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Savestate Problems with GZDOOM


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I'm new to DOOM and its source ports. I downloaded gzdoom to play Eviternity and had a fun time with it. I was a few episodes in an wanted to take a break, so i saved and exited the game. Saving mid game  and loading midgame worked without any problems, but loading after rebooting doom does not work because the save file is corrupted.


I did not change any settings, does anyone else have this problem and managed to fix it, if yes then help a brother out :I

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What version of GZDoom did you use? And what message do you get? Loading a savegame can fail for various reasons so it needs to be narrowed down.


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You should save the report to disk, and then attach both the corrupt save and the report to a reply so that Graf can look into it.

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You have saved that game with some gameplay mod, or maybe even multiple ones, but tried to load it without. Unfortunately in this case the problems were big enough to make the savegame loader go off the rails instead of opening the console and giving you a list of errors.


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^ If that's the case, to slightly expand on it, GZDoom remembers the most important things you used during gameplay in the save data. So, if for instance you use a gameplay mod, save, unload it, and try then to continue from the same state without it, it's not going to work - you're stuck with the mod for the rest of your playthrough.


The only solution in that case is either restarting the whole thing or warping to the map you were playing last time.

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Are you sure those were the only mods you used? It's a little dubious.


Make sure you're loading everything you've used before and try again. It should work if you're doing it right. By the way, how are you loading mods?

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i was told to just highlight the wad i wanted to play, the mod and drag it onto gzdoom

and no i dont use any other mods

Edited by Kain-

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