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Since the alpha is floating around how long till the release you think?


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I remeber when the quake alpha was leaked how long after that did quake accually come out? Maybe we can figure it will be the same with DOOM 3. Meaning since the alpha was leaked how long after that do you think the full game will be out ? i really cant wait and wish it would be out by christmas that would be ID's gift to us..lol

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I doubt it, this was a leaked alpha, QTest and the like are official beta's so, I don't think you can expect any change in the release date of mid next year.

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tis is a pre-aplha.. next id is going to make a alpha, then a pre-beta, beta, test beta (fixing eroors for full release), fullrelease (may or june), demo.. and then the patches will come. so its a long way to go.

i hope nothing gets leaked anymore after this pre-alpha (altrough it was fun fiddling with it)

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I think that now id is going to give a real public test sooner thanks to that leaked version to get an official feedback since everyone (ok, a LOT OF PEOPLE, not all) owns it anyway.. =)

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Xanthier said:

Mine was actually something else originally like Xenadier or something, that's not right..may have even been one of those randomly generated names from daggerfall, or a book I read but it kept with me someone liked it on IRC and they even stole it once..cause it's the only place i ever went were i had to use a "Z" instead of an "X". But neways actually I can't remember much about it at all as a mattter of fact..hmmm...as there was more of a story behind it.


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