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Nightmare : Why it was NEVER meant to be played

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Doom is notoriously known as literally being difficult as hell. But then there's NIGHTMARE! mode. Everyone has played it at some point, and if you haven't, you have no life in you.

This thread will be about Doom's NIGHTMARE! mode and why it was never meant to be played.

I had a hard time playing E1M3 on NIGHTMARE. I spent 2 hours trying to beat it, only to fail. John Carmack must not have any pity for people who play on NIGHTMARE and say it's too hard.


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Nightmare difficulty is literally a meme in that it was literally created to spite those who complain that Doom is too easy, and creates a whole new challenge:


You're no longer trying to kill everything like in an action movie; the game has suddenly become survival horror in that nothing stays dead and you’re left to conserve and manage your resources in order to survive.


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Beat Doom Eps. 1-3 on Nightmare! back in the 1.2 exe days, but I never bothered to try Ep. 4 after i got the update. Doom 2 is close to unplayable on Nightmare! as well, at least for me. It's a novelty feature, people.

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The Nightmare difficulty is there to remind you that you haven't truly mastered Doom yet, not even Knee deep in the Dead, and also to make you feel like you're wimping out for choosing UV.


Major respect for players who have beaten this mode. I haven't.

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  On 1/19/2020 at 5:37 AM, TheNoob_Gamer said:
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Some people do very much play on Nightmare, but back when id added it, it was essentially to troll players who said Doom was too easy. id didn't envision it as a serious difficult setting, hence zero balance whatsoever to account for it.

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I'm still only just stumbling my way through Ultra-Violence. I'd get my ass torn to shreds on E1M1 in Nightmare mode.

Interesting how people turned Nightmare into a whole set of speedrun categories.


Side note, how do you get 100% kills in Nightmare? Does it end up with an overflowing percentage like the Icon of Sin fight usually does?

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  On 1/19/2020 at 12:41 PM, TheNoob_Gamer said:

To be fair, some trivial facts on the outdated Doomwiki are nowhere to be found on the real one.



Yeah, ironically the Fandom one has some bits of info that are missing, I've added some bits myself not long ago.


But anyway, yeah better stick to Doomwiki, it's much higher quality overall, actively updated, and also moderated by folks around here.

Edited by seed

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Nightmare seemed like a too sudden jump in difficulty. I would have preferred if there was an inbetween mode where the monsters are as fast as in NM but don't teleport again (I know there must be a fast monsters options somewhere).

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Plutonia. Nightmare. Default keyboard-only controls.

Just imagine the sheer horror.

Edited by Allard

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Guest Unregistered account
  On 1/19/2020 at 1:01 PM, Optimus said:

Nightmare seemed like a too sudden jump in difficulty. I would have preferred if there was an inbetween mode where the monsters are as fast as in NM but don't teleport again (I know there must be a fast monsters options somewhere).


You can use the -fast parameter on startup. This has its own speedrunning category iirc, and some people play on UV with this setting. However, I don't think it fully replicates the Nightmare fast settings, since I don't think it makes monsters react any faster like they do in Nightmare.


There's also -respawn for other variations of Not-Quite-Nightmare

Edited by Unregistered account

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  On 1/19/2020 at 6:58 AM, Rainne said:

It's like dealing with a natural disaster; if a building collapses, it doesn't do so in an artful way that carefully ensures there's some way out.


It's like trying to play a casual game of Minecraft while set on fire.

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  On 1/19/2020 at 2:31 PM, Nine Inch Heels said:


That's because maxing a map isn't required to make it to the exit, also some maps actually have "NMmax" demos. In fact, I recorded one myself.


Oh yeah, thanks for cleaning up my mind about this.

Still, there are not that many NM-Max demos from what I've seen.

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  On 1/19/2020 at 12:26 PM, Pegg said:

It Is not. The reason nightmare exists to begin with is a lot of people can autopilot the Iwads even on UV. 


Consider levels like E4M1, E4M2, E4M6 and E4M8. Also consider Tnt Evilution and Plutonia. Also consider stuff like Sunlust and Hell Revealed. I know that Doom is pretty easy if you've played it for a long time, but there are lots of popular megawads that defined Doom for us and gave it the reputation it deserves. Because of this, Doom is still one of the most brutal games ever.

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