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Teleport Closets: Back to Basics and Science

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Great thread. I've got a simple question about monster hitboxes and teleports. How much of the hitbox needs to pass over a teleport line for the warp to trigger? Especially with large enemies like the Mastermind and making closets for them.

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9 minutes ago, Spectre01 said:

Great thread. I've got a simple question about monster hitboxes and teleports. How much of the hitbox needs to pass over a teleport line for the warp to trigger? Especially with large enemies like the Mastermind and making closets for them.

It's their centre point. So when their exact middle passes the line they teleport

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13 minutes ago, Spectre01 said:

Great thread. I've got a simple question about monster hitboxes and teleports. How much of the hitbox needs to pass over a teleport line for the warp to trigger? Especially with large enemies like the Mastermind and making closets for them.

You can use as little as 1mu for basically everything, if you want to be on the safe side of things. This one here does that, and it works on -cl 2 as well as -cl -1, so anything from nilla to MBF: bigwarps.zip (weird how the tron is always a mite later than the rest)


As for the minimum, I guess I can try and just experiment a little bit this weekend. While giving it a quick look, I noticed things still show up really quickly when the teleport linedef is slightly less than 3/8ths inside a manc or SMM for example, but I can't give a definitive answer right now, sorry. I wouldn't be surprised if this has something to do with the size of a monster's minimum increment of movement, but this is just me speculating, so take it with a grain of salt.


I'll look into it though, perhaps using PrB+'s slow-mo feature might come in handy here.

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Tutorials like this are very important in a community which has come to largely share specific aspects of map construction via word of mouth. More of this pls

Edited by Marcaek

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57 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Note that the engine will only make use of one teleport destination per sector (and it's gonna stick to that destination no matter what!), whereas "mapspots" (ZDoom and UDMF) have their own tag which allows for several functioning "destinations" inside a single sector.

Sorry to barge in, little digression: using generic "map spots" for teleport destination is a heavily discouraged practice, even in ZDoom. You're still supposed to use the regular teleport destinations (thing type 14).


Other than that, yes, in Doom format only sectors (and, kinda sorta, lines) can have tags. In Hexen format and UDMF, things can have tags too, including teleport destination things. Thing tags are usually called TID (Thing ID) to distinguish them from sector tags.


If a tag is given but a TID isn't (which will, by definition, always be the case in Doom format maps), the teleport will always be to the first teleport destination thing found while scanning through the tagged sectors. If a non-zero TID is given, the teleport will be in a random teleport destination with the relevant TID. You can also give both a non-zero tag and a non-zero TID, the teleport will be in a random destination matching the given TID and located in a sector matching the given tag.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Super useful guide NiN, thanks!  There's a lot of nuance to teleport closets it's easy to overlook.


I've been developing an alternative approach to monster teleport closets recently, an approach I call the 'absolute overkill' method.  It looks a little like this:




The trick is to have 300 teleport lines for every monster.  Or more if you can.   Granted it's the most sector-inefficient thing in the entire world, but if the aim is to empty the monster closet as fast as physically possible, with no care for the order that the monsters teleport, it works like a charm.

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Glad you found it useful.


8 minutes ago, Bauul said:

The trick is to have 300 teleport lines for every monster.  Or more if you can.

As for your approach, if it's like a handful of monsters, or maybe dozen, it's gonna work perfectly fine. The problem with bigger numbers in these cases is that it can cause "stuttering", sometimes even on good machines.


If too many monsters make checks for destinations at the same time, the game has trouble keeping up (no multicore support for the "gamesim", etc), so excessive linedef-spam is ill-advised for bigger encounters, where several dozen or even hundreds of things compete for the same target destination.


Such a "brute-force-method" is best used cautiously, is all I'm saying.

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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  • 1 month later...

OMG Thank you so much for this thread! It definitely solved a few mysteries for me and also there's not too much information about this on the internet. Except a few threads here on Doomworld. Everyone's got different answers and techniques. What you wrote was clear and fantastic.

Looks like there are 4 main ways to spawn in monsters: 

1.visual cue (monster sees Doomguy through a hidden hole in the wall and then walks over teleport line. )

2.sound cue (monster hears Doomguy / gunfire through a hidden tube in the wall and then walks over teleport line. )

3.   joined sector cue (monster hears Doomguy / gunfire through an adjacent sector that shares another sector in the map; and then walks over teleport line. )

4.   linedef + scrolling floor cue (Doomguy walks over a linedef which makes the floor of a monster closet move and push the monsters into a teleport line.)


I'm writing to ask about the "linedef + scrolling floor cue" because it's the best form for me, in terms of control. I'm having a problem with it though: monsters aren't being teleported. They are being moved over the teleport line but they aren't teleporting. Can't figure it out except maybe its because they aren't "woken up" (aware of Doomguy's presence.) Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

To be clear: Ambush is turned off. There is adequate sector space. The floor is scrolling correctly when I walk over the linedef. I can successfully spawn monsters using the other methods (above). I have tried when monster walks over and also when monster bumps linedef.

Can't figure it out. Thx for the replies.

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@PeterMoro I chose not to cover scroller based setups in this guide simply because it's a concept that justifies a topic of its own, and this guide here already turned out to be quite an extensive one.

In most cases the reason why scrolled monsters do not teleport is due to their target destination being blocked. So they scroll over the linedef, make a check for an open spot, find none, and then that's it... Unless the scroller you're using "loops", like for example by teleporting monsters that didn't make a successful check back to the start of the conveyor, so they get another chance each time they end up being blocked from entering the map. This is also why teleporting larger numbers of monsters via scrollers, especially when you have only very few target destinations, is usually ill-advised. IMO scrolling monsters over teleport lines is best used in cases where you want things to do their "wake-up yell" near the player, or to prevent cases that can occur where players simply don't shoot at all.

All that being said, you could still use looping setups to do the job, but I would highly recommend not doing any exotic kinds of setups like you can find in eviternity, where monsters are basically standing on a sort of carousel. Straight line scrollers, with backup loops is one way to do it, the other would be for example boom's "acceleration scrollers", where the floor scrolls when the height of a control sector changes. Keep in mind though that you want to avoid situations where a large number of things (like a few hundreds at once) makes checks during the same gametic, because it can cause stuttering due to how the gamesim only runs on a single CPU-core, regardless of sourceport used.

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Thanks for the detailed reply! Yes, I understand how spawning multiple monsters in the same gametic would likely crash the sourceport (especially on my crappy PC). Definitely gunna avoid that. 

Unfortunately none of your advice solves my dilemma. The monsters are being moved over the line but not spawning. Worst of all, I'm sure the solution is totally simple but I just can't figure it out. These screenshots might help:

(*This is not my actual gameplay map, this is a separate map to practise spawning)


Edit:I just noticed the screenshots say the teleport is silent (71). That's an error but in any case, normal teleport (70) makes no difference.


UDMF experiments at 2020.03.27 15-46-37.762 [R3107].jpg

UDMF experiments at 2020.03.27 15-46-27.209 [R3107].jpg

UDMF experiments at 2020.03.27 15-46-13.325 [R3107].jpg

UDMF experiments at 2020.03.27 15-46-05.772 [R3107].jpg

UDMF experiments at 2020.03.27 15-45-49.808 [R3107].jpg

Edited by PeterMoro

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On a cursory look "when monster bumps" isn't what you should be using. "Bump" literally means moving up to a line that immediately stops/alters thing movement. So anything monsters can just walk over won't count as a "bump". Walkover triggers are the way to go here. Also, monsters will never bump anything unless they're being pushed/scrolled up to something, so bumping is quite unreliable, and best used when something is meant to affect players rather than monsters, IMO.


Not sure about the linedef with that tag 2, but scrolling south looks fine to me. I wouldn't use "when player walks over", however. Permanent scrollers usually work better, and you can just block monsters with lowered ceiling pieces which raise when players cross a particular line in the map.


I'm not 100% sure how UDMF handles the multiplayer flag, but in general things that are there in single player should also be there in multiplayer, so I'd remove that flag from the tele-dest and see if it makes a difference.

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SOLVED! @Nine Inch Heels Thank you for your input! The problem was in fact when monster bumps and i changed it when monster walks over. Now they teleport in just fine. I must have tried 100 combinations except that one. Doh. oh well, glad to have it figured out. Cheers.

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