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Doom Unity Ripper (For Doom 2019 Re-Releases)

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This is a simple executable that takes the IWADS out of the Unity assets for the Re-Releases of Classic Doom that Bethesda released on their launcher. This program is windows only, since afaik the Bethesda Launcher is only available for windows.


The only testing I have done was to see if the files would open up in Slade. I'm not 100 percent confident on these files, so it would be appreciated if a more well trained eye took a look at these.

Edited by Kevansevans

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Your tool has a fairly serious flaw; You seem to only be using absolute pointer locations for the data. This will break this tool immediately if and when they update the asset packages, which will logically change those locations. It's also ignoring all the other wads for master levels. You'll want to investigate analysing the package directories or finding better ways of auto detecting the content.

A tip, proceeding the binary data of each file itself has this layout:

  • 4 byte integer, Big Endian, for the length name of the file
  • x bytes in ASCII of the string of the file name (x from above)
  • 4 byte integer, Big Endian (?), for the length of the file
  • x bytes from above of the binary data of the file
Edited by Edward850

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You're right, I'm an idiot, haha. I was sitting here writing this thinking there wasn't any consistent way to get the wad data out of it, and I totally forgot the header info has that info for me already. I definitely will work on this and get it fixed.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

UDR was tested with the latest updates. The latest versions of the Bethesda Launcher versions now have their wads external, and no longer need to be extracted. However, the Master Levels are still embedded in Doom 2 and still require extraction. The program should still work if you instruct the Bethesda Launcher to use an older update of the game.

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It's not a copy and paste program (aside from addons). This was made because the .wads were embedded into the unity assets and couldn't just be copy and pasted. Since the wads are now exposed, aside from Master Level wads, the program isn't needed anymore. You can get them in either your Steam library in "SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\[Doom or Doom 2]\rerelease\[Doom or Doom 2]_Data\StreamingAssets" or in the Bethesda.net versions under 'Bethesda.net Launcher\games\[Doom or Doom 2]_Classic_2019\[Doom or Doom 2]_Data\StreamingAssets"

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Just an FYI but the OGG soundtrack that was formerly in the "music" file should now also be pulled out of the Unity files and also in StreamingAssets.

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On 1/10/2020 at 1:48 PM, Kevansevans said:

This is a simple executable that takes the IWADS out of the Unity assets for the Re-Releases of Classic Doom that Bethesda released on their launcher. This program is windows only, since afaik the Bethesda Launcher is only available for windows.


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