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Doom Pictures Thread 2020

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On 7/28/2020 at 8:30 AM, NiGHTMARE said:

I've recently started scouring my hard drive for old unfinished levels and projects, mainly for use in Doom -1. Just now I came across the old unfinished RTC-3057 hub 2, and thought I would share some shots!


The first four are from levels that were being worked on by myself (the first is from an admin area, and the other 3 from a maintenance area), while the rest are all from levels by Shaviro. It's a real shame this project was abandoned, but then again we did get Doom 3: Phobos instead :)



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Amazing to finally see some of hub 2 after all these years! RTC still holds a special place in my heart as one of the more memorable and immersive Doom wads I've played.




26 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

Back To Saturn X Episode 1: SNES Edition*




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*Ran through FastDoom 0.4, using the 486 binary, using -potato mode in low res, -flatsurfaces and -flatsky enabled.


Absolutely horrifying, I love it

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4 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

@<<Rewind Good lord, where would I get that Jaguar-style STATBAR?

Oh yeah, @<<Rewind it'd be nice if you took the habit of saying to what mods your screenshots correspond.

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7 hours ago, <

I like this brown STBAR?  What WAD is it from so I can rip it for personal use?  (I keep a folder full of STBARs I've ripped from variuous WADs to use when I don't want to see the vanilla gray STBAR, lol...which is always...)


@Lila Feuer @galileo31dos01 is this the one you guys are talking about as well?  I never played Doom on Jaguar.


EDIT: The image seems to have vanished from my post when I edited it, it was the top one.

Edited by guitardz

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22 minutes ago, TriTT said:


that looks like me when I play Knee Deep in the Dead on ITYTD.

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Image originally posted by Juza (who found it somewhere before) from the "Most obscure Doom fact you know" thread. If this has been posted before, big apologies.

doom iceberg.jpg

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UAC Ultra 2 Episode 1 (EDIT: Thank you Chainie)








Biotech Is Godzilla









Edited by <<Rewind

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9 minutes ago, <<Rewind said:



UU2E1 (If you know if this has a more proper name then please tell me)

UAC Ultra 2 Episode 1

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8 hours ago, Jimmy said:

Remaking Wolf Chapel?

Yep, the idea is to recreate the interesting visual & scripted ideas of the map in a new / expanded way.

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DOOM 64 Absolution.  Cheats where on but this is just to show the game off, teasers.  This is the first level.


 I don't cheat in games unless I did a quicksave where I just died so everytime It loads the save file I die.  IDDQD, but I turn it off as soon as I'm able to play the save file again. 




Edited by vanilla_d00m

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A war-torn Doomguy...

(Magic Doom)






Fun fact: I didn't die on this attempt, I beat the level somehow lol

Edited by Ant1

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