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About the people who aren't here anymore

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On 5/21/2022 at 2:43 AM, Biodegradable said:

I've been wondering where @cambreaKer and @TheNoob_Gamer disappeared to a lot lately. Both of them were pretty active members when I first showed up. I hope they're both doing all right wherever they are.


I'm vaguely aware Noob Gamer is in the middle of uni, but there was one personal conversation where he told me he had some developmental disability (autism or something else?) that made RL difficult. I don't know if that just caught up with him or something else. For instance, his home country isn't known for its PC gaming market and I can imagine his family's overall financial situation making things like consistent Internet access quite difficult. The last time I heard from him was early January).

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@Biodegradable I appreciate the checking in~ I've been fine don't worry, I just had (and have) lots of IRL stuff that needed attending to and have been absent because of it.  Hopefully I'll be able to get back to torturing you and others with hitscanner-filled speedmaps before long

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12 hours ago, Stupid Bunny said:

@Biodegradable I appreciate the checking in~ I've been fine don't worry, I just had (and have) lots of IRL stuff that needed attending to and have been absent because of it.  Hopefully I'll be able to get back to torturing you and others with hitscanner-filled speedmaps before long


And then that stupid bunny came a-hopping back into our lives. Good to see you again, fam. :^)

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Since someday we all won't be here, with likely noone to remember, I'll just post in here in case someone might ;) 

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I'm still around -- I just suck at forums these days, especially since I'm still bad at expressing myself in easily digestible ways to most people. (And I'm more political than some would like.)


But I'm always game to talk about stuff.

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  • 1 month later...

I miss Ajora/@[McD] James. I found him pretty entertaining as our resident fast-food connoisseur and how he knew how to bring some interesting and fun topics to the Everything Else subforum. I hope he comes back some day.

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Reading through this really brings home the sense of community here. It's 'ing awesome!.


I've only been here a couple of years, but I definitely notice absences over the last few months, particularly @P41R47. I guess many people (like me certainly) found it really easy to be very active during lockdown and are finding it much harder to be so active recently mow that RL(tm) is back.


Anyway, best wishes to all, past or present, in this amazing community.

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Although I joined in early 2008 I never really had interactions with a lot of members. (and went by the name Archvile78 for a while) 

Most I did is the original "Post your DOOM pictures" thread, a concept that gets remade yearly it seem. Outside of that though, no noteworthy contributions. Doesn't help I tend to vanish for a year or so occasionally. But hey, outside of some health issues a while back I'm still kicking.


Hoping people I know such as @Crunchynut44 are well. Same for @BaronOfStuff and @Katamori.

And even though I barely had interactions with him outside of one PM about mapping I hope @Dutch Doomer is well too, always loved his maps.

Edited by Shanoa

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Haven't seen BaronOfStuff (DeimosComaBlack) in a hot minute, just checked his YT though and apparently he's working on un-shittifying some D!Zone maps and porting them over to PsyDoom, so I'm glad to see he's still kicking.

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11 hours ago, Shanoa said:



Hoping people I know such as @Crunchynut44 are well. Same for @BaronOfStuff and @Katamori.

And even though I barely had interactions with him outside of one PM about mapping I hope @Dutch Doomer is well too, always loved his maps.

I still lurk around, I've got SO many unfinished maps and midis I find myself too guilty to post anything these days. I'm very well though, I hope you are too 😁

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3 minutes ago, Crunchynut44 said:

I still lurk around, I've got SO many unfinished maps and midis I find myself too guilty to post anything these days. I'm very well though, I hope you are too 😁

Fantastic to hear! Also I'll throw you the usual "they're wasted on your HDD unreleased, post your stuff" schtick. ;)

I'm hanging in there, i've been fine. 

Edited by Shanoa

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/6/2022 at 1:06 PM, Shanoa said:

Although I joined in early 2008 I never really had interactions with a lot of members. (and went by the name Archvile78 for a while) 

Most I did is the original "Post your DOOM pictures" thread, a concept that gets remade yearly it seem. Outside of that though, no noteworthy contributions. Doesn't help I tend to vanish for a year or so occasionally. But hey, outside of some health issues a while back I'm still kicking.


Hoping people I know such as @Crunchynut44 are well. Same for @BaronOfStuff and @Katamori.



Glad you're still between us, stay healthy! I really appreciated the picture posting idea back then, still an amazing feat to this day.


Personally I'm still fine, there were tough years but it's still refreshing to jump in every once in a while.

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On 7/5/2022 at 4:58 PM, smeghammer said:

Reading through this really brings home the sense of community here. It's 'ing awesome!.


I've only been here a couple of years, but I definitely notice absences over the last few months, particularly @P41R47. I guess many people (like me certainly) found it really easy to be very active during lockdown and are finding it much harder to be so active recently mow that RL(tm) is back.


Anyway, best wishes to all, past or present, in this amazing community.

P41R47 was a really encouraging and kind fella to me when I joined. I love his work with the Demonfear midi pack. Great guy, if I remember correctly he got a temp ban after an argument with a mod and decided he didn't want to come back :(


best wishes to him though, good guy. 



Also, @Stupid Bunny glad to see you active lately bud. 

Edited by Dusty_Rhodes

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4 hours ago, Katamori said:


Glad you're still between us, stay healthy! I really appreciated the picture posting idea back then, still an amazing feat to this day.


Personally I'm still fine, there were tough years but it's still refreshing to jump in every once in a while.

Its fantastic to hear from you again. Whatever happened I hope you are well now.

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It truly is a wonder how long these forums have been around!


On this topic, I seem to recall Technician chose to retire from the forums in protest to something that happened, I think the banning of another user? Hven't seen him since I don't think.

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@DRM-MAN It's been a while since I've talked to him, me and him always had this running gag in which we would attempt to do a dual speedmap on discord, we never completed anything--obviously--but it was pretty fun. Unfortunately he always struggled with a lot of things, mostly unresolved issues with both of his parents - something that got worse when they passed away in early 2020--he explained to me that his absence on the forum was because of this--he never really processed it correctly. His 42nd birthday marked the day he relapsed into his long time battle with depression. We talked one last time via discord before he left the internet entirely.


He may have not been the best member in the community, but he was memorable to me personally.



The Forest RP thread is when we first started talking IIRC, he DM'd me about my writing, and how I could improve it.


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I haven't been active in the doom community for a while, recently I've dipped my feet in other game genres, especially the platformer games. Really the only fps game I play now is Team Fortress 2 and Star Wars Battlefront 2. However I do still miss playing doom but I'm still having a massive burnout on the game. For about 1 year straight I forced myself to just play and play and play doom and I regret that because if I even took a break as long as a week long. I would probably still be playing doom and not be on a burnout. Somedays I might misclick on my gzdoom shortcut and look at the screen for like 20 seconds. Then I will tell myself, eh I'll just play it tomorrow. Anyways that's my story why I haven't been playing doom and haven't been online as much.

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I made the one level, got to working on another one, ran into scope creep, and then my executive function problems washed me away for a while.  Starting to feel doom stuff stirring again, so hopefully I can get back to it soon.

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On 8/15/2022 at 4:50 PM, HavoX said:

I might as well say it.


@LĂŒt hasn't been around in nearly a year. I hope he's alright..

Last i checked on Discord he was running into some personal issues, which i found rather concerning. But its difficult to get a hold of him.


Alright, some real talk:


I've been working with Lut preparing some once-very-interesting-but-now-not-so-much stuff from the old ages ready to release from Doom Millennium. I am talking about various MBF-based builds, a test level, what have you, including source code.


Everything's there, just the one level that runs on most historic builds doesn't with one other. Lut wanted to get that ready and as such i have been holding off because i know people have severely misused his trust back in the days. Speaking of trust: The Thrust TC beta was also given by him to me as he was practically the only other DW user who had that. Same intentions, prepare it for archival on /idgames.


Its been so long now (I am talking years) that from time to time i am contemplating just finishing it up and putting it out there. Given the circumstances, i reckon Lut wouldn't mind, but still, i prefer a go ahead than a (slight) risk on disagreement..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a while since I've seen Zalewa and pinchy... I believe pinchy moved on to quake mapping, from what I've been told, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Enjay hasn't been here since the beginning of January. I recall he had a Youtube channel, but I can't seem to find it.


Also, Marveller, he just disappeared one day. Thankfully, most of his videos were archived and reuploaded.

Edited by Artman2004

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I think the following aren't members of Doomworld per se (although I don't have a way to be 100% sure) but I'm still going to mention them because either they were very interested in anything Doom and/or had probably many people from these forums following their work on YouTube:


GalleyUK - Did gameplay videos of Doom, Half-Life, Quake and Quake 2, amongst others (like Redneck Rampage). He would play the games on at least hard difficulty and would play extensively through them, trying to find all secrets in a level and so. He would also play expansions/mission packs and sometimes even mods (like Malice for Quake). One day his channel vanished for reasons that puzzle me and a few friends as well, because he was doing really good on the platform and his work was nothing short of excellent so we really weren't expecting it. Recently, I was surprised to see that the Quake Wiki still had links to his playthrough series.


44DemonSlayer - He used to be a friend of mine, he played a couple of my Doom levels and his channel was almost exclusively dedicated to Doom (both old and new). I found out about his passing almost five years ago, not long after it happened. It shocked me because he was still very young, and the way I got the news was through searching his profile on Facebook and seeing that his account had been memorialized. His name was Luke and he was from New Jersey.


On 9/19/2022 at 1:48 PM, Artman2004 said:

Enjay hasn't been here since the beginning of January. I recall he had a Youtube channel, but I can't seem to find it.


Also, Marveller, he just disappeared one day. Thankfully, most of his videos were archived and reuploaded.


I knew Marv, somewhat. I was on his Discord server and I also had him on Steam. He was from Argentina like me...but I don't know his reasons to delete/deactivate his channel. He in fact did a video featuring my mod (Blood: Dead on Arrival) which is how I met him and I'm glad that it was eventually reuploaded.

Edited by MrFroz

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On 9/19/2022 at 6:48 PM, Artman2004 said:

Enjay hasn't been here since the beginning of January. I recall he had a Youtube channel, but I can't seem to find it.


Also, Marveller, he just disappeared one day. Thankfully, most of his videos were archived and reuploaded.

Enjay is a regular on ZDoom forums though.

His YT: https://youtube.com/user/Enjay001

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