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boom megawads for modern gamers?

little egg

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To be honest I'm not sure a big traditional 32-level mapset is the right way to get people interested in Doom; I'd favor smaller, punchier mapsets that can be played relatively quickly over a long and slow grind through dozen-and-score levels. Then, if they like it and want more, by all mean, give 'em more.


Of course map count is only half the story, you can probably play through Scythe's 32 maps in less time than it takes to run through Avactor's 12...

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1 hour ago, antares031 said:

But it doesn't qualify as a megawad, because it has less than 15 levels; 12 levels in total.

still, i think that it has enough quality content to be seen as a megawad (map size and complexity, new artwork, etc.).

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