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What did Sandy Petersen mean by this room in MAP13?

Lila Feuer

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If I recall correctly, the exact decree was “May all your ceilings be lava and all your rocket pedestals be brimstone with concrete tiles on top!”

Edited by Doomkid

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I can't tell if the question here is "why is this room" or "why is there a bit of SUPPORT3 on that pedestal there"


If it's the support3, it's probably to help keep the pedestal reinforced from the dangerous gun, which as we all know, the demons fear and worship.

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"good things come to those who kill a bunch of demons"


"zen and the art of rocket launcher maintenance" 


"SUPPORT3 as a way to break your scrolling texture seam by having a completely different texture break it up instead"



"Sandy is a next level multi-planar being who approaches making Doom maps in a way beyond the ability of simple beings that only occupy the mortal dimension"


Edited by reflex17

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For you, it doesn't mean much, but for those who are pistol starting it, it could mean a quick and humorous death.

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maybe it used to be a club at one point, like there used to be a dancer pole where the rocket launcher was, and the lava light on ceiling is suppose to be some crazy club light, not sure about the vines though

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Sandy recycling that room from Deimos Lab?

You know, the one near the final teleport where you have to push all that buttons for raising up the stairs that leads to a place like this (without the lava ceiling) but in shorter size with a... Rocket Launcher? A yellow keycard? I don't remember it very well right now... However, yeah, that room.

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5 hours ago, reflex17 said:

"SUPPORT3 as a way to break your scrolling texture seam by having a completely different texture break it up instead"

The fun part is the red rock isn't even aligned properly, so the support texture does nothing to hide the seams.

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15 minutes ago, Spectre01 said:

The fun part is the red rock isn't even aligned properly, so the support texture does nothing to hide the seams.


Yeah it's interesting, it defeats the purpose in a way if they're not aligned. I was just guessing at Sandy's reasoning because I've wondered the same thing as Lila before. I just had a quick look at map13 and the ONLY textures that I can find that are aligned at all are the ones on the crates in the warehouse.


If you go to the stairwell by the berserk pack at the beginning you can see the wood texture on the side of the steps isn't aligned, but it is lower unpegged. Other textures like above the 4x4 teleporter in the northeast corner are upper unpegged. We all know aligning textures without visual mode or auto-align can be a pain, it is kinda 'Sandy style' to not align but I think it's also caused by how quickly Doom 2 was made. 

Edited by reflex17

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48 minutes ago, reflex17 said:

We all know aligning textures without visual mode or auto-align can be a pain, it is kinda 'Sandy style' to not align but I think it's also caused by how quickly Doom 2 was made. 

And to be fair, it's also a lot less noticeable at the intended 320x200 resolution the game was made for at the time.

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As I look closer I see the lower lines of scrolling red rock are some of the lines in the level that have offsets, and most of the sides are aligned properly, but there is one side in particular facing the stairs where the alignment is broken.


If I was to guess, if they had to align everything manually, there might have been an attempt to do so. It looks to me like something started that gets interrupted and left unfinished halfway through, like a miscalculation. At some point Sandy said "to hell with this" or maybe they knocked on his door when he was working on it and said "no time, gotta ship the game for GT interactive now" lol... just guessing.

Edited by reflex17

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