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RDVOX - Voxel/graphics pack oriented to use in Software renderers (Q/L/G/ZDoom, Delphidoom)

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2 hours ago, Nikku4211 said:

What do you think about polygonal models in software? LZDoom's software renderer supports them(GZDoom removed them at around 4.3 or so due to development difficulties). 


That could be a nice idea for playing some gl-oriented mods, and i even tried some of my old projects on lzdoom with models on... and found troubles in rendering skins in 80% of models - that looked like UV map was resized in wrong way... As for adding models to software oriented mods - models and voxels could be even combined in some situations, for example - animated enemies or npcs are easier to create as polygonals, since the static small decorations are far easier to voxel up.  But this combination requires high skill from the designer, and realy acurate model subrenderer. BTW in LZDoom 3.87 i found no more model rendering in software. Anyway i found interesting solution for voxel animations - i could create md2 models of enemies, and then - convert them into voxels state by state in "Voxelizer" that was written by JVAL (the author of delphiDoom) - i asked him one day about this kind of software, and he, like a real Santa - has written this tool, thanks to him! But ofc i can not use it for doom voxels - it is too hard for me, to model-up sprite enemies without loses of original style, its better to process them in much slower, but far more accurate way, using strip2vox utility and a lot of imagination and time)


3 hours ago, DooMAD said:


Yeah, it's a difficult stylistic choice.  I was having a similar struggle with stuff like the Soul Sphere.  It's meant to look like a face inside a sphere, but if you make a voxel version, it's more of a face wrapped around the surface of one part of a sphere.  Totally different aesthetic and doesn't work at all from most angles.  For a few certain things, sprites are simply more suitable. 


May be i will make an alternative version using voxel+sprite combination once, but i do not promise that. May be if i will voxel the face, and then apply the empty blue sphere sprite with an additive translucency - i will get some kind of interesting result... i will experiment with invuln sphere for example, if i will get an accurate rendering of this combination - then i could update other spheres too.


But primary objective for 0.42 will be "create 2 more hanging body voxels, add some blood on the floor when gibbing the monsters"

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2 hours ago, GRAU said:

BTW in LZDoom 3.87 i found no more model rendering in software.

That's strange, because in LZDoom 3.88, 3D models work just fine in the software renderer if I turn both 'Models' and 'Models (Carmack)' on.

2 hours ago, GRAU said:

convert them into voxels state by state in "Voxelizer" that was written by JVAL

When you do that, the animations are going to be choppy because voxels don't have inbetweening like polygonal models do.

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On 9/2/2021 at 2:14 AM, Nikku4211 said:



You mean "interpolation"? i know. And if i will do in this way - i will create animation states just more recently. Quake 1 had no interpolation on its stock software (and gl too) engine, and quake 2 had no interpolation in soft too. But we still like quakes, aren't we?)) I will try 3.88, looks like they had changed something. I hope this version will NOT render voxels as models in soft, like 3.82 did.

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  • 1 month later...

Nice time to Ya. Looks like i have forget to release the DelphiDoom version of RDVOX (RDDVOX) ver. 0.41 graphics upgrade. I am on the 1/3 of the way to the RDVOX 0.42, so, may be i have to try to release the RDDVOX 0.413 or something like that, or i have to finish 0.42 and then just port this stable release to DelphiDoom.. What do you think?


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  • 1 month later...

Аfter hundreds of changes, rebalances, and improvements - RDVOX 0.41 with it's quake-style gibs - is comming to DelphiDoom - i had a pause in development of delphidoom version, because i could not understand - why do gibs dissapear on impact, or - why does imp based on code from zdoom-wiki - needs at least 8 pistol shots to die (instead of 6 in classic), but now - i found an answer to those questions and continue my work:




Actually i have one special question to Jval - the delphidoom developer - does delphidoom monsters have different healthdamage scalar factor? after inheriting the imp from a classic imp - i got nice one that dies from 6 bullets or 99% dies from a rocket. But as soon as i define it "health 60" in actordef - it becomes a stronger one, that dies in 50% times Only taking a 2nd rocket in its face! May be i should stop using actordef at all, and really study pascalscript?

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2 hours ago, GRAU said:

Actually i have one special question to Jval - the delphidoom developer - does delphidoom monsters have different healthdamage scalar factor? after inheriting the imp from a classic imp - i got nice one that dies from 6 bullets or 99% dies from a rocket. But as soon as i define it "health 60" in actordef - it becomes a stronger one, that dies in 50% times Only taking a 2nd rocket in its face! May be i should stop using actordef at all, and really study pascalscript?


The number of health/damage doesn't have any cryptic behavior. On the other hand, if you modify certain fields in the inherited actor (e.g. height), a hitscan (such as a pistol shot) can fail.

PascalScript can access all monsters/actors while playing the game, but it can modify only instances, ie it can modify one's trooper health, but can not modify the internal structure that defines the spawning health of a trooper. On the other hand, ACTORDEF can modify all the information that defines a trooper and this is done on start-up, during gameplay ACTORDEF can modify an instance of a trooper, based on information that already has been defined at start-up.

Edited by jval

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I understood. But i still can not understand - how much helth does imp has in delphidoom? From my experiments i found that it is nearby 40-45...

And another strange thing i found - why does Doom32 autoloads RDDVOX? Even if i use the executable itself, without any shortcuts or bat files - it starts with RDDVOX loaded. Jval, did you define it somehow as a default add-on pack, or i'm having some strange bug?

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2 minutes ago, GRAU said:

I understood. But i still can not understand - how much helth does imp has in delphidoom? From my experiments i found that it is nearby 40-45...

And another strange thing i found - why does Doom32 autoloads RDDVOX? Even if i use the executable itself, without any shortcuts or bat files - it starts with RDDVOX loaded. Jval, did you define it somehow as a default add-on pack, or i'm having some strange bug? 


DelphiDoom is (99%) vanilla demo playback compatible, so there is no way that the health is different, or the game is easier.

Some tips I can thing: The default skill is "Hurt me plenty on DelphiDoom" (in other source ports may be "Ultra violence").  Do you run on the same skill level?  Did you altered other fields of the inherited actor (eg painchance)?  Do you compare imp behavior in DelphiDoom to the imp behavior of other source ports or do you compare the imp behavior in DelphiDoom with the inherited imp in DelphiDoom. If there isn't something like that, can you PM the script of the inherited actor to debug it?


About autoloading:

  • DelphiDoom will autoload any pk3 files defined in an AUTOLOAD wad lump.
  • DelphiDoom will automatically parse and add any command line parameters defined in Doom32.cmd file. So, if inside Doom32.cmd there is a "-pakfile RDDVOX.pk3" (or just "RDDVOX.pk3") command, it will automatically add the RDDVOX.pk3
  • DelphiDoom will automatically add any pk3 file defined in [Files] section of Doom32.ini in "paks_autoload" setting
  • DelphiDoom will automatically add any wad file defined in [Files] section of Doom32.ini in "wads_autoload" setting

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3 hours ago, jval said:

Some tips I can thing: The default skill is "Hurt me plenty on DelphiDoom" (in other source ports may be "Ultra violence").  Do you run on the same skill level? 


Yes i did!  And i compared imp behaviour with vanilla, zdoom, and native delphidoom - all these three take 6 bullets on any skill - there are no changes to damage or heealth between skills as i know. But i specially retried on easier skills - all the same. But if i redefine health in actordef as "60" ang "gibhealth 15" - it becomes over 40% heavier to kill, it survives after direct rocket shot and it survives 7-8 bullets and only 8-9 bullets kills an imp with redefined health. Strange, really.

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BTW - how can i redefine the effects of:

- blue blood

- green blood

- lava splash

- water splash

etc... - Any way to change them?


3 hours ago, jval said:

About autoloading:

  • DelphiDoom will autoload any pk3 files defined in an AUTOLOAD wad lump.
  • DelphiDoom will automatically parse and add any command line parameters defined in Doom32.cmd file. So, if inside Doom32.cmd there is a "-pakfile RDDVOX.pk3" (or just "RDDVOX.pk3") command, it will automatically add the RDDVOX.pk3
  • DelphiDoom will automatically add any pk3 file defined in [Files] section of Doom32.ini in "paks_autoload" setting
  • DelphiDoom will automatically add any wad file defined in [Files] section of Doom32.ini in "wads_autoload" setting 

Thanks! I will check those ini and cmd files now.


Edited by GRAU

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Moderators, how can i delete an emty post (a had pressed ctrl+enter twice,sorry)

Edited by GRAU

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40 minutes ago, GRAU said:

BTW - how can i redefine the effects of:

- blue blood

- green blood

- lava splash

- water splash

etc... - Any way to change them?



The Doom32.swd file is actually a WAD file, it can be opened with Slade3. Inside the files locate a lump called ACTORDEF. It contains all the extra stuff.

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Thank you. Really - looks like i am a bit stupid - didn/t even mentioned about the SWD file.. Ok, ill try that, and i really love the fact you made different bloodtypes!

Edited by GRAU

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I am working on porting new gibs from  RDVOX (ZDoom version) 0.41 to RDDVOX (DelphiDoom ver.) 0.41 or 0.42 may be - because 0.41 for zdom was released with much simplier gib graphics, and the delphidoom version is going to have much better gib voxels on release, here are imp head voxel variations, for example:







One of them is for the "on air" head visualization, and others will appear on the ground instead!


Also other gibable monsters (all zombies) will get some new gib variations and improvements for allready-finished in 0.41 graphics.

So i belive 0 the Delphidoom Voxel Pack version will have NOT the 0.41 version on release but something like 0.41-D version or even 0.42 instantly. Also i have found that delphidoom has coloured blood in it's basic graphics, so ill look - what can i do to improve non-red blood. May be i will add some small blood pools staying on the ground after large blood splats. The other question is comparing all those changes with ZDoom version - i want to have the same features ang graphic sets in both versions, but  looks like some things are still gong to stay different...

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33 minutes ago, GRAU said:

I am working on porting new gibs from  RDVOX (ZDoom version) 0.41 to RDDVOX (DelphiDoom ver.) 0.41 or 0.42 may be - because 0.41 for zdom was released with much simplier gib graphics, and the delphidoom version is going to have much better gib voxels on release, here are imp head voxel variations, for example:




Looks good, let's blow up those nasty imps!


33 minutes ago, GRAU said:

One of them is for the "on air" head visualization, and others will appear on the ground instead!


Also other gibable monsters (all zombies) will get some new gib variations and improvements for allready-finished in 0.41 graphics.

So i belive 0 the Delphidoom Voxel Pack version will have NOT the 0.41 version on release but something like 0.41-D version or even 0.42 instantly. Also i have found that delphidoom has coloured blood in it's basic graphics, so ill look - what can i do to improve non-red blood. May be i will add some small blood pools staying on the ground after large blood splats. The other question is comparing all those changes with ZDoom version - i want to have the same features ang graphic sets in both versions, but  looks like some things are still gong to stay different...


Some info about colored blood in DelphiDoom: The default definitions have blue blood in Caco and green blood in Hell Knight and Baron. It is configurable thru the menu (Options/Display/Appearance/Colored blood for vanilla monster), or via the "p_confcoloredblood" console variable. The colored blood in these monster is defined with the +CONFGREENBLOOD or +CONFBLUEBLOOD flags. All actors that have these flags will be affected by the menu selection. In addition there are the +GREENBLOOD & BLUEBLOOD flags, actors with these flags (none in vanilla definition) will always spawn colored blood, regardless the menu setting. Strife branch has only the +GREENBLOOD & BLUEBLOOD flags, Heretic & Hexen do not have extra blood color handling.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/30/2021 at 8:47 AM, NaliSeed said:

Is there any way to make voxels float and spin as in Quake's weapons? I would love that. 


Yes they are. I allready use the rotation for gibs while they are "on air" and quake-style slow rotation for some items, and weapons dropped from enemies, so the weapon could be visible even between bodies(in delphidoom version. i could fix that for zdoom too i belive). But i do not rotate static weapons because this may unhide secrets somewhere.

Edited by GRAU

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 12/6/2021 at 4:20 PM, GRAU said:



  Reveal hidden contents






Poor damn imps, never catch a break....

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Actualy the last version in development is stable on an old enough delphidoom 2.0.6 WIP and i am planning the release very soon. But anyway i like to see your gameplay and how it works on your system.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, i have started the work on RenaissanceZheXen VOXelpack (RZXVOX) - I have allready finished a few pickups like Helmet, falcon Shield or Warding Amulet, now mages spell is in progress, and i also have in plans to recreate voxel Health Vial and Quartz Flack, before the release. I also practiced with some other things, like the mushroom










Now You can also find me on Patreon, if you wish to help me to release my pack more frequently, and to develop my own horror game!




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

I think this is kind of relevant now, although Cheello's Voxel Pack has been getting a lot attention lately, GRAU is still working on his own.

Hey @GRAU, why did you stop posting the updates on Doomworld? Also, have you considered merging your project with Cheello's? If you both worked at the same time you could do it faster and with more quality.

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13 hours ago, Metal_Slayer said:

Hey @GRAU, why did you stop posting the updates on Doomworld? Also, have you considered merging your project with Cheello's? If you both worked at the same time you could do it faster and with more quality.

I think because he's banned.

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Yep, that makes sense, I don't know what he did to get banned, but his project still deserves some attention. I might just link some of his Twitter posts in this thread from time to time.

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