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Is final doom worth playing?


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I’m trying to work my way through TNT right now and it’s a bleeding chore. A good level here and there but most of it is boring and ugly.


Plutonia, on the other hand, is incredible. So much fun. Well worth the price of admission by itself.


So. . . yeah. Go ahead and buy it.

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Also, map 31 of TNT is broken (missing the yellow key). It is possible to get through the map without it, though it's rather difficult. You could also get a patch to fix the problem.

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TNT is a collection of good, bad and ugly level designs. Maps like Metal come to mind where they added a giant room that's populated far too little for the scale they went with. (Like imagine a room the size of a giant cathedral hall and you then placed in 6 imps).


On the flip side, Mill is a good map with a fun level layout and some rather tricky traps like being trapped in a lift with an archvile. Mill also has some great visuals.



For Plutonia, expect Archviles. A L O T . Almost every single map baring 4-5 has at least 1 archie in the map on Medium alone. MAP 11 is famous for having ~6-8 of them running around in a maze with no health pickups throughout most of the level.


Plutonia also has a habit of spamming chaingunners everywhere they can so expect to be turned into swiss cheese frequently.


Also one final not for Plutonia: Map 32. Go2It. There's a reason it's called the grandfather of slaughtermaps! (I still say it's easier than some of the late Plutonia maps though ._.).


Also Plutonia and TNT I believe make use of self-referencing sectors to produce invisible floors. TNT uses it in Mill to have items floating in the air whilst Plutonia uses it in MAP02 for an invisible bridge trick. Plutonia also uses the instant floor trick where a floor will immediately raise up/lower down due to a glitch with sectors being joined to a dummy sector and the sector tries to go up but realises no nearby sector is above it so it slams downwards. (Probably worded that poorly).



Overall, Final DooM is an experience worth looking into. :)

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If you want to increase your skill ceiling of Doom WADs in general, play Plutonia.
If you want to admire visuals in a Doom IWAD, and/or don't mind wasting your time, play Evilution.

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It is worth playing but if you're a beginner play tnt first, playing plutonia at that point (at like uv and above) will make you flaccid for eternity. It just isnt worth it

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Yes, very much so. I started playing Classic Doom about 3 months ago, beat ultimate, 2 and TNT and am about 15 maps into Plutonia


TNT was great. Most of it just felt like a much bigger knee deep - lots of basic enemies and small arms combat, large but often confined maps. It wasn't too difficult bar a couple of spikes. I've found myself replaying a few maps such as Stronghold a few times since because I really enjoyed the design. Definitely worth playing, but there are some irritating spots that you just have to plow through (central processing and a couple maps near it...)


Plutonia so far is fantastic. Compact maps with great fights and just all around really well designed encounters. Difficult yes, but has yet to feel unfair and it consistently resupplies you after difficult encounters. I'm just really enjoying it, doing alright blind but I would definitely play TNT first - it taught me a lot of skills that I would've seriously struggled to play Plutonia without. The progression from 1 - 2 - TNT - Plutonia has generally felt very natural


tl;dr, yes, they are as fun if not better than the base games imo

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Id say they are very worth playing.

I found them both great.


TNT has good variety and great original music tracks and has pretty maps though a few of the maps in the last third are a little weird but still ok.

I like the space sky middle maps the best and also Map 31 also is cool with its Egyptian Aesthetic but has a key that's flagged wrong its recommended you download the patch TNT31.wad if you want to go through the full level though it is beatable without the patch but it requires a trick to do.


Plutonia is more challenging and is a better gameplay wise, though it doesn't have original music (though you can download the Plutonia Midi Pack which helps add that) and it doesn't as much theme variety its mostly brick ruins "Plutonian" type levels with a few exceptions in parts some maps. 

Odyssey of Noises is my favorite map due to it being a hell city of sorts and Go 2 It is a cool flash back to the first map of doom 2 but harder.

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Sure! They are both rather tougher than Doom 2 but have their own traits, good and bad. Plutonia was made for Final Doom and is most challenging. TNT is 32 maps like Plutonia but might have twice as much land in the maps. Plutonia has some large maps like TNT is known for but has polish of a official game. To make matters worse, TNT had a bugged secret map on release. But I like TNT despite its handful of maps I would call bad. Final Doom is worth it, 2 megawads is better than one. 

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2 hours ago, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Plutonia also uses the instant floor trick where a floor will immediately raise up/lower down due to a glitch with sectors being joined to a dummy sector and the sector tries to go up but realises no nearby sector is above it so it slams downwards. (Probably worded that poorly).

Which map do you mean?

But yes, Final Doom get it get it get it get it get it get it 

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2 hours ago, TheNoob_Gamer said:

If you want to increase your skill ceiling of Doom WADs in general, play Plutonia.

if you want to smash your PC to pieces, it would work too.

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Plutonia is alright, and TNT is fun at times, if EXTREMELY inconsistent in quality. However, there is another reason to get Final Doom, and that is the fact that there are certain highly notable PWADs that use the Plutonia IWAD as a base (and a few that use TNT). I'd say Plutonia 2 alone is well worth the price of admission; there's also Plutonia Revisited Community Project, Plutonian Winds, Combat Shock, and Urania/Adonis as other great examples, and TNT Revilution on the TNT IWAD. This thread can give an idea of some other noteworthy examples.

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It's ass. I remember shelling out 40 or 50 bucks for it when it first came out and I couldn't believe how garbage it was. It's the first time in my young life I felt straight up ripped off. Betrayed by those who created the best game I'd ever played. I thought I was making better maps than Final Doom and I was giving them away for free. Maybe if it's 5 bucks or under, just for the sake of curiosity. It's a total crap sandwich compared to DOOM and DOOM II. 

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I've only played the PSX version (hence I cant wait for the update on the console ports) which was fun though as I understand it not strictly fully Final DOOM as there's some Master levels thrown in there too. But with some unique lighting and the awesome Aubrey Hodges soundtrack... this version is well worth a play.

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I'll point out that on GOG.com, you get Doom II, the Master Levels, and Final Doom all together in a single bundle for ten bucks. On Steam, you can get Doom Classic Complete for fifteen bucks (Ult. Doom, Doom II, Final Doom, Master Levels), or just Final Doom for five bucks. Both platforms frequently have 50% off sales on these titles, at the usual dates (seasonal sales, E3, QuakeCon, etc.).

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Funny thing is, I remember thinking Final Doom would be boring after my experience playing the first level of the PSX port when I was younger, but going in and playing the PC port for the first time really threw me off when the maps started differently than I remembered. I started playing Plutonia first since Doom95 had this IWAD selected first, and I found myself really surprised at how well made the levels were coming out from the original Doom and Doom II. There were plenty of clever traps and clean layouts, and it has that minimal Doom aesthetic that I really appreciated, as I felt the Casali bros. really got the unique jungle atmosphere going strong with the new textures. It was also very difficult for me playing it the first time, since my only other experiences at the time were only the first two Doom games and Doom 64. I played through it on ITYTD and it helped me to shape my ability for playing more difficult wads I would try later on (also, I did come to appreciate the PSX Final Doom port better after playing the PC original).


On the other hand after finishing Plutonia, I played TNT and I remember liking a handful of levels here and there, and some of them did leave quite an impression on me since there were some really big levels that felt much more immersive, even if done a bit roughly. I had always liked Plutonia better going forward, but over time I came to appreciate the attention to detail and the ideas that went into TNT that helped to make it stand out even today (love that TNT truck). It was quite an experience venturing out into a huge valley plain hanging out over the vastness of space and getting enveloped in its atmosphere with the music track of MAP20. It has those sort of memories for me looking back, and I can appreciate it for being one of the earlier community efforts for creating a megawad.


If you have mixed feelings about it, you can always check out a walthrough of either Plutonia or TNT to get an idea of what it's like and if you think you would enjoy playing it. The other good thing about owning Final Doom is the ability to play wads like Plutonia 2, TNT: Revilution and a few others that use the Final Doom IWADs. Also, considering the recent news to include Final Doom as a free update on the console Doom ports, there's a chance for owning it for free if you already have Doom/Doom II on modern consoles.


[EDIT] Speak of the devil, that update seems to have rolled out today, lol. Time to play Final Doom on the Switch!

Edited by valkiriforce

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6 hours ago, Eurisko said:

I've only played the PSX version (hence I cant wait for the update on the console ports) which was fun though as I understand it not strictly fully Final DOOM as there's some Master levels thrown in there too. But with some unique lighting and the awesome Aubrey Hodges soundtrack... this version is well worth a play.

Unfortunately the PSX version doesn't run too well as Final Doom maps feature considerably more enemies on screen compared to Doom or Doom II.

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Plutonia is a great baseline for more modern megawads. It can get a bit difficult, but overall it's a great set worthy of its IWAD status.

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22 hours ago, Ichor said:

Also, map 31 of TNT is broken (missing the yellow key). It is possible to get through the map without it, though it's rather difficult. You could also get a patch to fix the problem.


TNT MAP 30 is broken in prboom-plus, or any ports that fix the stair bug but don't re-break the stairs for MAP 30.

edit: maybe complevels fix this?

edit2: just read the Final Doom bugs/fixes in your link, just learned about the TNTCOMP cheat. Unfortunately when I recorded my full playthrough in prboom-plus demo I couldn't use any cheats (unless that one is enabled in prboom-plus demos)


But yes, Plutonia is awesome and well worth the purchase price alone. It's like a fun Doom 2.

Edited by DuckReconMajor

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Now that everyone is mentioning Plutonia... Is Plutonia considered hard in UV? (Not showing off, I just am shit at remembering games in general, apart from Ultimate Doom (except for map 32 from Plutonia, that shit is nuts)... If I play it again on UV, I'd probably have a hard time anyways)


In my opinion, you should play Final Doom. The least of Doom games you should play are the classic ones for PC: Ultimate Doom, Doom 2 and Final Doom.
I can agree TNT is not that good, but it's worth to try it.

Also, try playing Doom 64 if you haven't. You won't regret it.

And the PSX version of Doom seems great too.


(About modern Dooms, I would recommend the 2016 one. I didn't like Doom 3)

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