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Doom Pictures Thread 2020

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On 8/30/2020 at 6:21 AM, Angry Saint said:

another boring afternoon passed trasforming Hopper paintings into doom levels.



Where are the rest?

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On 9/4/2020 at 3:55 PM, Alper002 said:

Kinda funny that thanks to the silly millisecond display (WHY WOULD YOU USE COLONS TO DENOTE MILLISECONDS??????) it almost looks like it took 38 hours to beat the map.

I fucking gasped at this. Gosh I was like ''Thirty WHAT HOURS?!''. Use your comas and periods correctly, kids.

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@guitardz That's fantastic, haha! I've always wanted to see an actual re-creation of that image as a Doom 2 map. I feel like the scale is a bit off (your buildings seem smaller than I imagine they'd be), but you absolutely nailed the general look and feel!

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9 minutes ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:

your buildings seem smaller than I imagine they'd be

Its most likely how far back he is standing

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6 minutes ago, nue said:

Its most likely how far back he is standing


Mmm, I don't think so. In the original shot, you can see just how tiny the row of trees become the further towards/into the city they get. Whereas in this one, the trees still seem pretty big compared to the buildings. (I'm nitpicking at this point, it's still a beautiful re-creation).

Edited by RonnieJamesDiner

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1 hour ago, The_SloVinator said:

After some hiatus, I finally decided to show you guys what I've been working on.

This will be my TNT Evilution replacement (for now, only 6 maps).


This is vanilla compatible. So, it will work on Chocolate Doom & doom2.exe.


I like the screens. Promising, keep it up.

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1 hour ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:


Mmm, I don't think so. In the original shot, you can see just how tiny the row of trees become the further towards/into the city they get. Whereas in this one, the trees still seem pretty big compared to the buildings. (I'm nitpicking at this point, it's still a beautiful re-creation).

I think the trees are actually streetlights in the original art. Angled streetlights like those:



But of course there's no sprites for that in the game, so using trees work.

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4 hours ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:

@guitardz That's fantastic, haha! I've always wanted to see an actual re-creation of that image as a Doom 2 map. I feel like the scale is a bit off (your buildings seem smaller than I imagine they'd be), but you absolutely nailed the general look and feel!

Oh, I didn't make this, lol.  It is MAP09 from Ezekiel.  You can even enter the city and fight demons in there.

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27 minutes ago, guitardz said:

Oh, I didn't make this, lol.  It is MAP09 from Ezekiel.  You can even enter the city and fight demons in there.


Oh... that's probably why you said "Ezekiel MAP09". Missed that part! xD

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2 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

To those who ruin their schedules due to poor gaming habits.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.

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You could also spot Fake Lighting that i've made uwu

Edited by HitBoi64

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I made an E1M1:







Not the flashiest or most detailed but I'm happy with it

And now I dip my toes in WhackEd4 to redesign some enemies

Edited by nue

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4 hours ago, nue said:

I made an E1M1:

  Hide contents






Not the flashiest or most detailed but I'm happy with it

And now I dip my toes in WhackEd4 to redesign some enemies

Mate that looks pretty damn good to me! Exciting to see what you've got coming.

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12 minutes ago, Pirx said:

marvelous. what map is that?

It's a single-level project that I'm working on right now. I started it one month ago, and the idea was to finish it this year, but I don't think that's gonna happen. Hopefully, I will release it the next year.

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