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An Interesting Read About Doomguy In Smash


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Very interesting read! In my opinion it goes way too overboard with the association of the 2016 Doomslayer when Smash is more about the most popular representation of that character that most people know them well from. For starters it feels like there's more people who would recognize Doom's E1M1 or the Intermission Music from any of the first two Doom games better than the more recent Victory Doomslayer music. As for the classic alts, it shouldn't be yellow, blue, pink, but rather grey, brown and red. Just something minor :P


I'm disappointed there wasn't any discussion about the stage or additional music Doomguy could come with. That could get interesting. Since I really only played Doom I and Doom II for years the only possible stages I could see is some reimagined version of Doom E1M1, Doom II MAP01 and MAP07. As for the music, it could be anything really. Thanks for the find, gave a lot to think about!

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