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the megawad called MEGAWAD?


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Guys and girls, i was researching some old sites for Doom stuffs, and i found this one while checking Doomwiki: 


This is the page that Nathan Lineback, the author behind Mars War use in the old days. What is Mars War? Well,  an awesome (old standars) vanilla megawad for Doom 2 that was practically ignored for a long time until our good old Xaser found it and uploaded it to /idgames.

Well in this page, if you scroll down a little, there is a megawad for Doom (yes, not Ultimate Doom) called MEGAWAD.wad (hilarious!) that, supposely, its a compilation of ''good know maps by the community'', as Nathan Lineback himself said in his page.

Unfortunately, there is no .txt in the .zip along the megawad MEGAWAD (hahahaha) so its really difficult to know from where are this maps.
Anyone know or recognize them?
All that i know is that the status bar is from Invasion series by Andy Chen and Claude Martins, and it was somehow, a popular megawad back in the old days .

Well hope you can help me, guys!

Some random screenies from the megawad MEGAWAD (HAHAHAHAHA):



EDIT: Here is the information that @Memfis and @Never_Again compiled in a similar thread.
What its in need of clarification now its the music used in the megawad called MEGAWAD.WAD (HAHAHAHAAHA)

E1M1 — BRAVE.WAD d-f/dmbrav.zip
E1M2 — DJW11.WAD d-f/djw11wad.zip
E1M3 — MAZE1.WAD a-c/amazed.zip
E1M9 — PANIC!.WAD p-r/panic.zip
E1M4 — THEKEEP2.WAD s-u/thekeep2.zip
E1M5 — DANCDETH.WAD d-f/dancdeth.zip
E1M6 — RIKER11.WAD p-r/riker11.zip
E1M7 — E1M1SAS.WAD d-f/e1m1sas.zip
E1M8 — JADML1M1.WAD deathmatch/j-l/jadml1m1.zip (expanded version)

E2M1 — STONES.WAD s-u/stones.zip (alt version?)
E2M2 — RS_OOZI.WAD p-r/rs_oozi.zip
E2M3 — REDRUM.WAD p-r/redrum.zip
E2M4 — PROCESSR.WAD p-r/processr.zip
E2M5 — JOHANN1.WAD /j-l/johann1.zip
E2M9 — remake of Wolf3D E1M1 (also in MarsWar as MAP31)
E2M6 — PUREEVIL.WAD p-r/pureevil.zip
E2M7 — TREE2.WAD s-u/tree2.zip
E2M8 — JAL_DM1.WAD j-l/jal_dm1.zip

E3M1 — TTADOM11.WAD s-u/ttadom11.zip
E3M2 — OUTLAND.WAD m-o/outland.zip
E3M3 — XENO11.WAD v-z/xeno11.zip
E3M4 — UAC_DEAD.WAD s-u/uac_dead.zip
E3M5 — CORTYR_B.WAD a-c/cortyr_b.zip
E3M6 — GOTCHA3.WAD g-i/gotcha3.zip
E3M9 — ACASTLE2.WAD a-c/acastle2.zip
E3M7 — OPOST21.WAD m-o/opost21.zip
E3M8 — ARENA.WAD Ports/d-f/dmarena.zip

Edited by P41R47
Similar thread with information / added information about status bar base on clarification provided by NIGHTMARE

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The status bar is actually from the Invasion series by Andy Chen and Claude Martins, rather than Paul Fleschute's Invasion.

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51 minutes ago, NiGHTMARE said:

The status bar is actually from the Invasion series by Andy Chen and Claude Martins, rather than Paul Fleschute's Invasion.


At least, IT WAS from an Invasion, hahaha.

Thanks for the clarification, @NiGHTMARE

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