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What's the best time to make a wad?

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1 hour ago, Magicana said:

There is nothing stopping you from opening Doom Builder right now and making something. I lied, there is one thing. Yourself.

I know, I'm super hesitant. I'm also not very smart, honestly.

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10 hours ago, Skullhacker said:

People have had mapping trouble since the very beginning of Doom mapping. Today we ask the age old questions: what is the best time to make a map? How should you make one? And why should you make one?

Who should map? Anyone who has basic knowledge of a computer 

When? NOW.

With? Anything that makes maps, or can CREATE .wad files.

Where? Anywhere.

Why? It's cool.
How? Blast HOME: Resonance 10 hours, get your stuff ready, have some snacks, (prefferably pizza, cos thats 90s as FUCK) and get mappin'!

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A couple hours after work or on weekends is when I get most of my room and area design work done and then I do texture alignments and error checking type work in the morning.

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Well if my dog can make maps, surely anyone can. There isn't really a "best" time to make maps or how to make a map, just do what you think suits you. In terms of software, there are many choices such as GZDoom Builder, and if you really want to go old-school, WadAuthor. I personally use Doom Builder 2, a little old but still works like a charm. And Why should you make a Doom map? Because why not! We don't have long here on planet Earth so you might as well do something instead of sitting on yer lazy arse! Not only do we share interests and hobbies, it may act as a gateway to game designing. :D

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I think it helps to have a few hours free, so you can really get into it. I've you've got a decent start, then you can chip away at finishing it in little windows of spare time.

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