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About the people who aren't here anymore

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DoomWorld has existed for quite a long time, and in this time, there has been a lot of people who joined, including people who "died" or went offline forever.

Who are some of these people? What could have caused them to do so? Who would you want to bring back if you could? 

Edited by Good-Old

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This is a topic I've thought about and researched. I've wondered what's happened to those who have disappeared, like Fodders (who I never interacted with, but was quite active a long time ago), to Scifista. In Scifista's case, the research I've done has led me to finding out he is Czech, and a poster on Czech specific Doom forums. However, he's seemingly disappeared from those, too.

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I have been dead on this community for over 10 years as that's how long i have been here without an account. Now with one, expect me to stick around and provide some new and old wisdoms about the wonderful word and world of Doom.

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1 hour ago, Caffeine Freak said:

IIRC, Darknation was banned. Don't know the specifics of the ban, though.


Well that doesn't surprise me. I vaguely remember that being mentioned before...


As for just walking off into the wild blue yonder, I sometimes wonder what that's like. haha.

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Dang, dude! Been wondering where you've been all these years Stphrz! Fancy bumping into you here when I hardly every come here anymore myself.

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I try and check in every once in a while. There's so many people missing from those days.

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I always wonder the same thing. I've perused several old Doomworld threads while doing semi-obscure research and I see profiles that haven't been active in years. Really makes you wonder.

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It's more surprising to me how many are still around!


And, are still finding new ways to be creative inside the constraints of this game. It's like Haiku where the constraints can lead to a whole different level of creativity when compared against a total lack of constraints.

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17 hours ago, Good-Old said:

What could have caused them to do so? Who would you want to bring back if you could? 

Dr. Sleep and Magikal
(They made good maps, but both have died for a long time now)

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I joined here a few years ago. That was when I first started designing Jazz Jackrabbit Doom. I remember coming across 40 oz, Scifista to name a few...


I remember them giving good tips on certain forums I needed to learn at the time... But y'all are right about how life changes people overtime.

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What I've found is that sometimes a member whom I'd thought had long since made their exit was in fact still very much around, but didn't frequent the same subforums he/she used to, and didn't really visit the same subforums I myself frequent, either. So our paths simply never crossed.

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On 1/15/2020 at 7:12 PM, Doom_Dude said:



Fell into a compost heap and became compost. Tragic, but also part of the circle of life. RIP (rotting in peat).



Agent Spork


Spork is around! Get on discord!


On the same topic, I feel like I haven't seen Plums for quite a while. I liked Plums.

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In the case of GreyGhost and Fodders, it's likely one or both of them have passed on or retired from the forums, as they would be in their late sixties/seventies. I did research on each of the people whose accounts are now memorials, and I found interesting and sad tales. There are still a few that I can't find a story to, as well.

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I found this DOOM site once from around the ninties: http://www.doom2.net/

It has a memorial section with some sad info on a handful of doom users who died around 2000. Does anyone here know anything about them? One of them apparently made maps for Alien Vendetta (Mutator) and another has some demos from '95 

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1 hour ago, Nymbus_Hustle said:

I found this DOOM site once from around the ninties: http://www.doom2.net/


She still works on it! The look/design hasnt changed much though you are right, but I know Bahdko has devoted considerable effort to the hardware side of things even within the last year

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2 minutes ago, Vorpal said:


She still works on it! The look/design hasnt changed much though you are right, but I know Bahdko has devoted considerable effort to the hardware side of things even within the last year

Holy wow, I didn't expect that. I've been on this site a couple of times, I always wonder if old sites like these are maintained esp since the owners of them keep renewing the domain.

Do you know if she's active in the community or does she just maintain the site for history?

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I dunno how active she is on forums, but she's active in a custodial sort of way keeping tabs on old fart dm community peeps (which I am not so it's a scary unknown group of ruffians to me), her email is on the site somewhere if you wanted to pick her brain

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16 hours ago, Tango said:


@ReX is still around :D


Well, that's good to know. I just clued in to look on his site... I was having a hard time remembering DooM Nexus for some reason. Good to see he just released Deimos Seven in December.


2 hours ago, Grain of Salt said:


Fell into a compost heap and became compost. Tragic, but also part of the circle of life. RIP (rotting in peat).



Spork is around! Get on discord!


On the same topic, I feel like I haven't seen Plums for quite a while. I liked Plums.


Good! Already on Discord. Just don't have the right server yet....

Edited by Doom_Dude

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2 hours ago, Grain of Salt said:

On the same topic, I feel like I haven't seen Plums for quite a while. I liked Plums.


Plums is awesome, and one of the greatest playtesters I ever had. He's also good at working with tracker files so they loop correctly and actually play in PrBoom. Plums wandered away from the community in 2016, after he had already gone through a couple long vacations. The only thing he told me near the end is that he tended to get overcommitted with projects, so I'm guessing that's the main reason he left. Too many commitments and not enough time.


On another note, I often look through member profiles that I stumble across while looking up other people. The search brings up the profiles of people with similar usernames. I'll see people who signed up in 2000 and only left in 2017, or last year. I always wonder about those folks who've been here 15+ years and then walk away.


Another group that interests me are the ones who've been here since 2000 or so, are still visiting, and yet have 50 posts or less. Maybe they haven't posted in 10 years, but they still show up regularly. What's that all about? And then there are those who've been around forever, seldom posted in the past, but suddenly become highly active now.


And natch, there's the people who seem to live at Everything Else and you wonder how long it's been since they actually played Doom. Instead, they use DW as a social media group, it seems.


Our community is diverse. :)

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I only can think of a few people off the top of my head like Danarchy, Fodders, IMJack, Enjay and Dunbar. Someone mentioned in a previous "Where are the veteran Doomworld members now?" thread, there was a Doomworld facebook page that some veterans hang out in, but I haven't checked that out in years.

Edited by Lizardcommando

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