total with the Backpack, 240 without.
- Shots are randomized and therefore less accurate. You can't snipe with the chaingun anymore!

Rocket Launcher

+ Shoots faster.
+ Rockets do more damage and fly faster.
- You carry 76 ammo total with the Backpack, 38 without.


Plasma rifle

+ Deals more damage. To the point it gibs zombiemen more often even with the HP buff he got.
+ Cells give 25 ammo; Cell packs give 125 ammo.
- Shoots considerably slower.


- Wastes 50 Cells everytime you shoot instead of 40.



+ Now with 35HP and slightly decreased pain chance.
+ Does a Burst fire instead of just shooting once.
+ Will only stop shooting if the player is out of sight.
+ Walks sligthly faster.



+ Now with 45HP and slightly decreased pain chance.

+ Shoots faster.



+ Now with 70HP and slightly decreased pain chance.
+ Reacts and attacks faster.
+ Fireballs do slightly more damage.
+ Moves faster.



+ Now with 450HP and decreased pain chance.
+ Shoots very slightly faster.
+ Projectiles do slightly more damage and move faster.
+ Flies faster.



+ Now with 175HP and slightly decreased pain chance.
+ Bites faster.



+ Now with 195HP and decreased pain chance.
+ Bites faster.
+ Slightly higher movement speed.


Lost Soul

+ Reacts faster
- Has 50HP


Baron of Hell

+ Now with 1200HP and slightly reduced pain chance.
+ Shoots and attacks faster.
- Moves a bit slower.


Hell Knight

+ Now with 600HP
+ Moves faster
+ Shoots and attacks sligthly faster, but not as fast as the Baron of Hell.



+ Now with 85HP and decreased pain chance.
+ Shoots faster.
- Slightly slower reaction speed.
- Moves slower.



+ Now with 350HP and slightly decreased pain chance.
+ Moves and punches faster.
+ Fireball has slightly faster speed.
- Slower reaction when firing his fireball.



+ Now with 950HP and slightly decreased pain chance.
+ Shoots and reacts faster.
+ Fireballs do sligthly more damage.
- Moves slower.


Pain Elemental

+ Now with 480HP and decreased pain chance.
+ Shoots Lost Souls slightly faster.



+ Now with 700HP and slightly decreased pain chance.
+ Smaller radius. It will love the extra space!
+ Shoots faster projectiles that do more damage (same as the Plasma Rifle).
+ Reacts and shoots faster.



+ Now with 900HP and a very slightly decreased pain chance.
+ Attacks slightly faster with his flames.



+ Now with 4750HP
+ Now shoots 4 rockets instead of one. The first 3 ones are shot faster than normal, 
but the last one is shot at normal speed. The shots get gradually slower.
+ Rockets do more damage and fly faster.
+ Reacts faster.


Spider Mastermind

+ Now with 4250HP with the same pain chance as the Cyberdemon (half of what it had before).
+ Shoots a lot faster and reacts a faster.
+ Moves a lot faster.
+ Smaller radius. She is gonna fit in tighter spaces better now without getting stuck.
+ F tier? More like S tier. lmao


SS Nazi

+ 60 HP. Didn't bother to change this one that much at all.


Initial Health = 125
Soulsphere Health = 150

If you want more information just open that dehacked file and inspect it yourself! You might discover something cool.

I hope I didn't forget any important info here!

To summarize, both weapons and monsters got stronger and faster in some way shape or form (with some debuffs here and there), but in varying degrees of change. Some were drastically changed, others not that much at all. 
I'll probably use this in some future maps of mine to show off better the potential of these changes...

I hope you have fun!

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Have sometimes to kill and decided to try your mod.

A pretty questionable one overall - basically makes enemies take much more time to kill. Perhaps you should really do something with the shotguns and shell pickups. 


Edited by TheNoob_Gamer

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