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PsyDoom 1.1.1 - PSX Doom port (reverse engineered) for PC

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Hey everyone, just released another smaller update to PsyDoom - 0.8.1. This might be the last one for a quite a while; I'm about to enter some very busy times soon and will likely have a lot less hours to spare on the project.


The binaries for 0.8.1 can be obtained from the usual location on GitHub:



Changes in this version:


Feature changes & improvements

  • Implement the option to extend the player shoot range (on by default).
    • If enabled, extends the following player attack limits:
      • Max shoot/hitscan distance, from '2048' to '8192'.
      • Max auto-aim distance, from '1024' to '8192'.
      • Max BFG spray/tracer distance, from '1024' to '2048'.
  • Robustness: gracefully handle orphaned lines with no sectors in the map data instead of crashing.
  • MAPINFO: add the ability to disable multiplayer for a user mod.
    • May be required if the mod uses tricks that are incompatible with a multiplayer environment.
  • Improve the behavior of the Final Doom 'no repeat' mid wall flag.
    • Instead of forcing the mid wall to be 128 units in height the flag now forces the wall height to be the same height as the texture.
    • This allows fence textures smaller than 128 pixels in height to be used.
    • The change doesn't affect original maps, but will be useful for modding.
  • Implement sector special '32' (strobe hurt) which behaves the same as special '4' on PC.
    • The PSX version of special '4' is missing the strobe, and this behavior must be preserved for map compatibility reasons.
    • For a PC style 'strobe hurt' special '32' can now be used, if desired.
  • Sector special 11 (Damage 10/20% and End level): don't play the player's death sound (silent death).
    • This makes the behavior more like PC.

Bug fixes

  • Classic renderer: fix tall sprites like tech pillars sometimes vanishing up close.
    • These pillars can be found in 'MAP01: Attack' of Final Doom.
  • Doom MAP04 (Command Control): fix some steps appearing black.
  • Doom MAP22 (Limbo): fix a step/lower-wall not rendering.
  • Fix flats and textures in PSXDOOM_EXT.WAD not overriding those in PSXDOOM.WAD.
  • Fix an original bug where sometimes sound propagates through closed doors that should block it.
    • This bug can be observed with the small window into the secret room, in MAP03 of Doom.
    • It allows sound to pass through it even though it is closed.
  • Fix an original bug where the 'lower and change texture' special doesn't work sometimes.
    • The bug can happen if the sector being lowered is surrounded by another sector that isn't at the destination height.
    • Without this fix a series of lowering floor segments like E3M1 in PC Doom will not work.
  • Final Doom: fix incorrect default palette selection for SKY02-SKY06 if a user map with the .WAD extension is loaded.
    • Palette selection logic was incorrectly using DOOM palette selection logic instead of Final DOOM logic.
    • The fix makes the palette selection method vary depending on the base game loaded rather than the map file extension.
  • Fix being able to use again scripted 'once only' switches.
  • Fix overflows in shooting logic near the minimum & maximum possible map coordinates.
    • Helps prevent strange behavior for larger maps that have areas close to these coordinates.

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I'm having a weird problem with PsyDoom, wonder if anyone else has came across this as well. The application correctly reads the cue file and boots but is forever stuck on the first loading screen. Maybe a bad dump?

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10 hours ago, Koff3Katt said:

I'm having a weird problem with PsyDoom, wonder if anyone else has came across this as well. The application correctly reads the cue file and boots but is forever stuck on the first loading screen. Maybe a bad dump?

Try going back versions to see if the problem appeared in a specific version.

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18 hours ago, Koff3Katt said:

I'm having a weird problem with PsyDoom, wonder if anyone else has came across this as well. The application correctly reads the cue file and boots but is forever stuck on the first loading screen. Maybe a bad dump?


Very strange, haven't heard anyone having this problem before... Possible it could be a bad dump, not sure.


Just a shot in the dark, but if you edit 'game_cfg.ini' in '%APPDATA%\com.codelobster\PsyDoom' and set 'UseFastLoading = 1' does the problem still happen?

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6 hours ago, intacowetrust said:


Very strange, haven't heard anyone having this problem before... Possible it could be a bad dump, not sure.


Just a shot in the dark, but if you edit 'game_cfg.ini' in '%APPDATA%\com.codelobster\PsyDoom' and set 'UseFastLoading = 1' does the problem still happen?

Went all the way back to version 0.6.0 as well as the option change to no avail. I might just rip my own PS1 Doom copy when I find it. Thanks for the help! I'll continue to look around the options ini.

(Edit: Version 0.6.0 was the last version that I played that gave me no problems on my last PC. I'm also starting to suspect my new laptop might be interfering with Psydoom's launch but I'm not sure.)

Edited by Koff3Katt

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On 8/31/2021 at 6:51 PM, Koff3Katt said:

Went all the way back to version 0.6.0 as well as the option change to no avail. I might just rip my own PS1 Doom copy when I find it. Thanks for the help! I'll continue to look around the options ini.


Thanks for checking that out, this is very strange... The main difference between 0.6 and 0.7 was the introduction of the Vulkan renderer, I wonder does that have something to do with it? Having that said if the main menu already renders OK via Vulkan I'm unsure why there would be a freeze going into the game itself, since much of the Vulkan stuff is already setup and ready to go by that point.


Only other thing I can think of is maybe anti-virus, but it seems odd that it would suddenly kick in at that point and not at any of the loading operations before that. Maybe it's just something funky with the disc image itself as you say...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi @intacowetrust - appreciate you're really busy, quick query to see if any progress had been made this last month with incorporating proper save implementation as a pose to just passwords.


Really hoping you can spare the time to implement this before moving on to other projects!

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9 hours ago, francis247uk said:

Hi @intacowetrust - appreciate you're really busy, quick query to see if any progress had been made this last month with incorporating proper save implementation as a pose to just passwords.


Hey @francis247uk I haven't started on that task yet, the past month has mostly been life stuff that I alluded to previously (new baby! 👼) and also working on a 'demo' map to showcase some of the modding features of PsyDoom versus the original engine. I'm almost done with that map now and should be putting it out in a while, along with a few minor fixes in 0.8.3. Once all that is wrapped up I'll be beginning to look at the next major release, which will include saves.

9 hours ago, francis247uk said:

Really hoping you can spare the time to implement this before moving on to other projects!

Not to worry, I've every intention of finishing up the project properly before moving on. I can't guarantee that everything on my TODO list will make the cut (some things may be dropped or reconsidered) but I want to do the port justice and leave it in a good state before I'm done with it's main development.

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i just wanted to say how much I appreciate your work on this project, this is (imo) one of the best things to happen to doom since Doom 64 EX way back!

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Ah that's amazing, massive congratulations in order for the new baby @intacowetrust! - Being a new Dad myself last year, fully appreciate caring for the family and getting enough sleep takes up nearly all of your time for the foreseeable future!


More than happy to wait for 0.8.4. - thanks for responding 👍


Edited by francis247uk

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17 hours ago, intacowetrust said:

the past month has mostly been life stuff that I alluded to previously (new baby! 👼)

Its nickname is "Impy" isn't it?

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On 10/1/2021 at 5:09 AM, OliveTree said:

i just wanted to say how much I appreciate your work on this project, this is (imo) one of the best things to happen to doom since Doom 64 EX way back!


Thank you @OliveTree! It's something I've wanted to see happen for a long time personally, and glad I had the opportunity to finally make this port a reality.


On 10/1/2021 at 1:05 PM, francis247uk said:

Ah that's amazing, massive congratulations in order for the new baby @intacowetrust! - Being a new Dad myself last year, fully appreciate caring for the family and getting enough sleep takes up nearly all of your time for the foreseeable future!


More than happy to wait for 0.8.4. - thanks for responding 👍



Thanks @francis247uk and congrats also on your recent fatherhood! 😀


On 10/1/2021 at 4:40 PM, Dark Pulse said:

Its nickname is "Impy" isn't it?


Haha not quite but I'm pretty sure there's a copy of the DOOM source code embedded somewhere in his DNA...


On 10/1/2021 at 6:21 PM, LucasRafael132 said:

I may sound stupid but it has or it will have a compatibility mode for PS1 Final Doom?


Indeed, Final Doom has been supported since version 0.5.0:

You can also even play the 'PSX Doom Forever' hack, which is basically the NTSC version of Final Doom re-skinned:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just released a minor bug fix update, 0.8.2:



New in this release:


Bug fixes

  • Arch-vile: fix resurrected monsters not having their blending mode preserved.
  • Classic renderer: fix occasional numerical overflow when using dual colored lighting.
    • The bug would result in strange wall colors in some situations.
  • Cheats: add a message for when the 'X-Ray Vision' cheat is enabled and disabled.
    • Helps explain what is happening to avoid confusion.    
  • MAPINFO: fix the 'multiplayer disabled' sound unintentionally playing when moving up and down the main menu.
    • The sound should only play when the user attempts to switch to multiplayer.

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One more small bug-fix update, 0.8.3:


New in this release:


Bug fixes

  • Fix a crash when activating god mode after death, deactivating and then firing.
  • Fix original demos potentially de-syncing if MAPINFO specifies Doom vs Final Doom game rules.
  • Big font: fix the uppercase letter 'C' being slightly cut off.
  • MAPINFO: fix a bug where setting the 'Text' field in 'Cluster' would not clear unused lines.
    • The bug would result in unwanted text from the base game's finale displaying - now fixed.


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Some PsyDoom related news for those who might have missed it. Recently released a demo WAD showcasing some of the modding features of the source port. Check it out here:


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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, intacowetrust said:

Due to recent changes at my workplace I have unexpectedly had to halt all efforts on the project, because of new and more restrictive ‘outside work’ policies that I’m now subject to. Those policies essentially forbid all work on open source game projects and as such I cannot make any more updates to PsyDoom for the time being.

Corporations should not get to dictate what you do on your free time unless it's in direct competition to them.

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Incredibly heartbreaking to hear. That's the sort of overreach that should be straight up illegal (but probably will remain so as long as big business has it's say). Let's hope that you won't have to deal with draconian crap like that for long.

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15 hours ago, intacowetrust said:

Hey everyone, just a quick update that I wanted to share on the status of the project. Unfortunately it’s not very good news but I wanted to make you all aware nonetheless.


Due to recent changes at my workplace I have unexpectedly had to halt all efforts on the project, because of new and more restrictive ‘outside work’ policies that I’m now subject to. Those policies essentially forbid all work on open source game projects and as such I cannot make any more updates to PsyDoom for the time being.


Thankfully all of the current releases and source code can still stay as they are on GitHub (no need to worry there!) but further work on the project will be frozen for the foreseeable future.


I’m hoping some day I can resume and finish off the few remaining features I had planned, like saves and Linux support. It’s unfortunate to come this far and not be able to take this over the finish line but at least the project is in a (mostly) decent spot with just a few more features needed to really cap it off.


I’ll still be around from time to time to answer any questions and also to make note of any bugs that are found for future investigation, when the time comes.


Thank you all for your support of PsyDoom and for your understanding. I hope I have been able to contribute something good back to the community and help with the preservation and extension of a much beloved version of Doom.


Farewell for now!

Thank you for the great contribution you made to the community.

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Pardon the language but that is absolute bullshit. I agree with the rest of the comments that they shouldn't dictate what you do on your free time and that it should be illegal.


Either way, thank you so much for the incredible ports (because PhoenixDoom is fantastic as well) and I hope you can get this situation sorted out somehow, I can imagine it's a huge hit to be deprived of working on your projects.

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You've already brought so much to PsyDoom, it's a special port and a real achievement. Hopefully either you or another developer with your blessing is able to pick up the torch again in the future.

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22 hours ago, intacowetrust said:

Hey everyone, just a quick update that I wanted to share on the status of the project. Unfortunately it’s not very good news but I wanted to make you all aware nonetheless.


Due to recent changes at my workplace I have unexpectedly had to halt all efforts on the project, because of new and more restrictive ‘outside work’ policies that I’m now subject to. Those policies essentially forbid all work on open source game projects and as such I cannot make any more updates to PsyDoom for the time being.

I think that's kind of not-gnarly and maybe the workplace should see how far reaching PsyDoom has become. It has been referenced in emulation circles, and the fact it brings PSX-native rendering to a PC is all but exciting. I do not understand policies that restrict being able to look at a problem and providing a fix yourself.


PsyDoom on a technical level atleast has been one of the most ambitious projects in the community and its a milestone for PlayStation Doom gamers.


I am very sorry this had to end on this note.


22 hours ago, intacowetrust said:

I’m hoping some day I can resume and finish off the few remaining features I had planned, like saves and Linux support. It’s unfortunate to come this far and not be able to take this over the finish line but at least the project is in a (mostly) decent spot with just a few more features needed to really cap it off.

@Gibbon??? I hear you do things with Linux... :P Another port is not too much huh? (Just kidding, ofcourse).



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Does it need a PSX Rom or wad to work or it's really all backported so you can just use the wads like a normal source port?

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45 minutes ago, Gibbon said:

Does it need a PSX Rom or wad to work or it's really all backported so you can just use the wads like a normal source port?

It needs a PSX ROM.

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