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About the people who aren't here anymore

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7 hours ago, Captain red pants said:

I still to this day hope to learn the fate of Doomboy.

I think when he said that he lost his hard drive, and that he would be back as soon as he found it was his way of saying goodbye. It usually doesn't take 15 years to find a hard drive. Some people just quit the DOOM community, find new things to interest them in. I'm sure he's out there, just not on Doomworld.

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I've been wondering what happened with @KVELLER for a while now.


Some of his final posts described the shooting that was occurring in his country at the time, but after that he went MIA. Hope he's fine.

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On 1/15/2020 at 1:12 PM, Doom_Dude said:

Here comes me bumping old posts!!


I have a vague memory of XDOOM on the ZDooM forums in 2019 or 2020. Iirc he lives in Montreal Canada with a wife and kids now.


also what happened to FooFoo?

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I miss seeing @Fonze post here. He poked his head in back in October last year after a long absense to briefly let us know he's not dead, but something big must be preoccupying his life right now given how active he used to be just two years ago and the current radio silence. @Final Verdict was also cool but some recent strife pulled him away, so I'm hoping he'll return one day as well. @Stupid Bunny's been gone a couple of months now, so I hope's all right. I noticed @plums quietly vanished on us early last year. I also miss that adorable little lad @Chip too. It sounded like he was making the transition to later high school or even university when he said goodbye in a status update, so it'd be neat for him to make a return and catch us up on his coming-of-age story hehe.

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Damn. It feels like you talk to someone one day, and the next time you check, they're gone.


Ironically, some people who posted in this topic are also gone, either because they're banned or dealing with real life or even gone without any reason given.

Edited by Artman2004

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On 5/4/2022 at 1:24 PM, Artman2004 said:

Ironically, some people who posted in this topic are also gone, either because they're banned or dealing with real life or even gone without any reason given.


Indeed, mate. You actually reminded me that Seed quietly left Doomworld back in mid-2021 to find a new home within the Furry fandom. I still keep in touch with him via Discord, but I really miss him posting here as he usually had something insightful or thought-provoking to add to just about any discussion regardless of topic.

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56 minutes ago, Biodegradable said:

Indeed, mate. You actually reminded me that Seed quietly left Doomworld back in mid-2021 to find a new home within the Furry fandom. I still keep in touch with him via Discord, but I really miss him posting here as he usually had something insightful or thought-provoking to add to just about any discussion regardless of topic.


You still keep in touch with him? Would like to get in touch with him or at least know why he left. He seems to have completely distanced himself from the community and even on his twitch channel, he stopped making more videos.


What's more sad is that he commented on this very page of this thread about KVELLER and now he is also gone :(

Edited by ReaperAA

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2 hours ago, GarrettChan said:

I didn't even know I commented in this thread before.

Actually, it’s your dog.

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On 4/30/2022 at 6:48 PM, nue said:



also what happened to FooFoo?

You mean BPRD? I think he just got fed up with designing fur Doom and just drifted out. I guess he released a video animation a few years back if a comment on a mtpain video (sawed-off wads) is any indication, though that's unconfirmed.


So ironic that the person who started this was kicked out btw. It seems like there are still people (Bloodshedder, maybe Soundblock) that still visit every now and then but don't have the time foruch more. Some people are just less likely to have spare time for an internet forum and lose track of the community.


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On 5/4/2022 at 5:24 AM, Artman2004 said:

Damn. It feels like you talk to someone one day, and the next time you check, they're gone.


Ironically, some people who posted in this topic are also gone, either because they're banned or dealing with real life or even gone without any reason given.

I miss Fonze.


Also miss a lot of other great folk (xttl comes to mind, myk too). Just taking a stroll past history lane reveals so many folks who knew their ins and outs when it came to Doom.

On 5/5/2022 at 5:03 PM, Biodegradable said:


Indeed, mate. You actually reminded me that Seed quietly left Doomworld back in mid-2021 to find a new home within the Furry fandom.

Is that what happened?


Well shoot :/ I really liked Seed being here. You tend to like people with similar opinions, but Seed wasn't afraid to have an opposite point of view.

On 5/5/2022 at 5:03 PM, Biodegradable said:

I still keep in touch with him via Discord, but I really miss him posting here as he usually had something insightful or thought-provoking to add to just about any discussion regardless of topic.

Anyway i can fence you a PM and we can have a chat about this?

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If you guys hit seed up, send him a line on my behalf would ya? He was always a good presence.

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I still have not been able to find Pumpkinsmasher. He's the last of the NDCP crew to find and I have no idea where he got to...

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Omniarch's still around...he just hasn't posted very much. Probably has less time these days, although it's funny how his post frequency dropped after leaving Deadly Standards 4.


15 hours ago, Doom_Dude said:

I still have not been able to find Pumpkinsmasher. He's the last of the NDCP crew to find and I have no idea where he got to...

And if you know anything's he's probably hiding clear out in the open like Grunt.:) But I guess he's not strictly needed. Although an NDCP2 remaster would be probably better than the Vilecore remaster and other projects you want to get to....

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Not that it's even been that long, but I still wonder where @STILES went. :( Super nice guy, working on MIDTWID with him I think we built a really nice sense of camaraderie while we both figured out how midi tools work. I recall him posting in that project's thread about having injured his back during his work at some point - I worry something more serious may have ended up happening later down the line. But I worry a lot of things, to be frank.


As far as people I've never actually met are concerned, @JDoyle and I have had no small amount of chats about Charles Li, musical maestro behind the midis of Icarus's MAP09, MAP20, and possibly the intermission screen. Dude gave us a taste of some pretty awesome work, very unique among Doom music past and present, and then he left without a trace. I'd love to be able to talk to him at some point.


I remain similarly baffled by Jason Fowler, a level designer who contributed two maps to Realm of Chaos back in '96, one of which is probably the most sophisticated and overall best-designed in the wad (MAP12: Home Sweet Home). From what @Steve D has told me, Jason was a professional level designer who at the time of RoC's development was working on a Mac OS FPS called Avara. And yet, despite having at least one definite employer and project to his name which I should theoretically be able to use to help trace where he went, he is the only person from RoC's original 7-man team who has eluded me. That's awfully backwards, isn't it? Hope he's doing alright.

Edited by Cammy

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I've always wondered where BPRD went. Especially knowing he worked on Commander Keen mods for a year or two before vanishing from there as well, I hope he's out somewhere. He doesn't seem to check the email on his personal site either. Would love to see him some day on here.


Even though we know what he went on to do, it would be killer if Erik Alm ever came back. I took huge inspiration from Scythe 2 and the only good map in CC2 excluding the Mucus Flow.

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Now and then I'll check out some older threads. I'll see people I remember from back in the day and check when they last visited. Feels weird when I see it has been over a decade since their last visit.


I'd be surprised if anyone noticed I stopped coming around here though.


46 minutes ago, SynDoom said:

the only good map in CC2 excluding the Mucus Flow.

I guess I should try not to take that too personally.


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On 5/8/2022 at 10:47 PM, LadyMistDragon said:

Omniarch's still around...he just hasn't posted very much. Probably has less time these days, although it's funny how his post frequency dropped after leaving Deadly Standards 4.


And if you know anything's he's probably hiding clear out in the open like Grunt.:) But I guess he's not strictly needed. Although an NDCP2 remaster would be probably better than the Vilecore remaster and other projects you want to get to....


And I thought Grunt was going to be the hardest one to track down. ;) Either he's in the open somewhere or maybe he doesn't want to be found.

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23 hours ago, SynDoom said:

I've always wondered where BPRD went. Especially knowing he worked on Commander Keen mods for a year or two before vanishing from there as well, I hope he's out somewhere. He doesn't seem to check the email on his personal site either. Would love to see him some day on here.



Because he doesn't use it? I think the last anyone heard of him was in 2018 on a Keen forum, but otherwise has been making animation supposedly.

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23 hours ago, Chopkinsca said:

I guess I should try not to take that too personally.

Hey, I will give you credit that Sodding Death is better than most of the other maps that it's up against. I think it just comes down to The Furnace's nice pacing for a MAP01. Sodding Death never felt like much of a secret map, but wasn't bad. 


Just be glad you weren't Gene Bird. Speaking of which, did he ever go on to do anything else?

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Gene Bird has supposedly made some attempts at maps since Community Chest but nothing he's felt like releasing from what I can tell.

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@r_rr mentioned being diagnosed with germcell cancer and their last visit was about a year later :( 

I sent a PM a couple years ago but as you can tell by the visit date I didn't get a response

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1 hour ago, SynDoom said:

Hey, I will give you credit that Sodding Death is better than most of the other maps that it's up against. I think it just comes down to The Furnace's nice pacing for a MAP01. Sodding Death never felt like much of a secret map, but wasn't bad. 


Just be glad you weren't Gene Bird. Speaking of which, did he ever go on to do anything else?

I'll take that. Looking back, Sodding Death was quite cramped. And yeah, hard to go lower than Gene Bird's contributions there.

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