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Who recorded Decino's Epic Stress Test #2?


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With an average of about 100-150 players, this was the largest classic Doom multiplayer event in history (although since the first Epic Stress Test was only a week or two ago, I wonder if there's going to be a third one anytime soon).

Seeing the high amount of players involved, I was curious as to how many recordings there were. So far, I have found recordings from four people (I'm organizing from longest to shortest)

1. Decino's stream (VOIP)



Seeing that Decino is the one hosting this event, it's no big surprise that he would be streaming it. His stream covers the entire event from beginning to end. There is a voice chat which Decino talks to throughout the video.

2. my streams (no VOIP)




Forgive me if I'm tooting my own horn here. I don't know the technical details of the other streams, but I can speak for myself. Unlike the other video uploaders, who all output 16:9 1920x1080p60 footage, I recorded 4:3 960x720p60 footage with a Restream.io chat bar to the side, which ended up being completely pointless as nobody chatted during (or watched) the streams. To be fair, this was literally the first time I streamed on Twitch, and the amount of content I produced for Youtube was very low. Aside from the infrequent disconnect, the most notable parts about my recordings is that when I played the game, it gave me a bit of a headache after a while. Seeing hundreds of players with brightly colored uniforms would eventually give me sensory overload. The first time I took a break, I stopped streaming entirely. The second and third times, I left the stream on, hoping to record somebody's POV. Unfortunately spectator mode doesn't automatically go to a POV if left AFK, so part of the time the camera is just running. Despite the flaws in my recording, I am pleased with the video quality.

3. Edward850's stream (no VOIP)



His stream started a little later than mine, and lasted a little longer than my first break. 

4. DemoGorgonZola's stream (VOIP)



Covers the very end of the stream. Unlike my recording and Edward850's recording, this has the same VOIP as Decino's stream. It appears that this was accomplished by playing Decino's stream either as the audio or as a supplement to it.

So as I asked before. Did anybody else record this event and post it on the internet? I don't know if there are any more videos per se, but I know a fifth person documented the event, Notch, took two screenshots




Edited by Danfun64
Misspelled Decino's name

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I have received permission from Ch0wW to upload the screenshots he took of the event.





So far seven people are on record as having saved material from the event. Are there any videos or screenshots I am not aware of? What about demo recordings?

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Yikes. Is it something considered possible that a Doom c/s port can (or could be developed to) support such high a numbers of players and active objects for a fairly smooth client experience? (sidestepping the question of whether such high numbers makes for practical experience)

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