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Is there some trick to adding a custom sky?



I tried simply replacing the sky file with another file converted to Doom flat, I tried adding a new flat. In the first case, DoomBuilder _sees_ the swapped sky, it's in the list of textures, but when I choose it, the game still shows the original sky. In the second case, it works as a normal texture. Please help.

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  On 1/3/2020 at 5:42 AM, Szuran said:

I tried simply replacing the sky file with another file converted to Doom flat, I tried adding a new flat. In the first case, DoomBuilder _sees_ the swapped sky, it's in the list of textures, but when I choose it, the game still shows the original sky. In the second case, it works as a normal texture. Please help.



1. If you use the original DOOM format

You can use a sky of size 256x128 (default), 512x128 or 1024x128, make sure that the sky image is tiled properly.

Load your pwad into Slade3.

Paste your new sky image between P_ markers and name it RSKY1 ... 3, depending on the map number.

Open the Texture1 editor and scroll to the sky used, SKY1 ... 3.

Verify the patch.

Ensure proper offsets and size.

Save and save the pwad.


2. If you use a ZDOOM format

You can use a sky of size 256x128 (default), 512x128, 1024x128 or larger, make sure that the sky image is tiled properly.

Load your pwad into Slade3.

Paste your new sky image between TX_ markers.

Create a basic MAPINFO lump, for example:


map map01 "MY MAP WITH NEW SKY"
    sky1 = "NEW_SKY", 0.0
    music = "D_METAL"
    next = "map02"



Save and save the pwad.



Doombuilder is ancient.

Doombuilder2 is old - Ultimate Doom Builder is uptodate.


Edited by Kappes Buur

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To clarify, F_SKY1 is just a dummy flat which tells the engine which sectors are sky, the actual image drawn is from a texture called "SKY1" for first episode, "SKY2" for second episode, etc....

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  On 1/3/2020 at 7:21 AM, Szuran said:


Thanks for help! I'm using GZDoomBuilder, should I switch to Ultimate anyway?



I would and did.


UDB no longer uses SlimDX, and a rewrite to use OpenGL makes it quite a bit faster, but the graphics card must be able to handle OpenGL 3.3 or above.


Since it's renaming from GZDBBF, as with any rewrite, quite a few bugs have been fixed. But, overall, it works very well, especially so since you missed the step of upgrading to GZDBBF.

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  On 1/3/2020 at 6:01 AM, Kappes Buur said:

1. If you use the original DOOM format

You can use a sky of size 256x128 (default), 512x128 or 1024x128, make sure that the sky image is tiled properly.

Load your pwad into Slade3.

Paste your new sky image between P_ markers and name it RSKY1 ... 3, depending on the map number.

Open the Texture1 editor and scroll to the sky used, SKY1 ... 3.

Verify the patch.

Ensure proper offsets and size.

Save and save the pwad.


Note that this will not work correctly in vanilla. You can still have up to 1024 wide skies there, but you need to split them into multiple patches (for example each 256 wide) and add them all to the sky texture with the appropriate offsets.

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  On 1/3/2020 at 10:51 AM, boris said:

Note that this will not work correctly in vanilla. You can still have up to 1024 wide skies there, but you need to split them into multiple patches (for example each 256 wide) and add them all to the sky texture with the appropriate offsets.



For one example: Final Doom - TNT Evilution uses the 4 patch sky.

Some time ago I made a short video to illustrate the process for a new pwad in DOOM format.

Edited by Kappes Buur

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I followed @Kappes Buur's guidance, but the result was this: 




I generally messed up the skies completely, but once I saw this gap, I stopped trying. At least until I found out what to do. Like I put night sky in maps 1-11, but now I regret this. I can change to daylight, but don't wanna risk a gap again. 

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  On 1/4/2020 at 11:18 PM, spd7693 said:

I generally messed up the skies completely, but once I saw this gap, I stopped trying.....



Can you upload or attach or pm the map?


Edited by Kappes Buur

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