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Just finished Doom 3 for the first time on the Switch


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I liked it well enough, but man it felt like it just kept dragging on. I was interested enough in the atmosphere and whatnot but I got really annoyed at the parts where you go to a door only to have to backtrack to find a PDA/keycard... then you have to do something else in order to do that... it felt slow and admittedly repetitive.


Also, maybe it's just me, but I haven't played on a console for quite a while, and it was REALLY hard to aim properly. Had to play on the lowest difficulty.

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You could have bought it on PC you know.

Also some puzzle solving maps never hurt anyone (don't forget that classic Doom is filled with these kind of maps)

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9 minutes ago, MadGuy said:

You could have bought it on PC you know.

Also some puzzle solving maps never hurt anyone (don't forget that classic Doom is filled with these kind of maps)


I think my problem was that everything looked the same to me... sometimes I missed a button on a screen and searched for several minutes before noticing it.

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10 hours ago, maxmanium said:


I think my problem was that everything looked the same to me... sometimes I missed a button on a screen and searched for several minutes before noticing it.

It must have been a very small button then. in most cases the buttons are rather large to not notice.

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12 hours ago, maxmanium said:

I liked it well enough, but man it felt like it just kept dragging on


This is exactly how I felt , I liked the setting and the atmosphere but it went on longer than it needed to. I would have like to have seen more of Hell than we did.

Edited by Eurisko

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I always felt like Doom3 was an over stretched Knee deep in the dead with a little Inferno thrown in.

Edited by Vermil

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While I like DOOM 3, my biggest gripe with it is that many of the levels feel so goddamn repetitive and interchangeable. The game mostly consists of really similar-looking industrial corridors with a poorly utilized enemy roster.


The parts in Hell are probably my favorite bits in the game because they add a good amount of variety for one thing...

Edited by chemo

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I love how DOOM 3 takes its time to introduce each demon.  It makes each initial encounter feel really special.  I also appreciate just how much detail id put into the world.  It really feels like you're navigating some kind of massive research facility.  Together though, it takes way too long to travel from Mars City to Delta Labs.  You get to see things slowly go to shit, yes, but Delta Labs (and onward) is where DOOM 3 feels the most like itself.

If you've not played Resurrection of Evil yet, I'd highly recommend that you do.  Both it and the Lost Mission are better paced than the main campaign.  (Admittedly, Lost Mission also drags on, mostly due to boring enemy encounters, but things pick up once you hit Exis Labs.)

As for having difficulty aiming, I think the console versions have an auto-aim feature.  Perhaps that combined with the horribly random shotgun spread is the source of your trouble?  I was able to play through the game on Veteran difficulty on Xbox One, but I also disable auto-aim and use the double-barrel to one-shot Imps.

Edited by KainXavier
I decided to condense some of my paragraphs.

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Best Doom 3 experience is playing original version (not BFG edition) with default gamma setting on PC with CRT monitor, good headphones and in dark room. Believe me i know.

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Might not be the right place to ask, but did the new ports of Doom 3 had seperate volume sliders for music, sound and voice?

I don't recall either BFG edition or regular Doom 3 having it and i was pretty sure BFG edition made the audio worse.

There's also the fact that the game's intro song has a bit referencing At Doom's Gate in a short piano melody, but i don't think you can properly hear it.

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26 minutes ago, whatup876 said:

Might not be the right place to ask, but did the new ports of Doom 3 had seperate volume sliders for music, sound and voice?

I don't recall either BFG edition or regular Doom 3 having it and i was pretty sure BFG edition made the audio worse.

There's also the fact that the game's intro song has a bit referencing At Doom's Gate in a short piano melody, but i don't think you can properly hear it.


Just checked for you -- it does not.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you fiddle with the sensitivity too? My first run on the switch the sensitivity was waaaay too high. And maybe you just need practice man. I ran through d3 and expansions on marine and veteran. Yeah I died a lot but it wasn’t impossible and I had fun.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
On 1/19/2020 at 12:16 AM, Loud Silence said:

Best Doom 3 experience is playing original version (not BFG edition) with default gamma setting on PC with CRT monitor, good headphones and in dark room. Believe me i know.


True, playing Doom 3 on a LCD monitor in a dark room is extremely irritating. Still waiting for a proper Oled monitor.

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