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PsyDoom 1.1.1 - PSX Doom port (reverse engineered) for PC

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25 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

It needs a PSX ROM.

Then no can do.  I don't own any console Doom except the Unity Port..  though I had the Saturn version as a kid (pity accepted).

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Thank you all for the kind words!


On 11/8/2021 at 9:42 AM, ChopBlock223 said:

It's highly bizarre to me that they can dictate that, do you have a union to consult?


There's no union in my case - those are pretty rare in the games industry at the moment. The policy is intended to prevent conflicts of interest and is a typical thing in most software jobs that you must agree to. This particular policy happened to be a lot more broad and restrictive than what I had previously though, which is why PsyDoom ultimately got affected.


On 11/9/2021 at 12:28 PM, CoTeCiO said:

I can imagine it's a huge hit to be deprived of working on your projects.


It's a frustrating situation for sure, and also somewhat shortsighted IMHO. I often learn things from side projects that add to my experience and skills which then carry over and benefit my day job - closing that avenue for personal development doesn't benefit anyone. I understand the need for conflict of interest policies and am not against them in general, but this one isn't an entirely fair one in my opinion. I could try and fight it or get an exemption but I'd wager that might be a waste of time and could even backfire in some ways. Instead I've decided that the best course of action is to simply bide my time and wait until the situation changes before resuming work on the project.


12 hours ago, Redneckerz said:

I am very sorry this had to end on this note.


I don't yet consider the project ended, as far as I'm concerned it's unfinished business. I would rather say that it's just paused for now, to be resumed later. I know that sounds somewhat optimistic on my part (it could be years until I am ready) but I want to see this through to completion. Especially so, considering it's already so close to the finish line.

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I have the same thing in my professional field too, about the conflicts of interest (its far more restrictive too).


Though I'd be happy to get binaries for Linux done and M1 stuff, but since I don't have a ROM, we would need someone else who does (and who has the hardware) to test it.

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8 hours ago, Gibbon said:

I have the same thing in my professional field too, about the conflicts of interest (its far more restrictive too).


Though I'd be happy to get binaries for Linux done and M1 stuff, but since I don't have a ROM, we would need someone else who does (and who has the hardware) to test it.

Could still quite easily obtain discs on the internet off sites like eBay or whatnot. About $25-65 depending on condition (i.e; disc-only vs. complete-in-box).


Two examples (one of them even being an OG Big Box release):





Edited by Dark Pulse

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On jeudi 11 novembre 2021 at 7:29 AM, intacowetrust said:

There's no union in my case - those are pretty rare in the games industry at the moment. The policy is intended to prevent conflicts of interest and is a typical thing in most software jobs that you must agree to. This particular policy happened to be a lot more broad and restrictive than what I had previously though, which is why PsyDoom ultimately got affected.

It's not just software. E.g. the webcomic Daughter of the Lilies is on a one-year hiatus for contract reasons.



Q: Will you still be working on the comic?

A: YES. We just can't share anything new that we make after October 18, 2021 without coming into conflict with my current contract.



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On 11/7/2021 at 6:19 PM, Dark Pulse said:

Corporations should not get to dictate what you do on your free time unless it's in direct competition to them.

At least their not claming it as their own intellectual property since It's been worked on it company time and/or on their computers.

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14 hours ago, BrutalDoomisAwesome said:

At least their not claming it as their own intellectual property since It's been worked on it company time and/or on their computers.

Why would it be worked on during company time or on their computers?


Huh? Why would you make such a comment in the first place?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sad to see this project put on hold due these kinds of things by employers.  Let us hope this madness ends sooner rather than later.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...



Not sure if this has been asked before but: Is it possible to emulate the frame drops which the original PSX had with this game? I tried lowering the amount of MBits available in the ini files, but it doesn't seem to help. Thank you in advance.

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3 hours ago, TheLastOttoman said:



Not sure if this has been asked before but: Is it possible to emulate the frame drops which the original PSX had with this game? I tried lowering the amount of MBits available in the ini files, but it doesn't seem to help. Thank you in advance.

Pretty sure that due to the nature of the port, that really isn't its point.

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5 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Pretty sure that due to the nature of the port, that really isn't its point.

''Here is this new ports that removes the limitations of the original platform, allowing you to play at playable framerates as compared to the original''


''yeah, but can we also emulate the framedrops that were in the original?''


That sounds like you purposefully want to suffer as opposed to playing at decent framerates.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/9/2022 at 11:18 PM, Redneckerz said:

''Here is this new ports that removes the limitations of the original platform, allowing you to play at playable framerates as compared to the original''


''yeah, but can we also emulate the framedrops that were in the original?''


That sounds like you purposefully want to suffer as opposed to playing at decent framerates.


I admit, haven't played Doom on the PSX at the time due to the controls (FPS controls on consoles were terrible then) but I would like to experience the limitations it had. Taking emulation and the video from Digital Foundry as a reference, it seems that the frame rates are really good for a 90s console with this game. I just wanted the game to be authentic as possible with the convenience of this port to PC (which i really do appreciate and hope it works out between the developer and his/her employer).


Below is the video from DF, starting at the moment they talk about the frame rates.



Edited by TheLastOttoman

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The problem is something like that is fundamentally impossible to "emulate" without wholesale emulation of the hardware.


Framerates in a game like this at the time could dip depending on what was going on. PSX Doom aimed for 30 FPS rendering, but rarely achieved it. The actual framerates depended upon multiple factors, including:

  • Distance you could see/geometry rendering
  • AI that is active (enemies)
  • Other game world stuff (platforms, projectiles, lighting etc.)

All of this (and some more) had to be crunched by the PS1's CPU and graphics processor. The more that was going on and that it had to do, the slower the framerate. PSX Doom even tries to make this easier on the system by having that logic code running at 15 tics/second, even as it's trying to render the world at 30 tics/second.


And that, ultimately, is why it can't really do that: PsyDoom not emulating the PSX CPU at all, and only a limited subset of the GPU (I think that's even getting reduced some still). It's fundamentally running it mostly as x64 code, and obviously on processors literally hundreds upon hundreds of times faster than the original hardware.


Basically, the performance of a modern PC is simply too good for it to really come close to that, and there's simply no way to simulate it except very crudely because the rendering framerate is tied to inherently unpredictable things - if this group of monsters decides to follow you in one playthrough but hang back and pepper you with fireballs the next, the performance can differ by 5 FPS or so, possibly more.


So basically, what you're asking for is a problem that is inherently tied to hardware. PsyDoom's point is not to emulate the hardware, but to port the code to run natively on PC. It's a totally different beast.

Edited by Dark Pulse

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On 3/9/2022 at 10:44 AM, TheLastOttoman said:

Not sure if this has been asked before but: Is it possible to emulate the frame drops which the original PSX had with this game? I tried lowering the amount of MBits available in the ini files, but it doesn't seem to help. Thank you in advance.


Unfortunately this is not possible with PsyDoom. The closest you can get to the original PSX performance is by disabling the uncapped framerate, so that the game is limited to just 30 FPS. That setting (UncapFramerate) is found in 'game_cfg.ini' and should be set to '0' for the original 30 FPS limit:

UncapFramerate = 0

As for why reproducing the original performance is not possible, as @Dark Pulse explains it basically requires emulating the original PlayStation executable and hardware using cycle accurate emulation. The main goal of PsyDoom is to free the game from the original hardware so that it can run natively on modern systems, a goal which is mutually exclusive to replicating the PlayStation's performance. If you want to experience the FPS drops I would recommend using a cycle accurate PlayStation emulator instead and the original game disc.

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I see. Well, my hope was to play PSX Doom with analogue controls but other than PSX Final Doom, there is nothing else. Thank you again for your efforts. I am still playing PsyDoom and enjoy it a lot.

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  • 1 month later...
16 minutes ago, intacowetrust said:

Hello everyone, just thought I'd give you a small update on the status of PsyDoom and share a little bit of good news.


The issues I mentioned previously that were preventing further work on the project have now been resolved - I'm free to continue as before. Nothing more to add at this point, but needless to say there will be another release coming with new features and bug fixes.



I was worried this project was going to be abandoned, but I'm really glad to see that you're coming back to it!

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3 hours ago, intacowetrust said:

Hello everyone, just thought I'd give you a small update on the status of PsyDoom and share a little bit of good news.


The issues I mentioned previously that were preventing further work on the project have now been resolved - I'm free to continue as before. Nothing more to add at this point, but needless to say there will be another release coming with new features and bug fixes.

This is a relief to hear when I came back to check on this thread! Godspeed on this project!

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On 5/7/2022 at 6:37 PM, intacowetrust said:

Hello everyone, just thought I'd give you a small update on the status of PsyDoom and share a little bit of good news.


The issues I mentioned previously that were preventing further work on the project have now been resolved - I'm free to continue as before. Nothing more to add at this point, but needless to say there will be another release coming with new features and bug fixes.


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On 5/7/2022 at 6:37 PM, intacowetrust said:

Hello everyone, just thought I'd give you a small update on the status of PsyDoom and share a little bit of good news.


The issues I mentioned previously that were preventing further work on the project have now been resolved - I'm free to continue as before. Nothing more to add at this point, but needless to say there will be another release coming with new features and bug fixes.

And here I thought the project was picked up by Nightdive Studios. 😁

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On 5/7/2022 at 6:37 PM, intacowetrust said:

Hello everyone, just thought I'd give you a small update on the status of PsyDoom and share a little bit of good news.


The issues I mentioned previously that were preventing further work on the project have now been resolved - I'm free to continue as before. Nothing more to add at this point, but needless to say there will be another release coming with new features and bug fixes.

Bit late to the party, but glad to hear it's been resolved!

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/7/2022 at 11:37 PM, intacowetrust said:

Hello everyone, just thought I'd give you a small update on the status of PsyDoom and share a little bit of good news.


The issues I mentioned previously that were preventing further work on the project have now been resolved - I'm free to continue as before. Nothing more to add at this point, but needless to say there will be another release coming with new features and bug fixes.


Amazing news, thanks very much providing an update, look forward to seeing what the new features are? #1 request from me would be save state implementation of some kind, appreciate that may be quite a task.....

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1 hour ago, francis247uk said:

#1 request from me would be save state implementation of some kind, appreciate that may be quite a task.....

You'll be glad to hear that task is actually already nearly done - it'll be in the next release ;-) More good stuff on the way too...

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Awesome looking forward to it!


Just watched the video on the first page of the thread again and noticed you used the following cheats - Incorporeal, All Powerful, Unperceivable, Warp to Level etc. 


Could you advise how these are enabled/disabled, is there also an all weapons/max ammo cheat as well?

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On 5/29/2022 at 1:11 AM, francis247uk said:

Could you advise how these are enabled/disabled, is there also an all weapons/max ammo cheat as well?


Indeed there is! The key sequences you type to activate various cheats are found in the 'cheats_cfg.ini' settings file and can be altered if required. Here are the default settings, along with comments explaining how to activate the cheats via (hardcoded) game controller button sequences instead:


# Keyboard key sequences which can be input to activate various cheats in the game.
# By default these are mapped to mimick PC DOOM II cheats as much as possible.
# Limitations:
#  (1) Only the A-Z and 0-9 keys are acceptable in a key sequence, other characters are ignored.
#  (2) The maximum sequence length is 16 keys.
# If you need to input these via a game controller you can do so by inputting the original PSX
# buttons on the pause menu. You can see which inputs map to original PSX buttons (for cheat entry)
# in the controls configuration .ini file. For reference, the original PSX cheat sequences were:
#      God Mode:               Down, L2, Square, R1, Right, L1, Left, Circle
#      Level Warp:             Right, Left, R2, R1, Triangle, L1, Circle, X
#      Weapons, armor & keys:  X, Triangle, L1, Up, Down, R2, Left, Left
#      Show all map lines:     Triangle, Triangle, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Square
#      Show all map things:    Triangle, Triangle, L2, R2, L2, R2, R1, Circle
#      X-Ray vision:           L1, R2, L2, R1, Right, Triangle, X, Right
# The new cheats added to PsyDoom are assigned the following original PSX buttons:
#      No-clip:                Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, R1
#      VRAM viewer:            Triangle, Square, Up, Left, Down, Right, X, Circle
#      No-target:              X, Up, X, Up, Square, Square, X, Square
CheatKeySequence_GodMode = iddqd
CheatKeySequence_NoClip = idclip
CheatKeySequence_LevelWarp = idclev
CheatKeySequence_WeaponsKeysAndArmor = idkfa
CheatKeySequence_AllMapLinesOn = iddt
CheatKeySequence_AllMapThingsOn = idmt
CheatKeySequence_XRayVision = idray
CheatKeySequence_VramViewer = idram
CheatKeySequence_NoTarget = idcloak


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